Awaken Love – Part 2 

~ ASH ~

Lizbeth's face was a picture of stern resolve as she huffed like she was irritated.

"I didn't make those vows to make this legal," she muttered. "I wanted you. I want you. Ash… I am afraid. But I am not afraid of you. I only… I know how this goes. I do not want to bring my fear to you—you're my husband. I want you to be my husband in every way. But wait? No. Not if you're still determined to go to the Palace. I cannot… I cannot fathom losing you without having known you."

"You aren't going to lose me, Liz—"

"You don't know that!" she gave a little stamp of her foot, and in any other circumstance I would have smiled, might have laughed. Certainly would have teased her. But the tears pricking her eyes were real. Her shallow breath wasn't drawn out of desire. Yet she pressed herself against me.