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The Arkham soldiers face suddenly turned as pale as a sheet of paper as a man appeared running towards them and brandishing his sword.


A frightening explosion occurred and the ground was cut apart along with the man who tried to defend against the blow.

With a single slash, Alex cleared a line of soldiers and halted them from advancing.

As they came to a standstill and tried to observe the enemy, Alexs image blurred and leaving behind after images, he appeared right before them and swung his sword.




Groaning sounds echoed and cuts started to appear at their vital points and they started to lose their lives and fall to the ground one by one with a thud.


The enemies stiffened for a moment seeing Alex coming out of nowhere alone like a lonely hero but it only lasted for a moment and they surged towards him but all of them were killed by a slash.

Alex, who had their blood splattered on him, went into the gap created due to their death without flinching back and cutting them down.

Nevertheless, it was a hazardous situation since Alex was alone and Arkham soldiers started to surround him from all sides trying to cut off all his doors to the retreat.

They rushed from all sides like waves of tides yet Alex was untouched and not a single attack of theirs was able to pierce through his defences.

Sometimes, the spears and swords went as close as hair breath and made it look as if it was going to pierce him but everything thrown at him was blocked at the last moment.

Alex felt a strong shot coming from the back and he sidestepped and swung his sword all around, taking a roundabout spin while raising his left hand.


A strong gust followed shockwaves emitted as Alex held the spear that was thrust towards him.

Strong coercion occurred due to the clash which tried to push him back.

Alex stared at the Transcendent rank warrior who had a horrified expression as he wasnt able to pull back the spear from Alexs grasp.

It was as if the spear had been struck by a pair of pincers.

Alex then snatched and pulled the spear towards him.

The mans body jolted and twirled as it was suddenly pulled towards Alex.

The man took out a dagger and raised the small dagger trying to thrust it into Alexs shoulder but Alexs hands moved fast and with a swift movement, he chopped off his head.

And once he did that, he pulled back the spear and lunged forward while throwing the spear towards the enemy.

The spear emanated a bright light and shot like a missile.

With the force, Alex threw the spear, it went past the chest of five men making a bloody hole and struck at the chest of an Epic rank. Though he was not killed, the injury was surely life-threatening.

Alex landed straight ahead of the Arkham soldiers and attacked the other enemies in the vicinity.


The man at the front raised his shield to defend but this shield collapsed due to the hit of Alexs sword and the recoil caused everyone in the vicinity to be hit by a shockwave and send them flying.

Many tried to form a formation to defend themselves by raising their shield while the swordsman tried to pierce Alex, through the gap in the formation.

But Alex was just like a mad bull and after gathering all his momentum, he threw himself towards the formation while brandishing his sword with all his strength.

The formations collapsed as if it was made of a sheet of paper and those who tried to defend his attack were hit by a strong burst of shockwaves and their body was bounced after hitting the ground.

The enemies tried to counterattack and give their all to take him down but none one of them was able to touch a single strand of his air.

Alex continued to advance leaving behind a river of blood and corpses.

He blocked, dodged or attacked the enemies in the vicinity while moving forward and his steps werent halted or pushed back no matter what kind of enemies appeared before him.

Alexs slaughter was starting to get noticed by other soldiers close to the gates and when many realised that a threat had appeared which was disrupting the present scenario, they decided to rush in to kill him from all sides.

When Alex appeared through the crowd, he killed a batch of 40 soldiers without much effort.

As all of them were at the Master ranks, none of them paid so much attention before and just thought of him as astrong Transcendent rank who was going to be worn out soon after dealing with a couple of enemies.

But soon, the 40 became 50 then 80 and it went past a hundred quickly and all of it happened without Alex suffering a single wound.

What was more frightening than this was that his swings were getting faster and faster with time.

As he delved deeper into the horde of enemies, his momentum seemed to be increasing at every step he took.

They were bewildered to see him going on like this and there was also no hint of exhaustion evident on his face.

His stamina should start to decrease and he should start showing signs of tiredness but contrary to this, he was getting faster and filled with vigour and seeing this, Arkham soldiers face dyed with terror and fear.




Deathly whines were ringing at regular intervals throughout the places as they started to scream in pain and agony

Stop that man!

Take him down. Try to trap him and surround him with weapons.

A series of commands were issued one after another.

Loud shouts and calls could be heard from the opposite side.

The Arkham soldiers were already in a state of panic. They didnt know who issued the command but they moved quickly to obey the command as soon as they heard it.

They tried to surround Alex but Alex blew them away with wind blades and strong gusts of wind.

Archers tried to sneak attack him from afar but a barrier appeared out of nowhere and protected him from the onslaught of arrows.

The weariness of Arkham Soldiers towards Alex was increasing rapidly and everyone started to realise slowly that a monster that had been hungry for blood had been let loose.

The situation was starting to change slowly all because of a single man advancing alone taking everything head-on.

Alex was killing 6-8 men per minute and his kill count seemed to reach 200 and was increasing rapidly.

The huge mass of soldiers, this number might be small but coming from a single man terrified them greatly.

The soldiers who were courageous enough and thought him of nothing but a mere ant trying his best to avoid his fate were now cold corpses lying here and there on the battlefield.

But all of them didnt know this wasnt even the beginning.

Alex till now hadnt even used aura or any strong spells to attack. Except for using mana to cast the defensive spell to protect himself from sneak attacks and hidden dangers, he hadnt even spent his large reserves of mana which had been lying partially untouched.

Every kill was done by a simple, precise and most importantly typical swing of his sword.

This was the first time he was fighting a proper battle like an ordinary soldier without trying to wipe out everyone from existence using brute force.

He was trying to save mana and stamina as much as possible as it was going to be a long-drawn battle in which he had to persist till the end.

He was currently in the defence line trying to clear the Arkham soldiers who were able to pass through the gates all his allies were nearby and some of Kinleys soldiers were at the front and in this scenario, if he started to go boom, boom now, not only the walls along with the ground would collapse but many soldiers from his side would be injured as well.

And this wasnt a normal place filled with ants who could be swept out easily. It was going to be a prolonged battle and If he exhausted his stamina and mana soon, he was just asking to be killed and trampled by the enemy.

Battles like this may go on for days so he needs to preserve himself and fight properly without showing off.

Yet this simple decision of his was sending chills down everyone.

His assault was quite brutal and soldiers were dying even before they could react properly.

While the enemies were starting to get scared out of their wits, his troops who have known him for a long time were anticipating him to show some strong firepower and change tides in one fellow sweep.

Meanwhile, they were also not lacking behind their master in any way.

If Alex was the ultra-pro max version of the monster, they were also considered as a mini monster and were in a league of their own.

The hundred soldiers were personally trained by him. All of them slaughtered their way towards Alex trying to keep up with him but Alex seemed to get further away from them.

Under Riyas sharp survey, none of them were in a life and death crisis.Riya was around their periphery and taking out those who posed any threat to them.

Alex knew he couldnt stop and he couldnt afford a moment of carelessness here.

By pushing everything in the front, he was setting an example for the soldiers of Kinley while on the other side, he was trying to evoke fear in the minds of the soldiers of Arkham.

He wants to break their minds due to a sense of hopelessness and fear while showing his domination and superiority as a warrior.

Thats why even though he was surrounded, he didnt fall back or wait for his troops to catch on. He needs to make a path for his troops and make a path for them to follow.

And that wasnt the end of it, Alexs soldiers were also different from normal soldiers. They were also in a league of monsters of their own.

Even before a huge mass of enemies, they were utterly unfazed and following Alexs example, they showed the other side the true meaning of terror.

Max who led the onslaught swung the huge axe and along with the overwhelming force of his swings, anything that came into his radius was cut into half.

The enemies tried to stab their spears at Max from afar but as soon as the tip of the spear touched the axe, the spear either split or burst into pieces.

The pieces of weapons hitting the axe exploded and were sent back flying towards the user which was enough to injure them.

Even the members of the battalions who followed Max were keeping a safe distance of ten metres away from him as they feared that this madman might kill them for real.

Meanwhile, Aeon was following Alexs footsteps and making his way gracefully. He had always observed Alexs swordsmanship.

He couldnt replicate the destructiveness or the sharpness that Alexs sword exuded when he went rampage but he tried to minimise his movements as much as possible while trying to be precise and efficient.

A Swordsman can either go against the flow which comes out as a force of destructiveness or go with the flow which means gentle, short and precise.

But Aeon was startled to see Alex changing the swords forms according to his will.

It is said that the swords form generally depicts a persons nature. Destructiveness shows that a person tends to be violent while others show the person to be gentle and calm.

Since Aeon wasnt meant for destructiveness, he had tried to go with the flow using strokes gently and precisely.

His sword strikes were swift and deadly which could deal lethal damage at close range.

Most of the enemies around him werent able to notice his swings and could only notice the afterimages of his hands and before he could react they were taken down.

Along with Alexs men, almost 1100 men were able to follow him here and each of them was cut above the rest after all they were able to follow Alexs hellish training for a month.

Their dead spirits had been ignited and they were now reborn. Alexs training aimed for the core and strengthened the foundation and each of their strengths had grown explosively.

They didnt know how much stronger they had become but after fighting the enemy soldiers, they too were shocked.

Each of them could at least take on 2-3 enemy soldiers without shedding a single sweat.

The soldiers of Kinley who were fleeing in fear and those who were struggling could finally see a ray of light and started to support everyone.

Alex and his men had directly affected the morale of more than 5000 soldiers who pounced on the enemies hungrily.

Go back or die.

At that time no one knew who started the slogan but soon like hymns of prayer, the sentence started to ring around throughout the place.

The enemies started to get chill as the ground vibrated as the Kinleys soldiers tried to fight back.

Near the gates, the 2000 men who had tried to defend themselves and being surrounded were already reduced to 700 but still, their eyes were burning.

They didnt speak any words but they were conveying with their actions that as long as they were alive, they would fight irrespective of the result.

They were not cowards who ran away like a cat.

They will give their all to kill as much as they can.

Within an hour of Alexs arrival, the 800 men of the reserve unit had taken the lives of more than3000 men while the others were already lined up securing the place behind.

The entire atmosphere of the battlefield slowly started to change.

From afar, Arkhams commander was continuously watching the battle while keeping notes of the entire situation.

Duke Sheldon was Arkhams commander and was in charge of attacking the First Defence line.

He was ordered to conquer the First Defense line but since it fell so soon, it left a bad taste so dividing the troops into halves, he decided to take down the Second Defense line.

Currently, 13,000 men are attacking it while 9000 are standing near the gates. He was sure of victory as soon as the gates fell but even after two and a half hours, he still hadnt seen the result.

Just what are the bastards doing?

Tell them to stop playing around and finish things.

They hadnt used much of their force yet and this much was enough to bring down the place but if these fools kept on delaying anything bad might happen.

At one time, a messenger appeared with a pale face.

What happened? Duke Sheldon asked.

Commander, the situation had changed. We are getting pushed back. They are making their way towards the gates. Soon, we will lose our foothold.

What!! He screamed and his eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

I have noticed a legendary rank woman. Is she taking the charge?

The messenger shook his head and his whole body trembled as he just came after witnessing the scene.

She hadnt engaged till now and she is just staying at the back to clear the leftover after Kinley forces are regaining the ground.

Then who is that bastard who popped out of nowhere.

Before he could get an answer, he heard loud shrieks and he witnessed a strange scene.

The soldiers who were supposed to head further in were now running back with fear.

Some tried to remain but they were also pushed back.


Save me!

Please save me from the clutches of the Demon.

At that time the messenger spoke, Commander he is the Fifth Prince of Kinley who had been disowned.


I heard that he had become normal and just started training and entered the academy so what he is doing here.Duke Sheldon spoke with a frown.

Behind him, the two legendary Knights were also thinking about the same thing.

What is he doing here?

As Duke Sheldon narrowed his eyes, he finally caught a glimpse of the man who was charging forward alone.

Suddenly, his gaze met with the man whose eyes flashed with a red light and an evil crooked smile appeared on his face which sent a chill down his spine.

It was as if he was answering his previous question.

Slaughtering..I am slaughtering your men.

And you are going to be next.

Alex moved closer towards the gates and as he cleared away the corpses of the enemies along with the forces surrounding the gates, his eyes caught the sight of the enemy commander.

The enemy commander was at Transcendent rank guarded by two others. He was surrounded by soldiers from all sides who were watching the scene with bewildering and shocked looks.

His enemy was still at a safe distance but it wasnt that far that he couldnt reach.

He calculated the chances of success if he charged in.

Alex heard Baracks voice from behind who looked quite agitated. His face was a red tomato and he was out of breath.

Barack tried to keep up with Alex and his troops but no matter how much he tried, he wasnt able to keep pace and deal behind.

Sir Alex, you have made the impossible possible. Now, we just need to defend and gain time for others to build earthen walls and iron fences and we are good to go.

The reinforcements from others might be on the way after knowing the situation. We just hold up.

Alex thought for a moment.

Waiting for enforcement was akin to giving the reins of your life to another in this situation. If you want to survive and achieve something, you need to take it with your own hands without relying on and expecting anything from others.

Alex looked at his men who had surrounded him and fended off Arkham soldiers who were trying to get their hold again.

Alex looked at the enemy stand and his men.

Although they were in a rough safe they were still good to go but if he decides to move further the casualties may rise rapidly.

He could risk his life but he didnt want to risk the lives of his men unnecessarily and he wanted to fall back and stop now.

He wasnt an obsessed person with patriotism who would lay down his life unnecessarily. If there is danger, and he couldnt afford to get away from the danger alive then he would just ask his men to run away and then come back after becoming stronger.

As his gaze roamed around, it finally halted at Riya who was staring at him.

Alexs lips curled upwards with a smile.

I cant fall back now. I cant stop now.

Alex finally concluded.

Max and Aeon bowed down and ask for his command.

We are gonna move forward and take down the head of the enemy commander.

No, Sir Alex, it is too risky. We are already in a good position. Barack shouted.

He felt that Alex was becoming arrogant and was letting this achievement get into his head.

Sir Barack, you should already know they had come here after conquering the first defence line and there might be soldiers stationed here.

If we let them go now, they will come back tomorrow with more force and we couldnt defend them due to the huge numbers.

This place wasnt able to take on their half-force when it was in one piece and you want to defend against their full force when this place is already broken.

Barack wanted to speak but no words came out of his mouth. He knew Alexs words were the truth.

Alex had initially thought that the other side might have between 35,000-40000. But after fighting and seeing the mass of soldiers. He did a rough estimate that Arkham soldiers might have 20,000 to 25,000

And this number was quite small compared to the previous estimates by half which further increased his confidence.

I will be the only one who matches ahead.You all wait here and secure the gates fully and start mending whatever you can. Those who want a moment to take a breath can take and those who want to fall back and get treated, fall back now cause there will be no next time.

I am going in. Wait for my signal to match towards the enemy. Alex ordered and rushed forward alone.

His back looked lonely but it felt quite broad to everyone who saw it from behind. He can be said as the sole reason for turning the tides.

Though they may be lazy and careless, they werent harnessed nor traitors who wouldnt feel anything after witnessing such a scene.

Meanwhile, Alex hurled towards the enemy soldiers alone.

The best way to end the battle was to go for the enemys commanders head.

The moment the commanders head will fall, the enemies will fall as well.

Leaving a trail of dust, Alex jerked his sword to get off the blood and leaving behind afterimages, he galloped towards the horde of enemies.

Arkham soldiers were stupefied for a moment and thought that the man had gone mad as they saw him rushing ahead alone like a maniac.

But they immediately snapped out of their thoughts and engaged quickly.

Stop him.

Surround him and kill him at once.

Everyone attacks at the same time.

Loud shouts were heard from all around. Arkham soldiers were furious seeing Alex marching alone into their territory and they felt that this puny human was challenging ten thousand of them at once.

They raised their weapons and attacked him, trying to show the ant his place for acting insolent, however, the scene of a single man exchanging blows with many took away all their breath and bewildered them.

The weapons that were aimed at Alex striving to take his life from all directions were unable to put a single scratch on him.


The weapons were bounced back once the attacks were blocked and those who attacked him were either blown away or fell on the ground while screaming at the top of their lungs with teary eyes

Alex had hardly used his mana and his bar was full. He could take on the troops by himself but the two Legendary ranks might pose a threat to him after he dealt with the soldiers as he might already be close to exhaustion at that point.

But he didnt need to do everything by himself.

Alexs steps halted and he took a deep breath to shout.

The enemies thought that this was their opportunity and tried to take him down seeing the opening.

His troops at distance thought that Alex was going to give them an order to engage and their blood started to burn.

Riya, it seems I need your help, Alex shouted with a pleasant tone.

The enemies aiming at him felt weird seeing the man calling a ladys name but they turned a blind eye to it but at the very next second, everyone witnessed a scene that scared them out of their wits.

The weapons moved towards Alex and were cut apart and a sharp purple line appeared that encircled Alex and an instant later it expanded and the enemies around Alex were cut apart like butter.

No one was able to witness who swung the sword and how they were cut apart out of nowhere but their eyes widened as they saw the silhouette of women appearing behind Alex.

A strong killing intent radiated from her which resonated with Alex and soon engulfed the whole place freezing everyones bodies with fear.

Everyone had one thought.

Just where did this demoness come from?

Duke Sheldon, who was witnessing the scene from afar, suddenly jumped back with a startled expression and his eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

He looked at the walls of the defence line and looked at the place where Alex and Riya stood.

Wasnt she standing at the back of the walls, then how did she appear here

The two knights beside him were also startled by this.

They didnt take Alex into their eyes cause if they made a move they could surely crush him without shedding much sweat but they were naturally wary of the woman who seemed to be quite mysterious.

She was the only woman here and since she was posted here and silently watched from the back she must have some capabilities to back him up.

Since they knew about the man, they naturally knew about Riya being the strongest Legendary rank.

They had already made plans to capture Riya and Alex as bargaining chips. Although Alex is disowned he still had royal blood so they cannot kill him carelessly without their superiors orders.

They had already been labelled Riya with an S rank danger. Although they were correct about Riya, soon they found out the man standing beside her posed even more danger.

Alexs body which was glowing with a crimson aura started to emit sparks of lightning that danced around him crazily.

The two daggers in Riyas hands started to be enveloped in a purplish aura.

Thanks, Alex, for giving me this chance to fight beside you.

Riya spoke cheerfully. Even though she was standing before enemies, she couldnt describe the joy of standing beside Alex.

Silly girl, you are already staying in my heart so does it matter whether you stand beside me or not.

No, it is different. I feel better like this. Riya spoke with a pout.

pan,d a-n0vel The Arkham soldiers who saw the scene felt as if they were witnessing a couple flirting with each other and each one of them thought.

We are on the battlefield. Please mind the situation.

Alex and Riyas aura exploded while resonating with each other.

Seeing Alex and Riyas aura, everyones hair stood up and their scalps became cold seeing the unapproachable aura around them.

Alex and Riya pressed their legs forward and instantly both of their images disappeared from the place.

The enemies reacted a bit late and they raised their shields to defend themselves but they were whacked like sea crashing onto shores.



The front line who raised their shield collapsed without offering any resistance. They scattered like prices of dust.

Their bodies werent able to bear the strength of the attack and exploded into pieces turning into blood mist

A trail of blasts started to take place one after another.

Lightning started to crackle and a huge bolt of lightning started to shower on them one after another.

Each of the Alex swings sends a bolt of lightning which when collided with the enemies bursts them into pieces.

Waves of lightning crashed onto them burning them to a crisp like charcoal.

Their armour wasnt able to protect them and under such a frightening assault, some were forced to flee and distance themselves from Alex

On the other hand, Riya swung her dagger rapidly like the blades of fans as she moved through the crowd of soldiers who were only able to watch her as she passed through them after hacking their skulls open.

Her hands were stabbed hundreds of times with each passing second and her daggers drilled into the enemys armour and pierced them.

Thousands of enemies surrounded Alex and Riya but both of them were unfazed in front of a large number of envied.

Despite facing such an assault they caused havoc all around on the battlefield.

If one looked from above, one could only see two trails of flash moving here and there and anyone that stood before the flash was sent to hell.

The Arkham soldiers died down as quickly as they appeared. In a way, they were the perfect example of cannon fodder who died without even knowing.

Hundreds of soldiers started to go down one after another. It was a one-sided slaughter.

It was common sense for Arkham soldiers to have the advantage due to their high number but as time passed everything slowly started to fall apart and the damage on their side started to increase.

Alex and Riya were like two unstoppable forces which crashed onto their enemies while the other sides seemed to be suffering from their worst nightmares in the broad light.

Alex showered them with spells one after another.

[Fire Hurricane]

[Whispers of Wind]

[Tale of Winter]

They were first sucked into a fiery hurricane burning them after which they were hit by strong blasts of winds and at last, they were frozen like statues which were being played by Alex and Riya.

Alex was moving ahead leaving behind a crimson trail of light while Riya was leaving behind a flash of purple.

Riyas body was radiating a purple mist which when inhaled made one lose his senses.

After reaching Legendary rank, Riya was slowly starting to get the hang of her powers.

She could now use the most freely a bit. Her mist may cause one to lose himself in the endless void of lust and turn into a maniac by having hallucinations.

Riya wasnt able to control her power to that extent but at her current level, she could make anyone around her lose his reasons and sense a bit and give them the itch to soothe their lust.

And on the battlefield, a single moment of carelessness may cause one to lose a life.

Riya sliced her dagger cutting through them as if they were pieces of paper. Their limbs were chopped into minced meat like hers.

The two flashes of light which had been rampaging suddenly shot up towards the sky.

Alex and Riya appeared beside each other over the ground under the enemys curious gaze.

Alex gripped the hilt of his sword tightly while Riya slashed both of her daggers.

The aura around them exploded which pressurised them to fall to the ground.

Alex and Riyas bodies started to spin in the air with the same tempo.

Huge arcs of blades were thrown out from their spin which descended on the ground like the scythe of death.


The ground rumbled and crackled. Flames of tempest blew and ear-shattering explosions occurred one after another.

The blades emanated from them crushed everyone.

The Arkham soldiers raised their power and attacked the arcs of blades trying to stop its distance.

But their attack wasnt even able to pierce through it.

The ground tumbled and large crevices appeared due to the collisions.

Cracks of varied dimensions were formed on the ground.

Alex and Riya stepped on the ground after they combined their attacks.

Before them, there was a huge mass of destruction along with dead bodies that perished due to their attack.

Blood from the bodies flowed and seeped into the cracks formed in the ground forming a small lake of blood.

While Arkham soldiers looked at the duo with horror, some were looking at them with anger and hatred.

Their blood was boiling seeing them massacring their brother and if possible they wanted to exchange their life for them and were even willing to sacrifice themselves to bring these two down.

Duke Sheldon stared at the scene with a solemn look and looked at his two knights.

He was at a loss for words seeing both the duo in action.

They were truly a power couple.

Even his two legendary rank knights may not be able to create destruction and slay enemies to this extent.

They fell short before this duo.

One cannot underestimate a monster.No matter what a genius is someone who cannot be trifled with.

Its our mistake for being careless. Duke Sheldon spoke with a sigh.

Lord, its not your fault. Transcendent rank cant compare to Legendary ranks and since that girl is a heaven-defying genius she is bound to be fearsome and that man also seemed to be a genius like her. Still, we can even kill thousands if we step in. One of the legendary rank knights spoke.

Duke Sheldon pondered for a moment quickly and spoke.

This is getting out of hand. I think you two need to step in quickly or I fear these two may cause an irreparable damage.

The soldiers of Arkham were receiving orders one after another but how could they carry out the orders when the enemy was hell-bent on destroying everything that came in front of him?

Even if they surrounded him and tried to block all his ways of retreat, he would pull out the corpse of the dead Arkham soldiers after which he would either start to throw it around or use them as a meat shield to get his way out.

And if this didnt work out by any chance, he would then attack them with a powerful move causing the formation to fall into disarray.

The Knights of Arkham were rushing ahead with bloody eyes filled with resentment. They werent just ordinary soldiers. Each of them was an aura swordsman who had spent countless years practising and refining their aura and they could manifest aura on their swords to deal with the enemy.

Each of them could occupy a high position in a kingdom but in large-scale warfare like this, all of them were nothing but common Knights.

But that doesnt mean one can undermine their power.


Their swords started to glow one by one and the aura enveloping their sword exploded and locked I.to Alex as they all attacked him.

Hundreds of aura blades seemed to be aimed at him which put heavy pressure on him. If it was anyone else, their movements would either slow down or their body would stiffen due to the huge mass of pressure.

Riya was also in a similar situation as Alex, as aura from all sides struck her as the enemies tried to seal her movements.

But, like a slippery eel, and under everyones surprised eyes, her figure dissipated into shadows and she slipped in between the enemies quite easily.

Meanwhile, Alex stared at his enemies closing in.

As they came into his radius, he stepped forward.

[Heavy Iron Swordsmanship:First Stance]

With a single breath, man swelled within Alex and an overwhelming aura erupted towards the enemies who were running fiercely towards Alex.

Aura from both sides clashed against each other and tried to engulf one another but in the end, Alexs aura dominated the battle.

A reddish flame of mana enveloped Alexs sword and as the enemies drew near, Alexs hands moved like a flash and the sword shot like a whip in his hand.

Soon, a crimson line reflected in the eyes of the Arkham soldiers who were charging towards the front.

It was just a single slash.

And because of this single slash, the knights of Arkham who were rushing towards him with a confident look perished without even knowing what had hit them.


Like a large cloud of pure energy, they were whacked up by an unimaginable force. That was how shocking the power was.

The aura that the knights had manifested scattered around as if they were pieces of dust and rubble while their bodies which had been strengthened through countless rigorous training shredded into pieces.

A strong surge of wind erupted and everyone blasted away. That was when they realised that the existence they were dealing with was a monster against whom they didnt have a chance of winning from the beginning.

It didnt take long for them to understand why these two were brave enough to venture deep inside the enemy camp.

Both of them knew that they could take on everyone at once.

It wasnt arrogance nor they were self-conceited but it was just a simple fact.

Even though a huge number of enemies were before Alex, he wasnt at a numerical disadvantage. With myriads of skills in his arsenal which he had learnt after going through hell, wouldnt it be a waste not to use them?

And there were still the divine powers and blessings which he had kept to use as trump cards if something unexpected happened.

As he was slaughtering the flock of Arkham soldiers, he noticed two strong auras moving towards them.

Riya who was moving swiftly while slitting throats and cutting limbs suddenly sensed danger.

She reacted immediately and pushed her dagger to block the attack.


Her feet were dragged back for 10 metres as she was struck.

I cant believe you were able to block the attack without suffering a single scratch.

Riya raised her chin and saw the legendary ranked Knight who had already taken his stance before her.

I am Knight Vend. Would you mind telling me your name so that I can give you respect after you die under my sword? He spoke, raising his sword.

Riyas lips twitched a bit as she felt that this man knew her still she introduced herselfI am Riya Leonhart and the one who is going to die is you not me.

After the proclamation, both of them moved.


Both of their images vanished instantly.


Loud collisions started to appear one after another causing ripples of air that burst out sending shockwaves.

The dagger rotated in Riyas hand as she slashed it.

Hundreds of slashes were thrown at Vend but all of them were deflected by Vend quite easily.

Riya moved around Vend in a triangle area, in quick succession. Her afterimages overlapped and she appeared on two spots which confused Vend for a moment as the purple mist slowly started to cloud his senses.

She attacked at sharp obtuse angles aiming at the opponents weak spots.

Vend felt as if he fell into some sort of a bewitching devilish trap, but due to his strong will, he bite his tongue to get out of it and regain his senses.

It was effective and his body reacted quickly under the instinct to avoid the slash.

Riya wasnt disheartened seeing Vend wasnt affected by the purple mist like others.

It had very little effect on him, unlike others who already drop their weapons with a single sniff.

Riya didnt dare to let her power run wild for too long or it might get out of control and since she used her power in quite a minuscule amount, it didnt have much effect on the person of the same rank or above for now.

So, Vend was easily able to get rid of it.

Seeing Riyas agility, Vend decided to use a close combat quarter technique trying to disarm the opponent and block her movements as much as possible.

His sword twirled as he slashed it like a whip which caused his sword to bend like rubber which took Riya by surprise.

Riya tried to stab Vends gut but his sword was like a whip which shook due to flexibility and hit her left wrist like a whip


The pain caused her to lose the dagger which flew at a distance and she jumped back with the bleeding wrist.

Vend kept a tight and succinct stance while keeping his sword at shoulder width from the neck.

Riya was staring at the sword cautiously while wondering what material the sword was made up of to show such flexibility.

Vend kept the blade pointed at Riya and kicked the ground and latched his sword at Riya.

Riya braced herself taking her stance while trying to analyse the opponent.

While Riya was taking on a Legendary rank warrior, another one assaulted Alex.

Alex observed the soldiers around him and felt that if he became careless now, he would be injured.

Moreover, he was fighting the legendary rank amidst the enemy forces so he gave hand signs to his troops and asked them to engage.

Max, Aeon and Barack immediately hurled their way towards Alex.

Die you bastard!

Cain hopped towards Alex and tried to smack him into pieces.


A strong explosion erupted blowing away dust and debris from all around.

Alex blocked the attack, but one of his feet sunk deep into the ground due to the force of the attack.

Alex was perplexed seeing the ground under him cracking and felt that he was lucky that it wasnt collapsing otherwise he would be the one who would be in trouble.

Alexs muscles bulged underneath the armour and he pushed Cain.

Sharp sparks emerged as both of them confronted each other.

Gales started to emerge due to their clash forming strong shockwaves. The Arkham soldiers had already gone back a few steps back.

Alex exhaled heavily and tried to pull one of his legs out while trying to maintain the foothold, but he wasnt able to exert his full strength due to the loose soil underneath him.

Alex clasped his hand and lightened his hold which allowed Cain to push Alexs sword further but as Alex let go of it, he pulled his sword to the side and moved his head and slammed it on Cains face.


A dent was formed on Cains helmet.

Cain roared in anger and his sword turned into the silver light that attacked Alex like a snake.

Alex welcomed him and took him head-on.

There were countless crisp clashing sounds on the battlefield. The soldiers surrounding the place were dazzled looking at the fight between the two which was leaving behind a marvellous trail.

The Arkham soldiers were bewildered as they werent able to catch the site of the two fighting with all their might.

They thought that since Senior Cain appeared this man would be crushed like a small fly but contrary to their thoughts, this man was giving Cain a hard time.

pan,da-n0v el The man seemed to be in Transcendent rank so how was he able to fight their Senior Knight who was at Legendary rank?

Hahaha! I remembered that your name is Alex and that Lady is your wife. I heard you two are quite a good couple.

Why dont you take a look at the side? She is going to die by Vend. Let me tell you Vend is quite famous and he was ranked 18 on the Legendary rank list once. His attacks are unpredictable and lethal.

Alex frowned and he stared at Riya for a moment. With a glance, he could tell that she was having a hard time trying to fight Vend.

Idiot, the greenhorn, dont you know that you should never take your eyes off your enemy.

Hahaha! Now die, you sinner. Even your blood isnt enough to wash the sin of killing my people.

With frantic laughter, Cain jumped and he had already appeared before Alex who seemed to be careless but who knew that Alexs images would be blurred instantly and at the next moment, he would appear right behind him.

The sword in Alex moved like a crimson flash and he slashed at Cain.

Cain was terrified and turned sideways to avoid the blow but Alexs sword moved as fast as lightning and it cut through the armour leaving a blood stain wound near the ribs.

You kill the people in my land and think of yourself as a hero, a saint and if I do the same by killing your man who attacked us first, I am a sinner.

You are aman who is standing at the peak of hypocrisy, Alex spoke as Cain held the area near his ribs with a pained expression.

If Cain was a second late, his hand would have been chopped just now.

Cain was perplexed as he felt that the man had acted to lose his focus a second to catch him off guard.

Unfortunately, he fell right into his traps and suffered heavily.

While Cain was lamenting and trying to suppress the pain, Alex had already appeared before him like lightning and the sword in his hands turned into two arcs of light that struck Cains neck and his speed was even faster than before.

Cain drew a circle with his sword. Sparks flew everywhere as he blocked the two arcs of the sword and as he was about to counterattack, his blood seemed to be stiff and a strong power condensed on his body slowing him down.

Alex cast a freeing spell under Cains feet and as Cain slowed, he was hit by numerous strikes. Although he had worn defensive gear, he wasnt able to evade the sharpness of Alexs strike and blood splashed everywhere at once as many cuts appeared all over his body that tore through the armour.

Cain slumped down on the ground with a bloody look as Alex walked towards him calmly.

Cain breathed heavily and tried to get up by supporting himself with the sword, but a cut appeared and his hand holding the sword was chopped and flew back in the air splashing blood.



Cain fell to the ground like a helpless twig and roared in pain.

How Naive!

Do you think my wife is nobody who can be taken out by anyone? I trust my wife more than anyone.

Before killing you, I am offering you a chance to witness the battle on the other side. It would feel nice to accompany the other legendary rank knight to hell.


Vend had an unusual fighting style. To have an upper hand in the fight, he never stayed head on the enemy nor he stood still rooted in a place but rather moved in through various angles to either side of the opponent.

This not only avoids getting the chance of being sliced but also increases their chances of attacking the enemy.

With a flexible sword that can bend and attack at any angle, the opponent had a hard time predicting the trajectory of the sword.

Vend moved closer towards Riya while keeping his sword close to his chest.

Riya flicked her wrist while aiming straight for the throat of the enemy but Vend back ridged down weirdly which was followed by lightning-quick swipes to either side of Riyas neck.

Riya pulled back her dagger to block the edge of the blade coming towards her neck but the blade was moving towards the neck, suddenly tilted as Vend twirled his wrist and the blade hit Riyas shoulder forming a gashly wound.

Riyas expression stiffened and she retracted her blade and tried to slash at him, and fled it towards Vend but he had retreated by a few steps.

You cant defeat me. Vend shouted.

The sword in his hand was moving in a zig-zag motion while swinging to and fro.

Vend aura started to increase exponentially.

Riyas expression turned cold and she glared at Vend as if she was going to puncture a hole in him.


It was like a swift blowing wind.

For Vend, it was just a light movement, but it was nothing like that for normal people as they werent able to notice his movements.

Vend was a veteran of the war and had crossed the age of 60. He was a bit of a maniac and was highly experienced when it came to fighting.

The soldiers of Arkham cheered for him after seeing Riyas condition and thought that she wouldnt be able to handle the attack and soon get her throat slashed.


However, Riya blocked the attack with her fast reflex. Vend took a step ahead and launched another attack but Riya responded without stepping back


They exchanged blows one after another. Vend thought that it would be easy to take down Riya but Riya showed no signs of backing down or being pushed back.

Vend felt that if they went on like this, the lady before him might be able to get a hang of her fighting techniques and start pushing him back.

The girl before him was seriously good at adapting and he lamented sorrowfully and wondered why there was no such talent born in Arkham.

He was enjoying the fight and soon lips parted playfully and he whipped his sword.

The sword split into multiple small blades that were joined by a strong string like a metallic whip.

Riya was instantly alerted to see Vend changing the form of the weapon.

Vend clenched the handle and rotated the sword which revolved around him like a whip and he whipped it at Riya.

Riya slashed with her dagger but the whip after colliding with the dagger coiled around the dagger which Vend pulled back, Riyas flesh on her right palm was torn open with a bloody gaping wound and the dagger was pulled back by Vend.

What an unusual weapon! I know what you are thinking?

Those who die by my hands, all have the same thought.Vend muttered and advanced towards Riya while flashing the whip.

Riyas gaze didnt flatter and she took a deep breath and jumped to dodge the attack.

The ground below her collapsed as soon as the whip whacked the ground.


Dust and debris started to fly around due to his attack.

Riya somersaulted and avoided the attack but her reaction seemed a bit slow.

Vends eyes flashed and he thought he found an opening, so he swung the whip trying to catch the slippery eel.

Riya was in mid-air and the whip was moving towards her like a thick anaconda which wanted to wrap her and crush her after coiling around her.


The whip was about to touch Riya but its motion stopped in between and as if it had lost its momentum all of a sudden, it slumped down on the ground.

Vends eyes narrowed as he tried to pull back the whip like a sword but his whole body hardened and his eyes widened as big as saucers.

As he moved his hands, he found many black strings wrapped around his body and as Riya descended, a sweet smile blossomed on her face which made his heart falter.

Though I was quite surprised at first, it didnt mean you were a difficult opponent, Riya spoke with a seductive smile which shot at Vend like an arrow and pierced his heart.

For a moment, he thought about why he had to fight such a beautiful lady and injure her.

Such beauty shouldnt be touched. He felt as if he had sinned by wounding her.

His thoughts didnt last long as he felt a deep piercing pain and shook his head his back was drenched in a sweat as he wondered why he was having such suicidal thoughts.

Riya hadnt even used her real power otherwise this man would be gone for real.She started to the other side and saw Alex had already finished her battle and was looking at her anxiously.

She smiled at Alex to calm his heart.

Riya changed her gaze towards Vend and spoke angrilyDie!

She raised all her fingers over which strings were wrapped and twirling her finger, pulled it back.


The strings around Vend tightened and the armour on his body started to tear up.


What Kind of string is this? It can even tear my metallic armour?

His face flushed and became red due to the pain.

No, Sir Vend is in trouble.

We need to help.

Even Sir Cain is in danger. We need to protect them.

The Arkham soldiers werent able to tolerate Vends screams of pain and despair. They rushed towards Riya wanting to tear her down.

Riya stared at them and gave a cold snort, waving her hand.


A purplish flame appeared over a string which cut down the ones who were advancing.

Despite the death, they didnt stop.

Max along with his troops formed a line and appeared in between Riya and the Arkham soldiers.

While Aeon formed a line trying to defend Alex.

Both sides clashed against each other. The Arkham soldiers tried to overpower the Kinleys soldiers and break through the line but Max along with others also fought back.

Riya didnt waste any more time and waved her string.


A sound akin to the tearing of paper was heard.

The string stirred and blood started to gash from Vend under everyones frightened gaze, the armour was torn, and his body was cut into pieces and fell to the ground.


The Arkham soldiers were horrified as the loss of Legendary rank was a devastating blow for the entire Arkham.

On the other hand, Alex smiled and looked at Cain whose face had become as pale as a sheet of paper.

He felt as if his soul had escaped from his body.

At this moment, he was worried more about the life of the troops and the commander. With their fall, the troops may collapse and the commander might be killed.

He wasnt able to worry for long as soon eternal darkness descended upon him as soon as Alex swung his sword.

As soon as Alex took the life of Cain, his gaze penetrated deep into the other side and fell on the enemy commander who seemed to be bewildered and shocked to the point that he looked like a frozen statue.

His mind became blank after seeing the two Legendary rank knights dying.

Taking down two Legendary ranks was already akin to breaking one of the pillars supporting the strength of the army and if it was anyone else, they would already think to retreat after dealing the damage.

But seeing the enemy commander near them, Alex decided to change his tactics.

How can he let the prey escape when it was already in his close range?

If today he let the enemy commander escape then his pride as a hunter would be hurt. He needs to kill the opposing commander no matter what.

Since the battle was in the end phase. Alex stopped conserving his strength.

The power in Alexs body exploded and his body emitted a bright golden light as he used the power of blessings to buff his power.

The ground started to crack and strong winds eroded the soil which blew from the place he stood.

Alex raised his bloodied sword, seeing which the Arkham soldiers flinched. They were already stricken by horror after seeing their Legendary rank Knight dying at Alexs hands quite easily.

Alex moved like a storm as the momentum exploding from his body pushed back everyone that stood before him.


The Arkham soldiers before him were scattered like pieces of paper with Alexs swing.

Since Alex has already analysed and calculated everything, he didnt hold back anymore.

Alex moved like a gale, blowing everything into tatters and digging deep into the enemy formation.

Duke Sheldon who acted as a commander had a grim expression and his heart was already beating wildly due to terror.

Dozens of Arkham soldiers were slaughtered and even some of the best Knights were killed and torn apart by the man with a single move.

The plan that Arkham had devised despite the huge risk was shattered by this man and his wife.

His eyes trembled with fear and his legs were already quivering asking him to run away if he wanted to save himself.

At that time, he remembered the command he had heard.

Your sole mission is to capture and occupy the First Defence Line. It will be easy to occupy it but we need to buy time after conquering it.

Duke Sheldon felt as if he had committed a huge sin by coming here. He shouldnt underestimate the other side and should have used full force but his arrogance made him careless. And now because of this several of his men are going to die.

Even death was not enough to get rid of his guilt.


The ground collapsed as Alex soared into the sky with a kick and his body hovering in the air like an eagle, shot towards the enemy commander like a meteor.

Duke Sheldons eyes almost popped out as he saw a huge trail of fire descending towards him.

Soldiers Charge!

The enemy is incoming.

Protect me.

Duke Sheldon screamed in fear and ordered his men while he tried to fall back but Alexs body carrying great momentum descended to the ground.

A large shockwave emerged as Alex descended to the ground.

The Arkham soldiers moving towards Alex were swept away by the shockwave.

Duke Sheldon pulled his sword. He wasnt just a normal man and had been properly trained.

Even though he was an excellent swordsman, how can he match Alex?

Alexs figure disappeared and suddenly, he was right before Duke Sheldon.

He pointed at Alex and drawing out his aura, he roared to mask his fear.

I am Duke Sheldon of Arkham! I am the Commander-



Before Duke Sheldon could finish his words, a red line was drawn which appeared over his neck, at a rate invisible to the naked eye.

Even though Duke Sheldon was a Transcendent rank, it just took a single slash.

Never in his life, he would have thought that a day would come when he would be killed by a single slash and it was so fast that no one was able to react.

Alex just appeared before him and in an instant, Duke Sheldons head flew in the air and blood started to spurt from his neck like a fountain.

Alexs expression remained unfazed and under the shivering eyes of the Arkham soldiers who stood rooted, to the spot. Alex raised his sword in one hand while the enemy commanders head in the other roared.

The enemy commander had been killed.

The voice echoed throughout the place and at that instant, everything that was happening on the battlefield was suddenly stopped.

It looked as if the war had never happened and the people standing here were just statues.

The atmosphere was as cold as ice.

Arkham soldiers were confused and didnt know what to do next. They still had enough force and outnumbered Kinleys forces by two.

If they fight, they might be able to bring Kinley down but the situation was quite confusing.

As the battle descended into silence, Alex turned his head towards the soldiers near him and slashed.


Blood splashed and three bodies fell.

It was not a normal gang fight which would stop after the leader was down but a huge war where the enemy side had taken a huge risk by coming here.

Alex raised his voice and shouted, Soldier of Kinley, its time to take revenge and strike down the invaders who dare to aim for our territory.

We cant let them survive. If we let them go, they would come back with others to start another war and hunt us down like dogs.

Risk your lives and eliminate them.

This wasnt a war between the Kingdom of an Empire where the soldiers would surrender voluntarily with the fall of the king.

If Alex lets them go or takes them as a prisoner, their huge number might pose a threat now or they may come to take revenge so he needs to cut down as much as he can until his body cant lift the sword.

Only idealists think that surrender could save their life and that they would be freed later but realistically surrender is not allowed in such a situation.

When the troops of Kinley witnessed Alex starting to slaughter his enemies without slighted mercy they cheered We will follow theLieges will.

Kill all the remnants of Arkham.

Alex screamed and appeared on the other side and blocked the exit of the Arkham soldiers single handle.

Riya flapped her hand and many invisible threads appeared which started to cut everything into pieces.

She looked much more deadly and dangerous than the time she was using a dagger.

Before she looked like a butcher. Now, she looked like the Goddess Of Death and strings seemed to become strings of fate when pulled would harbour the life of an enemy.

The enemys struggle was useless. As long as they were trapped in her strings, they would turn into useless puppets waiting to be slaughtered.

Riya was killing the enemies, and suddenly showed Alex a hand sign from afar.

It seems he cant hold himself back anymore and might begin rampaging.Riya chuckled.

Like a swift wind, Riya passed by Max and her swift hands took the axe at the back of Max dealing with the barrage of enemies, she appeared quite close to Alex and threw the axe.

Alex caught the axe and a tyrannical pressure emanated from him as soon as he touched it.

Lightening started to crackle from Alexs body like a venomous snake wanting to devour its food.

The sky started to rumble and spewed out lightning one after another which condensed and fell on Alex as he jumped up towards the sky.

The lightning struck him and illuminated the entire region while blinding the vision of everyone on the ground.

He slashed with his axe and crashed on the ground like a meteor which was followed by a huge sonic. explosion.


By the time Meller and the other nobles appeared, they were horrified to witness the scene of an explosion occurring one after another.

Did we arrive at the wrong defence line?

The nobles had the same thought as they heard the Second Defense was on the verge of collapse but the scene relaying before them was quite different.

Instead of Arkham soldiers, it was the Kinleys force that was slaughtering Arkham.

Amassacre was going on which was headed by two people who seemed to lay everything to waste.

The nobles shuddered to see the scene. All of them were mesmerised by Riyas beauty and tried to hit on her during the training camp they were shooed away by Alexs men.

These nobles werent aware of the recent affair and since they were from the far west, they didnt actively seek news of the events happening at the centre.

They all thought of her as a pretty flower and Alexs maid who had accompanied him to serve him but seeing the scene of the woman drenched in blood and chopping humans like meat without baiting an eye almost made them fall on their knees.

If they were successful in getting close to her and spouted those shits, only God knows what disaster might have struck them.

Unlike, Riya who was silently murdering her enemies, a man seemed to be dominating the battlefield with an overwhelming force that didnt allow anyone to fight back.

At that time huge shockwaves echoed which swept away the dust and debris creating strong gales which even shocked them to the core.

Craters started to appear on the ground which was getting filled with the blood of the enemies.

Mellers eyes locked on Alex. His presence was standing out even in this situation.

So this is the power of Alex.

pan,d a-n0vel An absolute monster who seemed to be defying common sense. How did such a person manage to remain hidden till now?

He had seen warriors fight before and each one of them was on another level but nothing came close to this man.

Meller was the one who returned to his senses first and shoutedStop wasting time and engage immediately.

Help them and do not let those bastards from Arkham run away. Follow Sir Alexs example and slaughter them.

With the help of the reinforcements brought by nobles, a new life seemed to be added to the battlefield and things started to sort out easily.

Some manage to sneak out from Alexs bombardment but Alex didnt pursue them.

With the fear of annihilation engulfing them, some abandoned their colleagues and ran away.

Alex let some of them go as these people need to be alive to spread the tale. If no one survived, who would spread his myth and the horrifying scene that had happened here?

And there was also no way for him to kill so many enemies and he was also getting tired.

And when the battle finally ended, Alex asked Max about the casualties.

From his hundred men, there were no casualties.

It was a fierce battle and no one died from his side. Still, it didnt mean everyone was safe.

From the initial 20,000 stationed here, 11000 were already dead by the time Alex arrived and 2600 died later. The initial troops of Kinley that were stationed here were nothing but cannon fodder.

Even though they were informed about the disaster and fall of the first defences line before, due to the worthless Commander, they perished.

The reserve unit that followed him also suffered some casualties.

It was a fierce battle.No one died from Alexs side but that didnt mean, all of them were safe. Each one of them had serious wounds.

Their bodies were soaked with the blood of the enemies along with the wounds that were gashed open.

Due to all your support and hard work. We have won the battle. Now use the potions we have brought to heal yourself.

Yes, Your Highness.

They gave Alex a salute and went back.

The other soldiers along with Barack were shocked.

He is giving potions to his soldiers for free while the commander hardly gets one or two.

Barack begins to admire Alex.

Alex certainly had many strong points because of which many followed him. The trust between him and his soldiers seemed to be like a bond formed by blood.

Alex suddenly turned towards Barack and saidStart preparing for the second wave. Gather everyone and start taking care of rations and other things.

Will you go to another front? Barack asked.

I dont know, it depends on the situation. The war is happening on many fronts. While we are taking a moment of rest soldiers are dying at other defence lines.

Alex clapped his hand and shouted, Bring that bastard traitor.

The soldier dragged a man wrapped in a chain and threw him towards Alex.

You dirty peasants. You dare to touch me. Count Macon screamed at the top of his lungs.

Alex gave him a cold glance which made him shudder.

The only reason you are alive is that back then because I found it a waste of time to kill you.

Bring out the communication stone, Alex ordered.

Every commander of the Defense line has two communicating crystals.

One relay the message to the General of the front and the other to the centre.

Since the enemies had been taken care of and the mana jammer crystal which is put on the flare had been broken, they could communicate with the centre.

The soldier took out two sets of stones from his pocket and gave them to Alex.

You are going to talk now. Good, good..

You will be punished for imprisoning me.



Macons laughter didnt last long as his head was cut off by Alex.


After killing the commander of the defence line as if he was nothing. Alex used the crystal which would connect him to the centre.

He didnt want to beat his brain and argue with Shen who might start pissing him off.


A blue light illuminated before Alex and a small screen appeared.

As soon as the call connected, Alexs expression turned ugly as he saw a big fat round bastard sitting on the chair while yawning heavily.


Say, for what did you call me?

HuhAlex?What are you doing in the Second defence line?

A thick vein bulged on Alexs forehead as soon as he saw fatty but Shens words further infuriated him.

For gods what the hell are you doing there?

A war had been waged between two Empires. People are dying. A defence line had already been captured but you still dont know a damn thing about the war.

Is he kidding or he is that irresponsible.Alex muttered.


General Shen, what the hell is going on? Isnt this a Royal communication channel then why the hell are you receiving the call? Alex shouted furiously.

You know about the western front. Its so desolate and bleak. What can happen here? So I switched the channel to stop useless people pestering the Royals.

Hahaha! Am I not clever?

Alex nodded and said softly, You are as clever as a donkey.

What did you say?

pan,d a-n0vel Nothing! Alex put on a stoic expression and spoke

General Shen, Arkham has attacked us and we are in a bad situation right now. We need reinforcement quickly. Use the warp gate if possible otherwise the entire Western Front will fall.

That cant be. First, transportation through the warp gate is expensive. Second, all the fronts are busy with the war. So, in a time like this, we cant send reinforcements as you demand.

So, are you saying to kill us here or try to fend off the enemies, Alex asked with a sharp gaze.

In a way, yes, Shen said with an amused expression.

You are stationed there to do your duty. If not for all your negligence then how can a defence line fall so quickly. Shen spoke and snorted.

The second Prince had said not to provoke you but that didnt mean I cant borrow a hand to kill you. As soon as you die, I will report this matter to the centre and ask for reinforcement but for that, you need to die.Shen thought inwardly with a loud grin.

The overall situation of Kinley is already quite grim. We cannot afford to spend too many resources. There will be reinforcements but for that, you have to hold for 5-7 days. I will immediately contact the Centre. Shen spoke after putting on a solemn expression.

Alex sighed and stared at Shen for a moment.

General Shen, tell me the truth?

Just for some personal reason, arent jeopardizing the safety of the whole Empire.

Do you think you deserve the post on which you have been laying and sleeping lazily?

Shens expression distorted and he slammed the table fiercely.

What do you mean by that?

I dont deserve this post. Who the hell are you to judge whether I deserve this post? Let me tell you when you are wetting your bed, I was already at the border risking my life.

I have got here through sheer hard work, strength

And treachery. Alex pointed out, causing Shen to choke his saliva.

His face became as red as a ripened tomato due to anger.

I will not send reinforcements. You can die there. I will see who dares to set foot on the Western Front to collect your corpse.

Is it your wish or Second Prince Hex? Cause you hold that much power? Alex spoke with a mocking smile.

Even the Second Prince agrees with- Shen closed his lips and felt as if he had spoken something taboo.

Bastard, you dare to argue with your senior officer. I will strip your posi-!

Alex glared at Shen and just cut off the communication abruptly before letting him finish the sentence.

Alex threw away the stone and askedDid you record that?

Yes My Lord! Aeon muttered while stepping forward.

Aeon and everyone around him were sweating profusely listening to the heated conversation that happened just now.

Though they could see their Lord calm they could already feel burning anger radiating from him.

All they could do was burn incense for Shen who will soon meet a miserable fate.

Alex stared at the sun which was on its way to set while the men were working on setting up the line to meet the second wave.

Alex moved towards the commander and asked all the important officials who had survived to enter.

Barack along with others introduced themselves.

All of them were natives of this place and knew the entire terrain like the back of their hands.

Only the people who were native, took their duties seriously as for others it was better not to speak about it.

A map opened and rolled on the table.

Alex took out the marker and crossed four defence lines immediately which were in a perilous situation.

The only safe defence line was the third and fifth ones. The fourth one cannot be even said for a defence line.

Tell me the fastest way to get to the rear?

Huh rear!

The officials eyes widened. They thought that they were going to strategize about the battle that was about to come or about sending reinforcements to another defence line.

So, all of them were stunned for a moment.

Alex stared at them and spoke truthfully.

We cant defend the second defence line. I will tell you honestly, without me this defence line couldnt even last for an hour.

Now that we have defeated enemies here. They would all shift their focus here and come back stronger and you cant possibly ask me to defend this place with broken walls and a handful of troops before their huge army.

And even if we turn towards others to help, we dont know about their situation. They might have already collapsed by now.

If we dont move quickly we will be trapped from all around and isolated. And I dont want the people under me to die worthlessly due to some bastard scheme.

They all kept their mouths shut as they could feel the anger from Alexs tone directed at General.

So, are we going to leave the defence line and flee away? Barack asked.

Yeah, our first preference is to preserve our numbers. We will first take a look and understand the overall situation of the defence line and Western front and respond with flexibility after joining with others. On our way, we need to find others and if possible I want to send a message to the nearby kingdom asking for assistance after getting to the rear.

Barack and others agreed to Alexs words as it was quite sensible. As Alex said, with their small numbers of soldiers of which most of them were worn out, and they couldnt tackle all the threats.

Their gazes turned towards the map and as they discussed, all of them concluded.

This oath will be good. If we follow the road and water channel from here, we are going to reach it in around 4 hours.

It was one among the hundreds of paths that only the locals knew about.

Four hours is still too much. The sun would set in three hours. We need to get there by 2 and a half or three before the night descends fully.Alex ordered.

Now we cannot take the safe path now. What we lack is time and to shorten it, we need to move faster.

How about we go through the forest and then the hill? All my soldiers are well-trained and moving through this place would save 45 minutes at least.Alex suggested.

The meeting didnt take too long and Alex was able to convince everyone properly to leave.

As he left the room, he was greeted by the sight of his soldiers along with Riya.

All the preparations are finished from our end, Riya said.

The reaction was quite fast but the next thing he saw was the faces of the nobles whom he had been seen to be lazing around during the training.