Crimson Dye

Only one chapter tonight (a long one) but there will be three more tomorrow! Thank you for all your support! (Added after publication so you aren't charged for the words.) 


~ DAVID ~ 

"Highness?" The dark, gruff voice snapped me out of a nightmare playing out in my head in which I was burying Zara before I'd had the chance to marry her. I sucked in a breath and lifted my face from my hands to find Stark standing over my chair, holding a thick mug out for me.

I immediately got to my feet, starting for the now-unlocked door, but Stark slapped a hand to my chest and gave me a warning look, holding the mug up and tipping his chin toward it.

I took it reluctantly and swallowed a mouthful, then winced. "Oh, dear God," I croaked.

Stark huffed. A normal man would have smiled. "Mardie insisted."

Mardie was the Royal Nurse. It was one of her tinctures, a concoction she insisted broke the grip of shock.