The Defender – Part 2

~ ZARA ~

My father and Ash spoke for a good twenty minutes then, my father querying and Ash filling him in on his more recent responsibilities.

I couldn't even take in the details of names and locations, because I was just staring at Ash. Avid. Nervous. Fascinated. Scared.

It was clear that, first and foremost, his loyalty lay with my father. He was admittedly vowed to the King of Arinel—David. And yet, it was equally clear that he placed himself at my father's feet—and gladly.

Ash wasn't just ambitious… he was intentionally feeding my father's ego, ingratiating himself.

Who was I kidding, he was kissing my father's ass, lips puckered and a smile on his face—doing everything he could to make certain my father knew that he'd serve loyally and eagerly. I was stunned.