Finding Courage – Part 1


I sat at the table in the Advisor's Council, glaring at David, fucking furious.

The table was able to seat twelve, but there were only four of us here—David, Erik, Caspar, and me. The table was wide and round, supposedly a symbol of the equality of the men who took their seats at it. The David I'd known as ruler for the past eight years had always treated it so. He'd traditionally brought us here to listen and discuss.

Not today.

Today we did battle.

Caspar and David against Erik and I. Which was laughable.

It was as if the twins had exchanged hearts. Before, I'd always been the leash on Erik's neck while he pressed David towards recklessness. David, patient with his brother, was never given to the same, "Try it and see what happens," mentality.

Before, Caspar had always been a voice of careful reason.

Yet, here we were… David, with Caspar urging him on, roaring ahead despite the cautions from me and Erik.