Confessions and Questions – Part 6

~ ZARA ~

I recoiled from her, stumbling back a step, my bones going cold. "You… you murdered people… three times?"

She shook her head and glared at me like I was an idiot. "No, Zara," she hissed. "But they did. They use the… the power that comes from that to send whoever they want. Death, after death, after death. I don't know how they do it, and I don't want to. Because I've already died three times, and who knows how many more times I'm going to have to—because you won't fucking leave this alone.

"Well, you can carry it now, too: Every time one of us goes over there—who aren't Dreamers—someone else has to die. And these people treat that like buying a bus ticket. There… are you happy?"

I stared at her, a sick dread curling in my stomach. "You can't be serious?"