Oh, Brother


"Stark, have you located Lady Zara?" I asked quietly and as calmly as I could.

Stark stayed his expressionless self, though I knew he always felt the tension in me.

"I have two guards on it," he said. "She's been seen by several tonight, and Agatha's complaining about her. Fear not, David, it's a crush down there. We'll find her. She hasn't left the room. We have guards at every door. I checked."

"David, fucking focus!" Erik snapped. "The more important question right now is what you're going to do about those sorcery bastards," he said, quietly but firmly. "The longer they think you're casting a blind eye to them, the bolder they'll become."

"They're already beyond bold," I growled, still scanning the ballroom below. "Did you not hear me: Murder, Erik. Two successfully, one attempted, since you've been gone."

"Then you're just proving my point! There's no more time!"