The Sly King


Five days after his abandoned wedding, apparent death, and miraculous rebirth, I entered David's study late in the night.

A fire crackled in the hearth, and only one lamp was lit in the corner. But the King sat on the couch before the fire, his head in his hands.

I hadn't even greeted him yet, but he spoke quietly without lifting his head.

"How is she?"

I sighed and went to stand in front of him, but he still didn't look up.

"She's… as you would imagine. Frightened. Confused. Uncertain…"

"Does she remain unhurt?"

"The Guard injured her shoulder in chambers the other day. She's dealing with some pain from that, but it's improving. Slowly."

David's fingers clawed into his hair until his knuckles turned white. But he didn't look up at me.