Chapter 10: Finally Some Rest

Zu led me to my room and let me go inside alone. It was nice of her that she didn't just throw me into some cell in her ship. I assumed that this was her trying to get me to lower my guard enough to trust her.

All I had in here was a bed and an alien plant in the corner. Not much but I didn't need anything more.

I laid in the bed and let all the information I collected sink in. I memorized the route from the infirmary like room to Zu's lab. And the route from her lab to my room. Which I could tell isn't much since this ship had to be massive if it was carrying their Empress on it.

I also recalled the number of possible threats that I saw. Not including the Empress or the guard posted in front of my room I saw 48 of them. That didn't include guards, workers, or a private battalion that could easily be assigned to watch over the Empress.

Though I needed to remember that if their intent was truly to kill me then I would already be dead. I knew my capabilities but in a sheer battle of numbers against an opponent I don't know. I lose nine times out of ten.

I could hear the door open and the sound of paws clatter against the floor.

"Could you please tell him to let me go!" TOBOR cried out to me.

I looked over at Michael who seemed to enjoy his little game of fetch. But I did end up giving him a nod that he knew meant let go. Realizing TOBOR from his jaw allowing him to float up and shake the slobber off of him.

"Gross." TOBOR said.

"Didn't you find out anything while you were running around the ship?" I asked as I sat up on the bed.

"There's practically nothing in my files about anything here. From this species, to the model of their ship, or the items they have here. Though I can say for certain that their story lines up. I couldn't find anything that would suggest that they are bandits or pirates."

Meaning I can at least trust whatever Empress Tanwen has to tell me. So I should keep up the formalities and make sure I don't make any unnecessary enemies.

"I'm going to assume you two came up with an agreement?" TOBOR asked flying in closer to me.

"She's going to help me find my people. In exchange I have to teach her about humanity which is a tall order to ask from an ex-soldier." I said laying back down on the bed.

"You seem for more relaxed now. Though why would she ask that from you?"

"Well of course I'm relaxed since I know that my life at least isn't in danger. And to answer your question she hopes that I can teach her how to be a good leader for her people." I said as I allowed a bleak look to wash over my face.

"Well you were in the military so you should know something about that."

"Humans have a reputation for being a great example of what not to do compared to the opposite." I said as I sat back up. "Though I can't entirely complain about the situation since they healed Michael's leg. Isn't that right boy?" I asked as Michael tapped his feat unable to contain his happiness.

Seeing him like that I couldn't help but remember when I first found him. A pup who was barely hanging onto life. Practically crawling out of the bushes not knowing yet how to move without his fourth leg.

I may have come across him by accident but I'm glad I did. I think in that moment we both needed each other more than we ever new in that moment.

"So what's the plan now?" TOBOR asked.

"We get some rest. We'll need it for whatever is going to happen next. Especially since I have to figure out how to be a teacher." I said as I laid back down in the bed.

TOBOR flew across the room and landed next to the plant in the room. While Micheal jumped up on the bed to sleep next to me.

I slept longer than I usually do and it might of been because of the bed. This was the first time in maybe over ten years that I slept in a bed. Though it didn't prevent me from waking up earlier than everyone else.

I quietly got out of my bed and made my way out of the room. Where the guard stationed to watch over me stood.

I couldn't gauge how tall she was compared to Zu since she wore heels the last time I saw her. But this guard had the same dark skin that all the others had. She wore an all white suit that covered the same amount of skin as if she wore a one-piece. With no armor attached anywhere on her. Looking completely plain and boring compared to Zu's attire but somehow just as visually appealing. Though the largest thing that set them apart from both having the same white hair, amber eyes, and dark skin. Was that her hair was cut to her shoulders and her horns formed a circular shape around her head.

"Looks like you're well rested." She said bluntly.

"I am. My names Tadao Mishiki and I'm glad to be in your care." I said politely putting out my hand for a hand shake.

Instead she decided to leave me hanging and just stare at me coldly. Almost as if she was deciding if she should kill me now or ignore the pitiful creature in front of her. Or at least that's what I got from those eyes of her's.

"So where should I go first?" I asked her as I returned my hand.

"You're first going to get dressed. You're far too disgusting to teach the Empress in your current state. Then I will take you to the designated room for her studies. After that we shall see what the Empress decides." She said with a voice that almost seemed void of emotion.