Impossible You – Part 2

~ ZARA (moments earlier) ~

I raised my hands and took a slow step back from him. "Ash… what are you doing?"

"I'm doing what I always fucking do," he snarled in a whisper. "I'm saving you." His voice was thick, grim.

"No, Ash. I'm going home, remember? You can take me—"

"This is your home." Those words were rich with unequivocal certainty... and deadly warning.

I'd been so focused on Ash, quivering with fear, so uncertain what was happening with him, to terrified even to consider what the answer might be. Yet, somehow, when that voice interrupted us, my heart knew it even before my mind could register that I knew that voice. Knew David's voice. It was my place of safety, the voice that soothed me. So, when I turned, it was with hope and frantic need, to find him because he was the north on my compass.
