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When the war all around the world began, Alex took his time to read about the Dark Elves and Demons.

Just like Elves, Dark Elves had eight noble clans whose bloodline was said to be blessed by the God Darkness a thousand years ago.

Alex didnt know whether it was true or false but seeing Moss who belongs to the Azure clan as shown in the Eyes of truth, pulled his interest greatly.

The moment he sensed the darkness blessing, Alex just wanted to rip the girl apart but he calmed his mind and thought of a devilish trick.

He didnt know whether he could pry any information or not but it was worth a try.

Moss with beads of sweat sliding down her face appeared outside the city and was welcomed by arrows of ice.

She pulled her short sword and slashed the ice arrows.

Sir! Moss narrowed her eyes and raised her weapon while Alex snuck behind her and kicked her.

Moss rotated her short sword and blocked the kick with it but the fierce coercion made her stumble and threw her back.

Moss rotated her body and landed on the ground with an uneasy heart.

It was just a test.

You are sent to deal with a guy who is close to Mythic rank so I wondered why they send a useless minion like you.

Moss bit her lips and lowered her head with shame.

Before I speak anything, I wanted to ask what your position is in the organisation, Moss asked.

Moss felt a suffocating pressure slamming her down that made it difficult to breathe.

I am under the disguise and do you think you are worthy enough to know my position.

Do you want to die? If I kill you no one from your Azure Clan would bother to seek trouble with me.

You are mistaken to think that I am at an early Legendary rank. Is it possible for a person in this rank to defeat that thing?

You cant even see past my level and you dare question me?

Moss trembled in fear and was pressed down further by Alexs words.

Loyalty and order were absolute in the organisation.

If the person before him belonged to a higher order, he was already benevolent enough not to kill her.

What is your rank now Moss?

I am a Second rank! You dont know about it? Moss spoke with a confused expression.

Do you think I have the time to keep tabs on you? Its just a coincidence that we met.

Did you know where you are wrong?

Moss bites her lower lips as she sees the man scrutinising his gaze on her filled with animosity.


I have a rough hint of your mission and do you think there was no better way to accomplish this?

If that creature had got out and wreaked havoc, our plans and existence might have come to the limelight. Alex pressed her which almost made her body shook

What was your mission?

We were ordered to implant seeds of darkness and then distribute darkness pills to the noble and after they achieved their purpose, we need to get rid of them or the other side.

Alex tried his best to hold his expression. Even though his expression was almost blank and indifferent, he was shaken from the inside.

Seed of darknessDarkness pill..

Alex murmured slowly trying to process the information.

He doesnt know a damn thing about the seed of darkness but he guessed the darkness pill might be used to get rid of someone or especially their pawns.

Since demons had captured the borders and Arkham is in ruins, they dont need the pawns anymore.

It was time to get rid of them.

Alex wasnt sure about who the other party was but he swallowed his saliva.

Alex calmed himself and spoke.

You were ordered to get rid of them not to expose them. You should deliver that thing just before the other party makes an appearance but you just delivered them hours ago.

With your measly strength, can you even scratch it? Alex spoke with a cold voice and glared at her.

Moss blinked her eyes and pondered for a moment before speaking.

Sir, shadow creatures cant hunt us. Though we cant control them, they also cant overpower us due to the power of darkness, dont you know?

Alex wasnt perplexed and just nodded his head formally and spokeI know but I forget due to the span of a moment. I am human after all and didnt receive the blessing till now.

I understand! Moss muttered and lowered her head clumsily while staring at Alex with reverence.

Alexs brows furrowed seeing her looks.

Why is she looking at me as if I am her idol? Did I press some weird buttons on her?

Dont tell me my bullshit worked. I know I am the master of bullshitting still it works.

Why are you looking at me like that?


Stop spouting sorry again and again. It makes you look pathetic.


Its just that, only talented humans like you could use the darkness element without blessings. Going through that heart-wrenching experiment is not something one could imagine. Only six of you exist in the whole organisation.Moss spoke excitedly like a fan girl.

Thats right. Alex nodded his head proudly.

He got another shocking piece of information.

So, Cherry is not the first.

Alexs eyes were drawn for a moment as he heard about the experiment and a very disturbing thought came into his mind.

What if Riya is also a part of the experiment and asked by some means?

Alexs expression became worse and shook his head to get rid of it.

Now leave, dont waste my time any further.

Moss glanced at Alex for a moment and bowed her head with gratitude and turned back to leave but she was startled by a sudden tap on the shoulder.

Can you give me one darkness pill? Alex asked coldly.

But Sir, I have to deliver them and finish the mission. It would hamper my mission and I may be punished even if I belong to the noble Dark Elves lineage.

Moss tried to persuade but her body stiffened and a strong pressure bore on her shoulder as Alex tightened his hold causing her to fall onto her knees.

Mosss lips opened wide as deep pain transverse through her whole body from her shoulder.

It felt as if the person was going to tear and rip her shoulder apart.

Sweat trickled down from her face and she stared at the person with a pleading gaze.

You are a disobedient junior who may be hated by others.

The reason I am saying this is that you will encounter some trouble in the last mission.

I just tried to save you as a junior but instead of thanking me, you questioned my kind intention.

Alex spoke spitefully with a cold annoying voice.

Mosss whole body was petrified and she groaned in pain.

A small crackle was heard and she felt her shoulder blade getting dislocated due to the grip.

Beads of sweat trickled down from her forehead as she wondered how a Legendary rank mustered such strength. His strength defies the boundary of the rank.

She wanted to retaliate but her whole body seemed to have frozen.

Please forgive this humble one. It was my mistake for not being able to understand your kindness. Moss pleaded.

I need that dark pill for a reason and if you are wondering what is the reason then you should know you are not in a position to know things beyond your level.

Do you understand? Dont bother with trivial matters and do as I say.

Alex released the hold and Moss slumped down on the ground with a haggard look.

Wiping out the sweat from her forehead, she pulled out a box and handed it to Alex.

Alexs eyes narrowed with surprise as he sensed the similar ominous feeling that was after Count Gray took the pill.

Alex suppressed his curiosity and pretended to be indifferent and took the box from Moss and kept it in the dimensional storage ring.

Alex smiled and touched Mosss forehead.

Moss was shrouded with a bright light and her broken shoulder healed in an instant and a strong current of power flowed through her body.

Thanks, Sir, for blessing this ignorant and healing me! Moss bowed her head.

Alex nodded and waved her handNow leave and get out of my sight as quickly as possible!

Moss nodded and stood up but her legs were still trembling due to the suppression.

Taking a moment to stabilise herself, she jumped and disappeared.

Alex stared at her fading back and grinned with a sinister expression.

Its not a blessing but a curse silly girl.

He had marked her and could sense her location which enabled Alex to track her down that would lead to the organisation where he could finally find some clues about them and know their motives.

He also wanted to place a curse on her to perceive things but he feared that it may be perceived by the other side and someone proficient in the curse may know about him by tracing it back.

He was unwilling to let her go alive but for the bigger picture, he needed to bear with it.

Moreover, he was trying his luck to get this pill but he didnt know if he would succeed or not.

Alex turned back and left after sensing that Moss had finally gone away.


Alex walked through the crowd and ran towards his group hurriedly.

His fight might have scared these common people.

When he reached near to the place where his people were present, he found them surrounding someone and confronting them.

Did they encounter some trouble? Alex muttered and pushed through the crowd to reach there.

As he moved closer, he saw a group of guards confronting them.

Alex sneaked in and appeared behind Riya and whispered What happened?

Riya was startled by his sudden appearance but she recomposed herself rather quickly and mutteredThese guards are checking us and after finding out that we are adventures and awakened, he is asking us to help.

Alexs eyes narrowed and he stepped forward and spokeHello Sir, I am Rex, the leader of this squad. How can I help you?

He heaved in relief after knowing that the other side wasnt looking for any trouble.

Hello Rex, I am Oscar. As you see the situation in the City is dangerous and we need as many hands as possible

But Sir, we are just low-level adventurers travelling around. What could we do against the fight between two behemoths? I fear my team would be crushed to death just by the aftermath of the fight.Alex spoke with an innocent and fearful expression.

Johnson and the other five-man lips twitched seeing Alex acting. They knew that this man was the cause of all this panic but he was pretending to be a bystander.

We just need your help in the evacuation of citizens. So, please lend us your strength. Oscar spoke with a polite tone.

Alex scratched his cheek with an embarrassed expression.

He wished he could say that there was no danger since the fight was already over but he cant.

We can help with that.Alex agreed.

Oscar nodded and gave them a set of instructions.

The guards are going to form a security parameter while citizens nearby the Count Gray mansion would evacuate.

Alex nodded and split his team and asked them to guide others.

Listen, after evacuating we will sneak into the crowd and get away quietly. Also, ask someone to lead the carriage.Alex ordered.

Riya accompanied Alex, and both of them made their way and released their strength to lead the citizens.

Alex shouted a set of instructions for them to follow.

The common people felt the strength of the man and agreeing to his words, they calmed down.

Alex frowned when he saw Riya sniffing around him suddenly.

What are you doing?

Alex, I can smell the fragrance of a woman from you. Where were you?

Alexs senses screamed with danger seeing Riyas playful expression.

Isnt she being too possessive? Still, I like it.

Hahaha! Its just I met an acquaintance

Riya raised her brow and asked curiously Which acquaintance?

I will tell you later after we finish our task here.

Alex narrated the events which took her by surprise. She clutched her skirt tight with anger.

She wanted to kill those who were involved in that organisation.

It was now a matter of deep hatred for her.

They got back to their work shortly and guided them.

Alex observed the trail of people leaving through the narrow lanes while standing over the top of a building.

He helps when any trouble arises due to push and pull.

Standing there, he spotted several situations where people were pushed away by others without care while many stumble and fall back and become stepping stones for others.

From afar it was harsh and cruel but how could people who have no strength to protect themselves think of others when their own life was in peril?

And since Alex was the cause of all this, he didnt intend to let anyone die or get hurt due to the unruly crowd squeezed in a narrow lane.

No one was allowed to get hurt under his watch.

Riya observed the guilty-stricken expression on Alexs face and whispered softly.

Although your fight caused chaos among the people, at least it saved them from a major disaster. You saved many of them who could have been trampled to death by that guy. Riyas pleasant voice calmed Alex.

Trying to ease the situation, Riya tried to tease Alex a bit.

By the way, as far as I know, you wouldnt have returned empty-handed. You must have hoarded and stolen something from the Gray Mansion Riya asked in a teasing voice.

Alex chuckled and spoke with a serious voice

Hey, you are accusing me wrongly? Do I look like a thief to you?

I havent even touched a thread and a needle in the Gray Mansion. I am a noble gentleman.

That means except a thread and a needle, you have taken everything.

Alexs jaw dropped wide open and he looked back to see Johnson looking at him with a blank expression.

Ohh! You have looted the entire underground fortunes hoarded by Count Gray over the years.Riya spoke, acting surprised.

Alex stumbled with a startled expression and asked Johnson angrily How did you know?

Max informed me about it. Its your daily routine.

Alex gritted his teeth and mutteredDog shit Max!

Riya laughed and shook her head in dismay.

Something never changes.

Okay enough jokes for now. Its time to sneak out.Alex muttered seeing things calming down a bit.

As Alex sneaked in and moulded among the crowd preparing to leave, a black carriage with the Arkham flag surrounded by hundreds of knights darted towards the City.

While the whole city was in chaos, a carriage with the imperial flag hovering over it appeared near the gates of Oskar City.

The Knights who were at the front soon noticed the mess ahead of them and stopped their march.


A blood-curdling stern voice resounded from the carriage which froze the Knight.

They hit their horses which let out a mighty bellow signalling their arrival.

The guards stationed near the City gates ran quickly and greeted them.

The guard bowed his head and saidGreetings to the Imperial Knight.

The Knights nodded and one of them asked while descending from his horseWhy is there so much panic and unrest?

There have been loud vibrations emerging from Gray mansion and as we tried to investigate, a loud explosion occurred followed by a terrifying breath of two higher realms powerhouse going over each others throat.

The Knights expressions became pale and they asked hurriedlyWhat is their strength?

Sir, we are too weak to sense their level.

Quickly set off to the Gray mansion at once.

His order was carried on immediately, the guards made away and the people witnessing the flag stood at the side.

When the carriage reached the periphery of Gray mansion, an old gentleman with a stern posture stepped down.

The Knights greeted him and said, Sir Wilford, what are your orders?

Wilford rolled his eyes and ordered, Investigate everyone working here.

What about his family?

Sir, his son is his capital and his wife had been invited to a banquet at a nearby Kingdom.

Ask them to get here? If necessary track their movement and keep an eye on them. Wilford ordered and moved forward.

Wilford inquired about Count Grays recent affairs and came to know about a certain parcel delivered to Count Gray.

The parcel arrived three hours before and Count Gray handled it personally and disappeared somewhere with it and he was missing till now.

They were led to a deep pit formed at the corner of the garden.

Wilford stood before the deep pit leading down to the ground filled with darkness.

It looked like an abyss.

Wilford didnt know what lies there but he could feel a strong fluctuation of ominous energy.

According to the reports, a bright ray of light erupted which tore through the ground extending towards the sky.

Walking around the big hole and inspecting the mana fluctuation, oddly enough he could only sense the mana of a single entity.

At that, a group of knights appeared and saidSir Wilford, we have found a secret passage leading to an underground basement down the mansion.

Wilford narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment about the next step.

While he was in deep thought, he heard a faint whisper beside him.

Ask them to go down the passage.

Wilford looked to the side and saw a man with hash brown hair with a mask over his eyes standing beside him.

He seemed to be invisible to others as no one was able to perceive him except him.

But My Lord, what if they encounter something they cant handle?

The trouble had been dealt with and the offender had left the place as there were no fluctuations now.The masked man muttered.

Wilford nodded and issued the command to the Knights.

Wilford come with me, lets go down through the hole.

Wilford complied with the masked mans advice and jumped down with him.


The speed of their descent slowed as they passed through the pile of debris and the two figures touched the ground with a thud.

Orbs of fireballs lit up clearing away the darkness.

The orbs floated around them and ignited the dark passage.

They looked at the ground-plastered ground and then looked up at the ceiling.

It seems to be an underground passage leading somewhere.

A fierce fight seemed to have ensued here.

The masked man muttered.

Large dents and scratch marks filled the surrounding walls.

Rubbles and debris are scattered all around.

Craters formed due to the collision of fists and cuts made of sword marks had left deep impressions in many places.

It was even surprising that this place had been holding till now without collapsing.

The masked man glanced all around and mutteredWilford, can you feel it.

Wilford nodded with a hardened expression.

The space seemed to be filled with animosity.

I am not talking about that.The masked man spoke and looked at Wilford with a meaningful gaze.

Wilford touched one of the walls Half of the space around here seemed to be purified by someone.

There is no trace of miasma in sight but one can still feel the lingering presence.

It seems that the other side had taken care of everything but purposely left a present for others to notice. The Masked man muttered.

Wilford, you are at Mythic rank so you could observe the mana flow with your keen senses easily so try to trace the flow.

Wilford complied immediately and stepped forward.

His eyes glowed and he saw traces of mana from the previous fight lingering in the air. The battle was a mess and it was already a miracle that this place was holding on.

Wilford led The masked man inside over a broken wall and found a destroyed ceiling, rugged shelves and a weapon stand.

Many chests have been laid open and wrecked from the inside.

Not a single thing in the storage was left out.

Is this the case of robbery? Wilford blurted out with a horrified look.

His face contorted to a frown as he looked all around.

Maybe the person needed money so he took everything or maybe it was an assassin who was sent out to kill and take something. The Masked Man concluded and rubbed his chin.

But is there any assassin who can use divinity and purification?He spoke while looking around weirdly.

Wilford, lets try to look for clues.


Light of the flames poured out from the other side.

The Masked man snapped his finger and the orbs of fire vanished instantly.

Wilford and the masked man in the midst of looking around saw the Knights appear here which makes them conclude that the secret passage might have led here.

Wilford ordered the Knights to search around.

The Masked Man who was pacing to and fro suddenly halted and looked at the north side of the passage where the wall had been not damaged.

Except for it, all the other places have been damaged.

The Masked Man tapped Wilford and asked him to take a look.

Lighten that area!

Yes Sir!

As light ignited the place, they just saw a normal standing wall without anything out of place.

It was just that it was too normal which makes one suspicious.

Wilford released his mana and was startled for a moment.

Step back a bit.

Wilford raised his palms, and a small glint appeared on his hands.


An orb of mana flew towards the place and struck the wall.


The entire wall was illuminated by flashing red light which blinded one vision.

The Masked Mans expression tensed and he was alerted wondering whether there would be an attack on them but contrary to everyones thoughts, the blinding light on the wall disappeared and soon words glowing in the dark of man appeared over.

[Problem lies deep inside the soil. Purify it and the drought will disappear.]

Everyones eyes widened with surprised expressions.

The Masked Mans eyes trembled and his lips quivered. He wasnt able to discern much but he didnt know why a seed of hope was planted in his heart.


Inside the jolting carriage, Riya stared at Alex with an amused expression.

Alex was tapping his feet again and again.

He looked quite nervous.

Alex, are you nearly nervous or are you just pretending?


Am I a sick need that needs to act like this just to get attention? Alex spoke with a weird gaze.

What is making you anxious?

I am naturally worried. I dont know whether they got my word or not. I even wondered whether they could figure it out or not.

Then why didnt you just write it straight.

I was just being cautious. I dont know who will be the one coming to the place. I dont want anyone from those shady people to know about it, which would lead to a catastrophe.

Alex racked his brain wondering whether to take the chance to write something or not.

The miasma which had been invading Arkham had been repeatedly cleared with the help of Churches but this wasnt enough to make everything go back to normal.

The miasma had a property to taint everything it came into contact with whether it was air, land or soil.

The contaminated water may become poisonous and kill people if taken carelessly.

Similarly, the miasma slowly and steadily seeps inside the soil and starts affecting them bit by bit.

If their concentration is high, they would turn the soil black and then a black wriggling slimey mass of outgrowth could be noticed from there.

Since the miasma went deeper into the soil, it was hard to purify it unless the other side was skilful enough to cover everything in one go.

Since no one was as talented as his wife Athena, they just clear above the surface and leave the lower soil surface which is the cause of the major problem.

Alex just wanted to pass this message to the other side but he didnt know whether he was successful or not.

After a long and troublesome journey, Alex and his men finally arrived at Arlington City.

And as expected, the capital of the Arkham Empire looked glorious and prosperous.

Long walls surrounded the place like a fortress while a river flowed before it.

What hadnt Alex witnessed during this journey?

From people staring up with blank looks while resigning to their fate and dying because of not having their fill to people who were trying their best to survive even if they have to become bandits or thieves.

At every turn of the road, they had come across a team of bandits who were trying to loot them.

Alexs immediate action should be to kill them at one glance but those werent usual bandits but the common people who threaten them with an axe, sickle and kitchen knives which made Alexs heart bitter.

It was a sight that Alex didnt want to witness anymore. Even a stone-hearted person may melt after witnessing such a scene.

Alex used soft means to knock them and then place the beast he hunted near them along with things of some daily use.

He didnt give them money which may cause more trouble than required.

For the first time in his life, he felt that he had done a great deed by looting Count Gray.

He exchanges the money for clothes and food and puts them in commendable peoples hideouts while passing through it was limited to people whom he witnesses suffering.

The lands near the border were still in good condition but as he moved toward the border, Alex caught a glimpse of the agricultural lands where a single crop wasnt able to grow.

Many towns and cities were already deserted and became villages with no one in sight.

The farmlands have become desert and arid regions.

Alex attempted to clear the lands where he passed through as much as possible which had exhausted him on the journey.

But finally, he could breathe an air of freshness which made him feel revitalised once again.


Max and many others even cried tears of joy.

Just the term Capital City made the whole city look different.

It seemed as if the surrounding buildings, the clothes that people were wearing, the grass on the streets and even the trees planted in front of the houses looked much more elegant and stylish.

Max and others eyed their surroundings with barely contained excitement.

Aeon looked at Max and others behaving pathetically and looked another way to see Johnson looking at everything with the same expression and sighed.

This was the centre of Arkhams economic and political system and the place was even more vibrant than Zenith but peoples expectations and hopes seemed to float in the air still, these people are too much.

All of you calm yourself. Dont make yourself look like a country bumpkin. Dont disgrace our Lord. Aeon shouted and looked at Alex for some more words but he almost stumbled when he saw Alexs teary expression.

Lord, you also

Sorry, Aeon I wasnt able to hold myself. I have been missing good food for a while. Alex muttered.

Riya smiled helplessly and wrapped her hands around his arms.

Alex and his men arrived before the huge inner City walls where a large number of guards checked people.

They have to go inside the inner zone if they want to enter the headquarters of the Lockhart Merchant group.

Why is there such strict checking? Alex murmured.

Things have been a bit chaotic so they need to verify our identity.One of the passersby spoke.

There were four passage gates.

One for normal people.

One for awakened ones.

One was for merchants and the other was exclusively for Nobles and Royals.

Arlington city was divided into two zones.

Outer and inner

The inner area is the core zone where many nobles and rich people were concentrated while the outer was an area for lesser ones.

The division wasnt done based on wealth rather it was done to concentrate the security forces to identify suspicious individuals during the ongoing crisis.

And it was fairly successful as many demons and dark Elves had been caught due to this.

Alexs carriage stood in the line of the Merchants.

One by one, the carriage went in after checking and it was time for Alex.

Alex and Riya walked down from the carriage.

What is inside?An officer asked.

Clothes, beast skin and their parts.

The official noted down and asked others to check.

Do you have a registered Merchant licence?

No Sir, thats the reason we are here. I am an adventurer who has been bestowed with some luck. After scraping all the valuable parts from the beast, I made some profit and wanted to start a business in the City.

Adventure huh! Do you have proof!

Alex took out his adventurer licence and handed it to the officer who analysed it carefully.


Sir there is nothing wrong with it?The people spoke after searching the carriage.

The officer nodded and looked at the group of men behind Alex and asked about them.

They are the people I hired for safety. You know the condition of the outside world. It is disheartening.

Yeah, you are correct about that but we shouldnt lose hope.

All clear, let them pass.

Alex finally breathed in relief.

Some of his men had entered through a common passage while some entered with him.

Sir look at that! One of the men shouted while looking at the poster.

Alexs carriage halted and he gazed at the poster.

The poster says to donate something for the cause of others and help others in times of need.

There were also many posters with various advice returned on them.

Preferring animal husbandry and rearing during the current crisis.

Further enlistment of armed personnel.

It was quite a noteworthy approach which made Alex remember about his past when the government advertised their schemes through these posters.

While looking at the poster and hoardings, the one which garnered the most attention was the voluntary training of all common masses for a certain period.

They are even going to train the common people, Johnson asked with a look of surprise.

Are you all underestimating the common men? Alex asked with a stern expression.

Lord, wouldnt it be a waste of resources when the reserves are already all-time low?

Alex shook his head and laughedThey dont need to give them too many resources. Just basic training and knowledge of formation is enough and if someone is lucky to awaken then that would also benefit them a lot.

Though common people can become self-sufficient through this, it also means they have the power to fight and could oppose the ruling forces, Aeon spoke while thinking about the pros and cons.

Do you think Arkham had the luxury to think all of this now?

Alex couldnt help but praise the man who came up with this. It was a really good move.

People underestimate the common man too much.

If hundreds of common men gathered and ganged up wouldnt a Disciple rank be defeated easily?

Alex saw the burning fire in peoples eyes on the way. If common people could arm themselves with weapons to deal with enemies, they could even risk their lives to take out the other side.

Once forced into a no-retreat situation the army made of command people might surely change the scale if stronger ones are taken care of by the main forces.

First lets look for a place to stay and after that, I want all of you to visit Church and offer your prayer.

Athena would be angry if she knew that we havent prayed for a while.

After finding a place to stay, Alex took out the dark pill to experiment.

Just holding the pill with ones bare hands was enough to erode a part of ones consciousness and fill one with a sense of destruction.

The air around the pill swirled slowly and tuned to a dark grey colour that spread around.

On his way around here, Alex didnt dare to take out the pills wondering about the effects it might cause on those nearby.

It seems so potent that just a sniff of it may bring forth unforeseen circumstances. Alex wasnt able to cure Count Gray who was affected by it so he didnt want his men to suffer the same fate.

So, he asked his men to visit the Church where the divinity and blessing of the Goddess encircled around and even if something leaks out of there, it may not affect them.

The Church on the way doesnt have that strong holy power as in the Capital.

If he wasnt able to control it, he would just pull Riya and leave the place and alert the Church into action.

He felt that he was lucky that the seed was able to stay safely in the dimensional ring without causing any damage due to the halt of time inside it.

But as soon as he took it out, it gave off an ominous aura and corroded everything around it.

Alex had brought the whole inn under his name and sealed the area.

Alex crushed the pill into pieces and kept a part of it at the side.

Alex took a pinch of the crushing power and his breathing became fast.

He was using his divinity to stop his hand from being affected while trying to dispel the effect.

However, he wasnt able to.

Riya frowned seeing Alexs anxious expression and askedAlex, are you alright.

Alex swallowed his saliva and put down the crushed piece and wiped his sweat.

Riya, its not working. Alexs voice quivered a bit and he found himself in a helpless situation.

You mean the combined purification of your light element and blessings isnt working.

Alex nodded and spoke, I can purify the surroundings it affects but I cant eliminate the dark properties of the pill.

I mean it can be destroyed if we burn it or use other means. What I mean to say is even after I cast my divinity on it, this pill will have the same effect if taken.

Is it too difficult to handle?

Nah, its not that surprising after all you cant convert poison into elixir just because you want. What I am surprised about isthe ingredients of the pill ?Alex answered, staring at the pinch.

The pill feels solid but at the same time, it is intangible. Just like mana when highly condensed turns into mana water and then solidifies to form mana rock, this seems to be a condensed mass of darkness along with some other herbs which makes it difficult to analyse the component.

Pondering for a moment, Alex asked Riya to hold it.

Riya followed Alexs words and touched the powder on the table.

Under Alexs solemn gaze, Alex noticed another odd thing, the dark air tainted by the pill started to get sucked into Riya.

It feels itchy, Riya muttered with an uneasy expression.

Seeing her not affected by it, Alex decided to advance a bit further.

The step ahead had a huge risk which may have an undesirable effect on Riya.

Riya looked at Alex with an understanding look as she could feel what Alex wanted to convey.

You want me to take it but you fear the aftermath, Riya muttered while flashing a seductive smile.

I can even take poison if you order me to.

I think we should stop for now, Alex muttered while calming himself. There was no need to take unwanted risks.

He decided to use his dark mode and swallow the pill to see the effect but amid his thought, Riyas hands moved swiftly and she swallowed a bit of the crushed pill.

Riya! Alex yelled with a horrified look and stood up.

Riya closed her eyes and her expression distorted which caused Alex, heart, to skip a beat.

ItsIts too bitter..


Alexs eyes fluttered and he blinked his eyes wondering what was going on.

Riya glared at him and shouted, Why are you giving me this gaze when you also dont like bitter things?

Riyas expression was still tense as if she had encountered her nemesis.


Okay! I understand.

Alex grabbed a glass of water and passed it onto Riya and made her seat.

Alex squatted down and held her hands while observing Riya.

Did you feel anything different?

After settling down and getting rid of the bitter aftertaste, Riya closed her eyes and sensed her mana.

It took up a moment and Alex didnt speak and just glanced at Riya with a solemn look.

I see!Riya spoke after some time.

The pill clouds one mind and turns them into strange creatures but for that creature of darkness its similar to the drug that gives a small boost.

Though the effect is negligible I can feel the impulse to fight to overwhelm me. My senses had been heightened but it was quite negligible as I just took a small part.

Alexs face became pale as he listened to her.

In the end, it was a drug which could change many things.

Species of the world could get affected by it and harm their people while the other side gets a huge boost and may dominate the enemies.

A drug with two effects.

That asshole of an Organisation had a lot of hands and trump cards.

Where did it get such maniac researchers?

Alexs body shivered in fright wondering about the sheer number of living beings they have sacrificed to develop this kind of menace.

We should consider ourselves lucky to be able to find out about this pill otherwise we would have suffered a lot in future. Now, we need to find a way to deal with it.

Alex nodded with a blank look thinking about what lies ahead of them in future.

Alex kept the matter about the pill at bay and decided to focus on his main goal.

Wearing neat noble attire, Alex and his men arrived before the Lockhart Merchant group.

The main building wasnt tall but rather wide, leading to an initial impression that it was more like a museum or art gallery.

The massive carriages stored at the park seemed to scream about a persons status and many of them belong to Lockhearts.

In front of all this, Alexs carriage looked shabby and poor.

Alex exited it and made his way toward the building.

Alex was stopped at the gates and he was checked.

You must be Rex Hart.

Yes, I am.

The man checked Alex and recorded his mana signature along with others for identification purposes.

A few moments later, a man appeared and greeted them.

I am Joe Maurel and I will be your guide today. I will lead you to the Chairman once the appointed time arrives.

Walking through the corridor under some obnoxious stare made him a bit uncomfortable.

Stepping into such a large conglomerate that leads the wealth of the world was akin to blessings and only wealthy figures could step here.

So seeing him, many would already start wondering who he was.

It wasnt that they were ridiculing him, rather they were looking for future gains. If he turned out to be a rich guy, it wouldnt be wrong to behave humbly and ask for a deal.

Sir, only you are allowed to enter from here.

Alex nodded and looked at others to stay behind.

Riya, you can go shopping. You can take anything you want. Alex spoke with a smile.

I will, Riya spoke with a mischievous smile after all, in a way, wasnt all this going to be Alex soon?

Led by the man, Alex passed through the display hall.

Behind the crystal, clear glasses were weapons, armour, magic stones, artifacts and many more.

Seeing the glint in Alexs eyes, Joe askedAre you perhaps interested in any of these things?


These things are going to be auctioned, you can buy them from there.

Joe stood before the door and opened it and askedPlease enter.

Alex stared curiously at the door.

Shouldnt the chairman be surrounded by many security guards?

It seems they want to play with me.

Alex stepped in only to be greeted by a lousy man with a short beard who looked at him with hazy eyes.


Please wait a moment.

He yawned and took out a cigar and tried to light it.

His movements were sluggish due to the drowsiness.

After lifting it and taking a few puffs, he seemed to be refreshed.

Alex stood rooted before the man and watched him with a frown.

Was the chairman who is in charge of the Lockheart Merchant of Arkham group can do this lousy?

The thought struck in his mind.

He looked at the room which was messy and reeked of smoke.

There werent many things on the table except a small bowl to throw the used cigar.

Hello, I am Rex

Please have a seat.

Alex was cut off in the middle by the man who didnt even introduce himself.

Listen, Mr Rex, I will get straight to the point.

Your business proposal is good but it isnt that fancy that can make one scream to take part.

The man bent his body and pulled out a document and put it before Alex.

We are going to take 90% and the rest 10% belongs to yours.

Are you kidding me? Alex asked with a surprised expression.

Risks are mine, 60% of the investment is mine, the work will be done by me and you want me to hand over everything to you.

Am I signing a business contract or a slave contract?

The man clicked his tongue and took out the cigar with an annoyed look.

Listen, country bumpkin. Thats the way things are done here. Even 10% is great for you. Arent you just a muddy villager? What the hell do you want so much money.

Are you the chairman here? Alex asked, suppressing his anger.

Nah, he doesnt deal with bugs. I didnt find your business lucrative enough to send the request to him.

I see!

I was correct about that.

Alex muttered slowly and covered his face and sighed heavily.

The man sneered seeing Alexs expression.

Did you think of yourself as a hot celebrity thats gonna be worshipped?


In an instant, the surrounding air started to tumble under heavy pressure.

Alex wasnt angered by the humiliation, rather he was disgusted by the scum working in a place where his wife spent her heart and soul.

If he wanted, he could just kidnap the chairman and sort out things but many Mythic ranks are standing here.

His and Riyas strength is enough to cross the border but the only thing that has kept him here is to help the poor people of Arkham.

Thats also one of the purposes he was here but it was quite disheartening that a bug had foiled his mood.

A strong pressure fell on the man which froze his entire body.

The man was at Epic rank and he tried to pour all his mana to get out of there.

Who are you? Werent you just a Disciple rank?

He screamed and looked ahead but his expression paled as he saw two bloody pairs of eyes staring at him which made him scared out of his wits.

Mana swirled around his neck.

Like an invisible hand grappling his neck, his body started to rise and the veins in his neck bulged as his neck was squeezed.

You humiliated me, you humiliated hard-working villagers.

Since I am just a country bumpkin I dont know the rules, do I?

A vicious bloodied smile covered his vision, making his body shudder.

Maggot, let me ask you a question.

A hoarse sound as fierce as thunder blast rang in his ear which ripped his mind apart.

Tell me, how do you want to die?

Veins bulged all over his face starting from his neck.

His face became pale as he started to choke due to being strangled by an invisible pair of hands.

Bubbles started to gush from his lips.

He threw his hands and feet all around.

He felt as if two pairs of pincers were holding his neck and no matter how much he tried, he wasnt able to get out of the grasp.

His left hand sneakily moved towards the bell which could ring and send a signal of the danger alerting others to look for him.

He thought that touching it would be the end of this person as no matter how strong this man was he couldnt go against the entire merchant group on his own, however, his sweet moment of hope was shattered


The small bell burst and flew back crashing onto the walls.

Pretty tricks dont work on my bug.

His eyes widened as the entire room became dark suddenly leaving only two brightly flashing red lights before him.

He could see it.

He could feel it.

There was no doubt about it.

It was the looming figure of death sitting before him with a crooked evil smile while the scythe of death had been pressed against his neck which he had no way to shake away.

Out of desperation, he tried to plead with the person whom he had looked down upon.

Forforgive me

Please.Forgive me.

I am sorry..

Alex didnt kill him and just enjoyed the man begging for mercy.

The man started to squeak like a pig and his eyes burst into tears.


The man was about to lose consciousness and was about to get the ticket to hell.


The mans body collapsed onto the floor with a bang.


As if he was smoking, he took in the air greedily to get rid of the suffocation but stopped as he felt the gaze of the man.

He was being looked down in disdain as if his worth doesnt even compare to a worm.

You dont deserve pity, Alex muttered, taking out an insignia from his pocket and throwing it to him.

It was made with gold as a base with many precious gems decorated on it with the Lockhearts symbol.

Alex folded his legs and tapped on the armrest and spoke arrogantly.

Five Minutes!

I want this thing to be seen by the chairman in five minutes. I dont care how you will do this.

Will you take this personally or through your subordinate, I dont care. I just want this thing on the Chairmans table in five minutes?

Otherwise, you will die.

And very horribly on top of that. When your soul leaves the body, it will shudder in fear after seeing the condition of the corpse.

Believe me, when I say I will kill you, itmeans no one in the world could save you.

His body shivered and he almost wet his pants in fear. All the hair on his body stood hair and tears trickled down from his eyes like a waterfall.

Alexs words rang like a death sentence into his ears and without wasting any time, he stood up and moved towards the insignia but stumbled due to his trembling legs.

What are you doing? Alex asked curiously.

I am taking this to the Chairman. The man answered.

Dont have servants. And do you think Im easy to fool? You are going to take it yourself and escape. Do you think I am an idiot?

Ask your men to take this quickly and you have already wasted one minute of your time, Alex spoke much to the mans horror.

I will do as you say. The man spoke with a shiver and called his attendant.

Joe who was outside the door was feeling quite weird and restless.

Inside the room, there was a meeting going on but oddly it was too silent. He wasnt able to hear a single noise from inside.

If only knew just what had transverse inside, he would have already fled out of the place.

No, he may even leave the whole city in fear.


Joes eyes narrowed as he heard the bell and immediately went inside.

The sight of Horn sitting with a stiff expression and drenched in sweat greeted him.

Joe, please take this box to the chairman. Tell him its a very important matter and we need his approval as soon as possible. So, ask him to open it quickly and give it approval.

Go quickly and dont waste a single moment.

Joe noticed the pleading gaze from Horm and understood that something had gone wrong so he grabbed the box and ran outside hurriedly.

Joe entered the Chairmans suite and was stopped by the guards.

This is Joe, the assistant of Sir Horn. We have an urgent matter that needs the Chairmans immediate approval.

The Chairman is busy, so please go to the Vice Chairman. The guard spoke with a stern tone.

I cant do that. This needs the Chairmans decision.

The guards looked at each other wondering what to do.

Did you forget the important thing about Lockheart?

Learn to analyse the situation. We cant miss this golden opportunity that came due to the blessing. Are you going to take responsibility if this thing goes to another Merchant group and we lose our position?

Joes words made the guards hearts waver as they would be severely implemented if it was something they needed to deal with.

Seeing their gaze, Joe pressed in further and made it sound as if they were going to miss a great opportunity.

Under his relentless pursuit, the guards finally gave in.

I will go and inform the Chairman.

After a few moments, the guard appeared with a pale look and spoke.

Joe, you can go but if the Chairman doesnt think the situation to be as urgent as you mentioned but you and Sir Horn are going to be fired.

Joes hands holding the box trembled and he swallowed his saliva.

He could only believe in Harms words now.

Joe entered and greeted the person.

Chairman Zach, please take a look at the thing inside the box.

Joe muttered and put the box.

Zach didnt speak and just stared at Joe with a scrutinising gaze.

He took the box and opened it.

He was an old man in his 70s and had seen all kinds of things in the world to the point, he had become numb to the riches, however, his eyes widened as saucers as soon as saw the thing inside the box.

The golden light reflected from the insignia blinded him and startled him greatly.

Where is the man who brought it?He shouted and got up from his seat.

Sir, he is meeting Horn.

Lead me to him quickly.

Sir. Joey felt as if he had heard something wrong.

Shouldnt he say lead him to me?

Fool, dont waste our precious time and lead me quickly.

Joe nodded and followed his words.

Zach entered Horms office and his eyes fell on the person sitting on the other side who looked a bit different from what he knew.

Horm stood up and greeted him but was surprised to see Zachs reaction on seeing Alex while the latter wasnt even greeting him but glaring at him.

Zach felt that Alex seemed to be in an annoying mood and quickly kicked out Horm.

Sir Alex, nice to meet you. I never imagined that I would meet you like this. Zach spoke with a polite tone.

Alex gave a brief nod and saidIts the same for me.

Lets keep the pleasantries aside. I need your help. I wanted to talk to my wife so I need your communication channel.Alex spoke and gave a small brief about the situation.

Sure why not? Take it.

By the way make sure that bastard Horm doesnt get away.


Zach took out the mana communicator stone channel and placed it before Alex.

Will it connect directly to Yvonne or her managers who were forwarding the channel to her?

It will lead directly to her, Zach replied.

Alex took it and called for Yvonne with great anticipation.

His heart felt uneasy wondering about Yvonne and others. After so many days he could finally talk and take a look at them.

He felt as if he was a thirsty man who had found the source of water in the vast desert.



The communication rang and kept on ringing until it stopped.


An awkward silence along with heavy pressure lingered in the room.

Alex frowned and said, Maybe she is busy, lets dial it again.


After the fifth call, the call was finally picked up which lit Alexs expression but.

Zach, I am busy right now. I will call you later.

With few words, the call was cut leaving Alex and Zach frozen like a statue.

Alex for the first time since his birth felt his dignity of being a man was trampled and it was done quite mercilessly on top of that.

Within a span of a second, Alexs jaw opened and closed countless times.

He stared at Zach with a bewildered look and asked.

Does this happen every time?

Zach shrinks back a little after witnessing Alexs expression.

He felt as if he stepped right into the quarrel between two couples.

No, no!

Maybe Lady Yvonne had some other work. She always picks up the call and listens to our words Zach tried to calm Alex down.

Call her again and again until she picks up due to frustration.

If she plucks this, use other channels to make the call. Ask the chairman of other places to call. I want to talk to her now.

Every time the call was picked the image of both sides was displayed.

This is also why he felt hurt, Yvonne might have seen him but didnt recognize him and cut the call.

Maybe she hadnt even seen him as she cut the call too fast but whatever maybe he felt a bit hurt.

Zach with sweaty hands started his mission of being a stalking caller who kept calling again and again.



In Leonhart, an important meeting was going on with many key figures.

At a large round table, one side was occupied by Catherine, Yvonne, Athena and Christina.

On the other side, Count Bassie, Morderk, Lamapart, Count Steelwall.

Even the Chief of Wolftribesman Peru and Chief of Orcs Kassel were also present.

All of them were gathered to review the recent affairs of the current Leonhart and to make any necessary amendments if required.

The tense atmosphere lingering in the room was broken by a repeated buzzing sound from Yvonnes side.

Yvonne was embarrassed for a moment and was boiling with rage.

Whats up with this idiot? He is repeatedly calling me even if I cut it. Is there a hole in his head or he wanted to be fired from his job?

Generally, it was his assistant who carried this but with all troubles popping around, Alex suggested keeping this thing to herself so that she could respond to an immediate crisis which could also avert any disaster in case his assistant betrays fur for some reason.

Chairmen from other places were also making the calls.

Catherine sighed and said, Yvonne, pick up the call.

In the meantime, lets take a break.

Yes Your Highness! The other nodded and started to head out.

Gritting her teeth, Yvonne took it out and received the call.

On the screen, Zach appeared along with an anonymous man with dark hair and a hazy face that seems quite familiar but also unfamiliar.

If it was another case she might have recognised him but she was a bit overtaken by rage and it was one of her bad habits to lose her temper easily.

Zach, what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you disturbing me?

And who is this shithead? Is he the reason for all your stupidity?

The anonymous man stared at Yvonnes face with a cold expression and saidDid you call me shithead? Just because I left you all for two months did you forget me or did you think I have died and you can do as you please?

Athena, who was taking a sip of the iced coffee on the other side while savouring the flavour suddenly choked.


The coffee splattered directly on Catherines face.

Catherines eyes widened and before she could speak, Athena jumped up like a silly girl and screamedAlex, is that you?


A deep silence lasted for a moment following a loud erupt of shock.

Yvonne closed her mouth due to instinct. Her brain short-circuited suddenly due to the shock.

She didnt know whether this was due to the shock of seeing him or being terrified of calling and cursing him.

Seeing his foul mood, Yvonne was sure that this guy would collect the debt with ten times the interest at the next meeting.

Alex felt his throat clump for a bit and he was unable to speak. He just stared at his wifes reaction which soothes his heart.

Worry, uneasiness, fear, concern, distress.

He could see many emotions on their face but at the same time, he could see all the negative feelings disappearing slowly and steadily.

Al-AleAlex you look hot in black hair? Athena spoke while jumping like a fan girl.

Athenas words brought another round of silence and the other four averted their gaze.

Catherine turned her head with a blush and waved her hand as if she wanted to cool down.

Although she didnt say anything, she agreed with Athena perfectly.

It would be a lie if she said she didnt like his appearance.

Christina noticed Catherines odd expression and handed her a handkerchief.

I dont need it. Its not that hot. Catherine spoke.

I think its better to wipe out your face.

Catherine lowered her head with embarrassment and pulled the handkerchief.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Alex coughed a bit.

Thanks, Athena. You also look lovely.

No, in fact, every one of my wives is a fairy descended from heaven made especially for me to shelter.

He raised his chin proudly but his smugness disappeared as his gaze caught the thorn on the other side.

Zach can give me some private space.

Yeah sure, sir.

And also call Riya here. She is currently being called Priya so be mindful of it.

After Zach left, his eyes locked onto his wife.

How are you all?

And Yvonne, dont think too much. It was just a joke. I am not pissed at you, rather I am really happy and proud that you have a channel that helped to get in touch with you. I owe you a lot. Alex trying to the chalice

Sure enough, they dont look well. Due to restlessness, they have not looked after their health well.

We are well, dont worry about us. Tell us about your end. Catherine spoke.

Yeah, Alex tells us everything truthfully. You looked like you were under every burden. Athena spoke with a worried tone.

Alex smiled and shook his head.

After what happened in the war, it would be odd if I dont worry about it.

Alex, can you tell us what happened out there? We need details.

Since no one knows about your whereabouts, the situation is not great for you. Shen is trying to wipe out the survivors who evaded the calamity.Catherine spoke.

I expected that much from that piece of shit. Things might havent turned out like this if he had informed the Capital. Alex spoke with disgust.


The door opened as Riya entered and as soon as she saw her sister, she gave a pleasant smile and engaged in some hearth talk after which Alex started to narrate the events.

They noticed Alexs expression as he recounted it.

Riyas body trembled as she remembered that experience while Alexs hand gripped tightly to the armrest of the chair causing it to break into pieces.

His wives were horrified and lost their composure as they heard the tale. Alex also told them everything he had encountered till now in Arkham.

From encountering the dark elf to that dark pill and about the drought condition.

I cant believe Arkham is in such a pathetic state. I have heard about them from my people and it is a hundred times worse when you describe. Yvonne spoke with a frown.

Thats because the people here dont step out onto the farmland. The land near the capital city and under major nobles is alright as the miasma was taken care of quickly but other regions like scattered villages and towns dont have means to communicate and were taken over quickly.

Did you encounter any undead, Athena asked.

Alex shook his head and spoke This miasma is corrupting living beings and it doesnt turn them into undead. The main problem is, it is taking away vitality. Even if the lands are purified they lose their fertility and due to lingering over lands for a prolonged period, it has gone deep inside the crust.

That means you havent encountered a single undead, Christina spoke with disbelief.

Undead were like pests who sprang and crawled like ants with large numbers. If undead were wreaking havoc in Arkham, there was no way Arkham could get up on its feet.

Facing attacks from undead and demons would have already led to its doom.

We have diverted from the topic a bit. So, lets get on with it. Alex stopped the conversation from leading somewhere else.

Alex tapped on the desk people were speaking, giving everyone a sense of uneasiness.

His personality seemed to have changed.

From the initial easygoing expression, he looks more like a demon currently.

The borders are sealed by the demons and they would likely spread miasma and start advancing. Its been a while since demons took over so what response is Kinley going to take?

The four on the other side looked at each other wondering who would go first.

Finally, Christina stepped up.

One and a halmonthsths from now.

Kinley is going to attack with full force. James and Hex are in charge of leading the troops.

Alexs brows furrowed with an uncanny expression.

One and half months..

What the hell?

Why are they waiting for a month to attack? Shouldnt there be an immediate response?

Everyone noticed Alexs grim expression.

There are many reasons, Yvonne muttered.

They are waiting for Arkham to organise the forces. Kinley and Arkham had made some sort of deal we dont know about.

Second is due to the Church. Athena started to explain.

Demons arent the primary problem, its the miasma. Demons arent affected by it and they could also control those who get affected. To cleanse it in one go, we need a large number of people from the Church and since most of the Church arent combatants, we need people to protect them

Our paladins might not be sufficient so for this, Kinley has called other Kingdom troops for protection.

I am not surprised to know that demons arent affected but I am surprised that they could control those who are affected. Its weird but after hearing Dark Elves words, it seems Demons are worshipping the God of darkness.Alex concluded.

The situation is becoming tricky, Catherine murmured.

Wait! Does Arkham have enough manpower to attack the border at this time? Riya spoke with a confused expression.

Alex shook his head and said, No, they dont have the luxury.

Currently, they are fueled by rage and want to take revenge. They couldnt overpower the demons from the Northern side but with Kinleys support at least they could soothe their anger on the border.


p Thats why I feel one shouldnt get involved in international affairs and politics.

Its troublesome to fight in the war.

Alex spoke with a sign.

Hmm! You are just saying this. But you are the one who is most excited to run around on the battlefield. Catherine snorted.

You are accusing and defaming me. I am gentle

You are the gentleman in terms of the beast, Yvonne added.

Alex almost choked on his words and stared at each other and then burst into laughter.

After laughing for a bit, Alex informed them about his plans.

Did our kingdom also get the call?

Yeah, we were asked to send 500 men to the coalition forces, Catherine answered.

Then I will try to sneak into Arkham forces and try to get to the other side by fighting my way.

Will you be alright?

All his wives asked him at the same time with nicked expressions.

If it was previously, Alex could have said yes confidently but now he didnt know.

What if another Supreme Rank appears on the battlefield? With vast miasma acting as fuel, Alex could go into dark mode but still, he wasnt confident about defeating it.

Last time, he was able to steal blessings and divinity from the worshippers from the God Of Darkness but I may not be so lucky this time.

Alex masked his uneasiness and spoke, Dont worry, I will be alright.

Since I have this now, we will keep communicating. So, now all of you should take a rest and then prepare for the forthcoming battle.

I will reach the other side even if I have to dig a sea filled with corpses, Alex assures them with a chilling tone which instantly terrorizes them and at the same time also fills their heart with hope.