Fading Away 

~ ZARA ~

The next couple of days were surreal. I spent them walking through the routine, attending everything I was supposed to attend, responding the best I could to every request or question, then sleeping away the afternoons while Ash hovered and glowered and David didn't call for me to come to his quarters.

I knew why. He'd explained. And I knew it was real.

That first night, after the dinner meal when we were all lingering, the two women who'd joined me in a conversation with David were both called to a fitting at the same time. I was left with David, only Stark, stone-faced over his shoulder. In hushed, pleading whispers he'd explained. We had to be seen to be apart. Let the watchers think that I hadn't been injured as seriously as everyone thought. Let them see him be distracted and preoccupied with other duties, other women.