Human Pin

I looked ahead to find Abigail walking briskly towards us, accompanied by the Royal Seamstress.

My stomach dropped. I knew what that meant.

I did my best not to let it show on my face when the two women met us in the hallway and turned me around, hustling me in the other direction, while Ash wheeled to follow.

"We're very sorry to disturb your evening, Lady Zara," the seamstress said with a small smile. "But it's very important."

"We have a day off tomorrow," I said hopefully as Abigail took my elbow and pulled me back towards the stairs. "Couldn't we—"

"I'm afraid not. We may need you tomorrow as well," the Seamstress said firmly, planting a hand between my shoulder blades and pushing me along with Abigail. For a servant, she was very… assuming.