Always Forgiven

~ ZARA ~

As soon as I got my laughter under control, I looked back around the corner, then tensed.

David was staring up the stairs and looking like he might actually take me up on the bedchamber, which I hadn't expected, so I hurriedly gestured to Dara, who knew where I was and was looking uncertainly at me over her shoulder.

"What are you going to do?" Emory hissed.

"I'm going to find out just how committed their father is to taking this trip alone with his wife that he's been promising for three years," I said dryly. "I told Dara if she can get him to promise her that she can come, I'll give her a new pony."

Lizbeth gasped, "You didn't!

"I did. He's so strong with everyone else—including me. Yet, she bats her eyelashes at him and he turns into a puddle at her feet. It's sickening. She's going to be spoiled rotten if he doesn't get some kind of restraint with her."

"Like her mother, you mean?" Emory chortled.