~ ZARA ~
Ash chuckled, teasing me about my seat on the horse and I couldn't help but laugh. It had been so long since I'd seen this side of him.
It reminded me of that day when we'd gone riding with the Select, when he and I and David went walking together.
We had just walked past several of the other women, who were spread out over large blankets, mostly in the shade of the big Weeping Willow, when a feminine voice rose from my right.
"Your Highness! Your Highness! You must come try this Spotted Dick! I've just discovered it and I love it!"
David turned to face the woman just as the giggles hit me and I spat my water in a spray so wide it created a rainbow before it reached the grass.
"Are you quite well, Lady Zara?" David asked tightly, his expression completely blank. Ash gaped at me, but I saw the twinkle in his eye.