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Like the shadow, a figure appeared out of nowhere and took its place in the leader's seat.

The doubts that linger in their heart about whether someone's disguising as Queen quickly faded away as soon they saw the appearance.

Icey cold eyes with a stare as sharp as a piercing dagger emanating ruthlessness that can freeze one bone.

There was no doubt that she is the Queen of Shadows who used to rule from behind.

Riya stared at the members gathered before her and was satisfied after seeing that no one was missing. If she found today that some had left or betrayed the organisation in her absence, she would personally hack his skull open to send a message.

After gaining fame and getting the title, Riya decided to form a small independent organisation who were free to do what they want but have to respond to her call in times of need and follow her orders.

Almost all of them work for big assassin organisations and many were saved or helped by her in one way or another.

And some even hold high posts in Secret Night Order, the biggest assassin organisation throughout the Continent.

Riya rested her arms on the armpit and raised her chin to cast a sinister smile and said"Why are you all surprised? Did you think that I will be out of touch just because I took a break in the business?"

Everyone shook their heads in fear and sat down on getting her signal.

"I will directly get to the point."

"Did anyone request an assassin order or bounty on him?"

They knew whom she was referring to and tried to recall the things.

"Queen, I don't think there is any order issued on him till now."

Riya raised her brows and asked, "Are you sure about it or did you all forget the task I have given you?"

The people present broke out in cold sweats and swallowed their saliva in fear because if an order was issued and they didn't know about it, they were sure that they would be going out here in a coffin.

"I am sure of it. If you have doubts, I will try to look at the intel."

Riya turned her gaze and stopped pursuing the matter.

"I knew, I can trust you, Uncle Mag."

Mag wiped off the sweat from his forehead after getting her confirmation.

Even though he was a half-Saint realm powerhouse, he was still afraid of her.

He still remembered that stormy night when she slaughtered three Saint realm powerhouses and wiped out the entire noble house. Her power erupted like a volcano and rose to Mythic rank in an instant and the horrifying demoness look on her face was deeply etched in his memories and sometimes, he still has a nightmare about it.

It was such a huge matter that it could bring the whole Empire's attention to her but the leader of the Secret Night order personally blocked the information and the blame was shifted to another one.

The leader was quite a secretive man and no one knew about him and had seen him. It was said that there was no one left alive after seeing him.

He may be a king or a noble or a street vendor on the side but even though he had an anonymous identity, he still created such a mammoth organisation.

The night on which Queen rampaged was later known as Order of Night Blood.

This was also one of the reasons why he decided to lower his head and work with her.

"Queen, can you please tell us where you have disappeared and will you make an appearance regularly from now on and resume the work."

Riya looked at the guy named Rob and said"Rob, have I ever asked you what you do in your free time or have I interfered in your work."

Rob swallowed his saliva and shook her head.

"And as for your second question. I will make an appearance if the situation calls for it. But, I don't think I will work as an assassin anymore." Riya answered everyone's curious gaze.

"But Queen, what if the leader orders you or forces you to work as an assassin."

Riya's expression turned cold and her eyes flashed with a murderous glint.

"He will not."

"I don't know what your relationship with Alex is…. I mean Prince Alex." Han, who just had a slip off the tongue,almost wet his pants, saw Riya darkened hollow eyes.

'This guy is itching to be killed.'

Everyone knows in the whole organisation that you can't disrespect Alex or call his name casually.

Yeah, you can do that if you have guts of steel and want to wake up in hell the next day.

Mag coughed a little to ease the situation and spoke," Queen, there is a thing I am worried about."

"I am not asking about Prince Alex's relationship but we wanted to know about your resolution."

"Previously, the assassin orders placed on him didn't come from big forces but now since Prince Alex is still growing and there are chances of getting the title back, there is a chance of assassins' orders on him coming from big forces.

"If the opposite party is huge to contend with, we cannot reject it otherwise we will incur their wrath and end up getting killed. Though our organisation isn't that frail to get uprooted I'm one the day when the conflict of interest arouses one tends to take the easier way."

"Everyone present out here holds a high seat but when the matter gets worse, the decision would be made by the leader and we can't influence him," Mag explained with a worried look.

Riya sighed and stared at the ceiling with a blank expression.

This was also what she had been worried about.

Alex's growth was extraordinary and if he gets his title back, the others wouldn't take it lying down after all, another member of the throne adds more difficulty for them.

It wasn't the main problem rather the real problem lies in security. Every member of the Royal family had their forces and imperial knights looked after them.

It's not that they hadn't suffered any assassin, rather it all failed but Alex didn't have that kind of force. He may get his squad and protector after becoming Prince but would the parties from other Prince's side wait for that to happen?

Moreover, killing Alex is like killing two birds with a stone. Since the royal family had strict rules not to kill the siblings, one can use this chance to blame the other and disqualify him from the race of the throne.

And in this type of situation, The Emperor calling Alex to the capital was akin to asking a sheep to step into a tiger's den.

The more she thought, the more restless he became.

Riya stood up and ordered"If such a situation occurs, you need to report me. Send me the signal through the rings."

"If you can't find me, just take the order and report that the assassinations failed or kill the assassin who received the order."

Riya's figure slowly melted into shadow and she disappeared from their sights leaving behind a sentence.

"Prince Alex is my benefactor who saved my life unknowingly. Even if I sacrifice my life this isn't enough to repay him."

"If anyone doesn't want to remain in this organisation,you can leave the place, otherwise if I caught the wind of betrayal, I don't need to say about the consequences."

A hushed silence prevailed in the place after Riya's words echoed in their ears.

In the Lock City.

In the middle of the city stood a huge and magnificent Palace filled with grandiosity.

The Palace looked magnificent and imposing.

It was built with such wealthy materials that even a single brick from the place cost a huge sum.

It wasn't just for displays, it was also an impenetrable fortress. Countless arrays and runes were engraved on the tall walls which could handle strikes from Saint realm powerhouse.

It was the Palace of Lockharts, the one that led the economy of Kinley.

They have been so deep-rooted in finance that their loss was the loss of the whole Kingdom.

In one of the huge buildings, lay the office of Princess Yvonne who had been given the title of Princess by The Emperor himself.

Yvonne, who was handling her daily paperwork, was disturbed by the sudden call from her servant.

"Miss, The President Of Prodigious has asked for a meeting."

"Reject them," Yvonne spoke without looking up while skimming through the pages.

"Don't they know that they have to make an appointment? Don't they even know the general courtesy? This is simply unprofessional," Yvonne muttered nonchalantly.

"But Miss, it's The President Of Prodigious"

Yvonne's hands stopped abruptly and she raised her brows and asked with a startled look.

"President of Prodigious! Did you verify it?"

"Yes Miss, his assistant who does business with us is also present."

"He said that they wanted to discuss something urgently and didn't have time to seek an appointment. They need immediate assistance." The servant muttered

"Okay, send him in. Let's see that gutsy guy who came up with so many innovative ideas."Yvonne ordered.

The servant nodded his head and left.

Yvonne interlocked her finger and fell into deep thought.

Three months ago, a merchant persistently requested to meet her and wanted to ask for a loan.

She decided to give them a chance after noticing the heavy aura of fortune around him.

The plans and the models in the catalogue seriously blew her mind.

There were many innovations one after another.

Use of compressed gas to cook food instead of wood, a magical instrument to heat food, ideas for making shows and dramas, and use of magical crystals to record the performance and sell it.

New fashion trends and designs.

And the leading innovative thing was the bicycle which was a hot sale for them.

At first, she was a bit sceptical about it. But seeing the person's aura, she decided to take the gamble. The assistant negotiated with her fiercely, she compromised and asked to get a 40% profit and shares which came down to 20% shares only.

In just a mere three months the business made a profit of nearly half a million deducting the cost.

And the cycle was a hot commodity where each piece cost 200-1000 gold coins according to the customization.

She was curious about the man who thought of all these ideas which were really out of the box and wanted to meet him.

But to her frustration, she was refused and the assistant said that he had been recuperating due to something.

Now, it was finally time for her to meet the person.

Yvonne snapped out of her thought as she heard the opening of the door and a man walked toward her table.

The man wore a large cap which also covered part of his face along with big specks which made him look like an idiot.

On top of that, Yvonne's eyeball widened as she saw that the man neither had an aura of Fortune nor did he have an aura of bad luck.

'What the hell?'She gasped in shock but recomposed herself quickly while her senses became entered as the man gave him odd and familiar vibes.

The man smiled a little and sat down on the chair"Nice to meet you, Miss Yvonne."

"Haven't you ever heard about work ethics? You just barged your way through here and sat down without waiting for me to agree."

"Why do I need your permission to sit?"

"Because you are meeting me in my office. If I visited your place, I would also have to wait for your permission."

"Moreover, don't you know that you need to seek an appointment before meeting someone," Yvonne spoke with an annoyed tone.


Yvonne was shocked to see the man bursting into laughter.

"Hahaha! It's quite funny isn't it?"

The man spoke and pulled down his hat allowing his long hair to fall over his shoulder and took out his speck.

His brilliant crimson glowing eyes blinded Yvonne for a second who was already shocked by the sudden change.

The man folded his legs and with a haughty look and large grin on his face said"Miss Yvonne, since when did a husband need to seek permission to see his wife?"

Yvonne was flabbergasted seeing the man before him and her mouth opened wide.

She blinked her eyes for a moment and she seemed to be mesmerised for a moment.

'What is this weird feeling?'Yvonne muttered as her heartbeat started to hasten and she could feel Alex glowing for an odd reason.

It was as if butterflies were flying around and flowers bloomed in the heart.

'Something is wrong.'Yvonne thought inwardly as she tried to calm herself down.

Alex smiled inwardly seeing her reaction. He has raised his charm to the max wanting to cast an everlasting impression on Yvonne.

'I should stop it otherwise I would be in trouble if she found out that I used a charm on her.'

"Is Miss Yvonne just smitten by my beauty?"

Yvonne snapped out of her thoughts and she glared at Alex.

"It's okay Miss Yvonne. You can feast your eyes on your handsome husband after all I am all yours." Alex grinned.

"You might not believe it, Miss Yvonne, when I walk on the street, girls line up just to get a look at me. I am a hot-selling commodity with unimaginable prospects."

Alex spoke while rubbing his nose.

Yvonne, who managed to regain her calmness quickly, asked"Wait! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Athena in Chesla?"

"Ohh, it seems that you are keeping track of your husband. What a good and dutiful wife." Alex spoke with a smile.

Yvonne gritted her teeth and said"Who is your wife? I still haven't accepted it."

Alex sighed and raised his chin to stare at Yvonne with an intense gaze making her flinch back a little.

"Do you think I need your permission to be your husband or do you want me to beg you to be my wife? You are overestimating yourselves?"

"You hateful stupid idiot. I was the one who bore all the burden and cleared all your mess. I took care of all the things and protected everyone from the wolves."Yvonne spoke.

"Why did you do that? I didn't ask you to do it?"Alex smirked.

"I…I.." Yvonne was stunned to see Alex shameless.

This guy didn't even have a shred of courtesy.

"Let me tell you the reason. You did it because you thought this was your duty.No need to delude yourself, I know you wanted to be part of my family but your pride didn't want to accept the fact."

"Don't worry if there comes a day when you are attacked, I would also take the role of the shield."

"I know even at the very moment your heart is beating wildly for me. Just accept it."

"You are wrong. I just found you pathetic and pitied you." Yvonne uttered while glaring at Alex.

'What is this fellow saying? My heart is beating for him, what a joke. But my heart is beating fast after seeing him and he looks good. I didn't think that this stupid piggy fatty would turn out to be like this.'

'Ahhh!No, what am I thinking? This hateful man is confusing me.'

Alex smiled seeing Yvonne conflicted thoughts.

'Heheheh!Lass, you will soon be in my grasp.'

"Okay, Yvonne, we will stop this banter for now and discuss business."

"You should be very professional when it comes to doing this. We Shouldn't mix private and business matters with others."

Yvonne's words struck her throat and she nodded her head with an apologetic look.

'Huh! Wasn't he the one who began this?'

"I want more funds," Alex asked.

"More funds, you have to put a proposal first."

Alex nodded and explained.

He wanted to make cheaply affordable bicycles which can even be used by common people.

The nobles used costly materials and decorated them with gems as a show-off. On the other hand, he could use wood to make things for poor people so that it would cost less.

The bicycle was more useful for common men who have to walk long distances than the nobles who can use carriages.

Since most of the work of Prodigious was handled by David who had been in Capital where Alex was in Nevan, the communication hadn't been going well due to long distances but now since he is here, it was time for him to expand things.

"So, instead of a workshop, you wanted to create a whole factory." Yvonne inferred.

"What about the restaurant Otherworldly Gourmet?"

"The building structure is going on slowly. I didn't want to spend all the money there and I will only use the gains from other businesses to build it."

"It is more of a far-fetched idea. We need innovative chefs and many other things." Alex muttered, he needed to find a chef with good talent.

Legendary miner, legendary chef. Alex didn't even know what might crop up next. He feared that there might even be a legendary sweeper hiding out there who would sweep out the enemies with the broomstick.

"I wanted to ask about the tailoring shop." Yvonne's eyes glistened as she talked about clothes.

"I want Prodigious to have the exclusive right for the designed clothes and you are going to get just 10%.Nothing more."Alex muttered.

"What!" Yvonne gritted her teeth and muttered, "Don't forget your business was built with our loans."

"I don't even need your money to make a cloth shop. I can start from a small outlet."

"Did you think of me as a poor beggar?"

"Hmph." Alex snorted.

He had already looted and profited a lot on the journey.

Yvonne fell in thought for a moment. After all, she can't force him to sign an agreement with her to do business and have the share.

Since Alex is head of the group and with kingdom backing, he had more than enough funds to make the shop.

Yvonne pondered for a moment and gave a smile.

"Alex, since we are husband and wife. Shouldn't what belongs to you, also belong to me then doesn't it mean that I am the lady boss of Prodigious?" Yvonne glanced at Alex with a confident look.

"Huh! You are right about that Yvonne. If you are talking like this, you sure have the right over Prodigious."

Yvonne grinned and nodded in satisfaction.

"What belongs to me, also belongs to you and what is yours is also mine. The Prodigious is yours and The Lockheart's merchant group is mine."

"Isn't that correct?"

"Yeah, you are correct." Yvonne nodded but realising Alex's words, her expression turned ugly.


Alex rolled his eyes and scoffed.

'Did you think you are only good at dealing with others? Let me tell you, before coming here Sis Athena herself had taught me Five Ways to Overpower Yvonne and even wrote the notes.'

'After studying from a highly professional teacher do you think you stand a chance? Alas, if only Athena would have worn glasses with a pair of stockings and teacher clothes. I could have feasted my eyes on her.'

'Alex you need to work hard to upgrade the clothes.'Alex muttered resolutely while leaving Yvonne's dumbfounded look.

"At least make it 20%," Yvonne said with a stern look.


"15% and all the clothes for me and my servant free."

"Deal!" Alex shouted.

It can not be considered free as if Yvonne wore the clothes in advance, it could bring him great publicity.

"Okay, I am leaving now," Alex muttered and stood.

"So early!" Yvonne spoke with a saddened expression.

"Does my wife want me to accompany her?" Alex teased.

"It's not that. Since you have come here you should meet my parents and brother."

Alex's face became pale and his legs trembled.


'I am going to get threatened again.No, I can't meet them today. I need to puff my pride first.'

"Not today, I came here unofficially so it's not good to meet today."

"We will meet in Zenith since you all will be visiting it."

"And please keep this a secret," Alex muttered and stood up but before leaving he glanced at Yvonne.

"I will look forward to spending time with you my Lady," Alex spoke with a smile and pulled out Yvonne gave a gentle kiss.

Yvonne was stunned by Alex's motion and quickly withdrew her hands and caressed it.

"Scoundrel," Yvonne muttered softly.

Alex turned back and walked away.

Alex stopped in his tracks and turned his gaze while raising his brows.

With a wide smile, he gave a brief nod while muttering faintly"Interesting, the Lockharts don't seem to be as simple as they appear.

Yvonne stared at Alex retreating and stomped her feet with a flustered expression.

"He came and just left as if I was nothing."

"What the hell did he think of me?"

"I will make sure to teach him a lesson next time." Yvonne snorted.

"But before that, I need to do something about that weird aura. I am sure he used some kind of trick on me to daze me." Yvonne grumbled.


Alex went out of the Lockheart's mansion staying low. The disguise wasn't the best but it was ten times better than walking around wearing a cloak while attracting other people's suspicion.

"Your Highness, how did the meeting go?"

David who was now working as an assistant ran hurriedly with a nervous expression.

After interacting with all higher-status people, he knew how tough their character was and Lady Yvonne was quite harder to deal with.

She wasn't an easy person to mess with and on top of that coming here uninvited without an appointment was similar to looking down on them.

Some people had to wait for days or even months just to get an appointment. It generally depends on the other party's worth and proposal.

The only reason he dared to come here without any appointment was because of King Alex.

Alex smiled and asked, "How do you think it went?"

"Seeing from your smile, it seemed to go well."

"How can she take on me? She was unable to utter any words before my fiery proposal. I am gonna leech off this Sugar Mama entirely." Alex spoke with a sinister smile.

David's lips twitched hearing his words.

"Your Majesty, you shouldn't lower your guard. Lady Yvonne can strike back any time and don't forget that she is your wife. If she plays the wife card and forms a team with others, you will be at a dead end." David spoke with empathy.

Alex's expression stiffened and he glared at David.

'This fellow. I already knew about this but it feels unpleasant coming from someone else's mouth.'

'Whatever, I am gonna forgive him after all I have a big heart.'

"David, you have been working hard recently. I think that you should be promoted."Alex muttered and patted David and entered the carriage.

He lied to Yvonne about leaving. He will sneak around to see Yvonne and would enjoy the flustered look on her.

Yvonne along with her family would come to Zenith. He would meet them there. The ceremony will be for three days and he will be leaving tomorrow after tying the loose ends.

Athena was ready to go with him and the orphanage had already hired some staff and the members of the Church had lent a helping hand after Athena's request.

His next stop was Zenith. It was time to see what the future had in store for him. Act II was going to commence soon but before that, he should at least visit the workshop and see the production facility.

As Alex left the place, at the far corner of the Palace, a man stood staring through the windows.

"Honey, why are you smiling like this?"

"Nothing Elisha, it's just a thief who had made a visit but left quietly."

Elisha opened her mouth with a shocked expression and stared at her husband"A thief! Did it come here to harm someone?"

"No, it came to visit our daughter."

"He met Yvonne and is laying a trap for her. Just who is the man daring to court death here?"Elisha shouted with a stern look.

"James, you should take care of him before he can do anything suspicious. My daughter is already having a tough life."


"Tough life, you sure know how to jest. All she does is boss around."

"And the thief is not someone I can deal with. Moreover, the thief will soon make his way here and steal our precious things."

"What!! He is going to steal and you are just laughing like a fool? James, I am warning you if you dare to fool around now, for a year you have to sleep on the floor."

James, who was in a good mood, suddenly faltered and almost fell back.

His wife is surely fierce. Once she saw her demon side, even he had to crawl in fear.


He coughed awkwardly and said"That thief is your son-in-law Elisha. Do you want me to deal with him and make your daughter a widow?"

"Ohhh!So, it's Alex. I heard he had grown up splendidly. It's time to test him and if possible we should make things difficult for him a bit. We shouldn't let our daughter fall into his grasp easily." Elisha was playful.

'Son, your future is going to be hard. But you need to hold on. This man supports you after we two are the victims."


Prodigious Workshop

With the loan and funding from Nevan, a small workshop was set up in Lock's City.

The shop was a bit small, comprising a big hall of 6000 sq metres which was the main assembly room with other small rooms where people craft other parts.

Currently, there were 38 workers in it and each of them had a wage of 500 silver coins per month.

The cost of land in Lock City was quite high and Alex wanted to start from a smaller scale and limit the sales so that the craze for the products doesn't diminish quickly.

As Alex entered, he was greeted by the staff.

Alex raised his hands for a shake but the people stepped back a little and spoke gently"Sir, my hands are dirty."

"It's okay, even my hands used to be dirty. It's my honour that you all took my offer to work here."

The workers were a bit surprised to see the man's behaviour, the man looked noble but he didn't hesitate to shake hands with them.

"I hope all of you find the place to be fitting. I am thinking of increasing the scale since we are already established."

Currently, the workshop could produce a bicycle in three days. Alex wanted to increase the speed to produce a cycle per day but the customization and procurement required time.

So, Alex needs to get some shops under him.

Alex and David entered a personal made for him at the top.

"David, we need to start the tailoring and embroidery business soon. The bicycle is good but the clothing shop would do better than it and unlike the limited buys, a noble house can buy fifty to a hundred dresses according to their wish."

"We don't need to hire haughty and arrogant craftsmen who show their pride, try to look for lower class people who might be a bit off but they have a passion for tailoring and embroidery. I have already selected a batch of women whose skills are quite good in embroidery. Also, call half of the tailors from Leonhart."Alex ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty. We need to move fast now. Soon, you would have a strong independent financial organisation to support you."David muttered.

"We need to firm our feet as quickly as possible. Since I am here I would like to set everything in motion quickly."

"Now, tell me, have you prepared all the materials I have asked for?"Alex asked.

"It was a bit difficult to find the ingredients but I have procured almost everything on the list," David muttered.

"Where is it?" Alex asked, unable to contain his excitement.

"It's all in the basement."

"Lead me there quickly," Alex muttered and followed David towards the basement.

As Alex opened the door of the basement a pungent smell assaulted his senses but he ignored it and stared at the sack of bags.

The hidden science student under him was awakened wanting to get out.

On the other side, there were prices of gems of gypsum while two bags of small powder emitted a foul smell.

Alex's eyes glowed and he asked where the saltpetre was.

"There," David signalled and led him to the corner.

Alex saw pieces of saltpetre which had been mined from the limestone caves.

"Finally, I can revolutionise things," Alex muttered.

"Your Highness, what are you going to do?" David asked curiously.

"I will be creating fireworks."

"Fireworks, what is that?"

"It's nothing, can you give me a moment?" Alex asked while pushing away David.

Alex stared at the things in front of him.

All the things present here were the material used to make gunpowder.

Charcoal or softwoods were quite easy to find but finding out the location of Sulphur and Potassium Nitrate gave him a hell of a run.

There was no periodic table nor did the people have noted down the elements. Chemistry was still in its basic phase.

Even though he knew their properties and knew where to find them, Alex didn't have any strong connections in Nevan and he didn't even know where the terrain suitable for them was found.

After David formed a connection and formed a network and gave Alex all sorts of information, Alex was finally able to infer things.

The sulphur was obtained from the southern part where there were many small dormant volcanoes while the saltpetre was waste material from the limestone.

Alex was able to negotiate with the workers to procure the things.

He needed to form a plant to extract the things otherwise it wasn't gonna last long.

With these things, he could invent gunpowder and explosives.

The gunpowder formula was quite easy to remember as it consists of 75% potassium nitrate, 15% softwood charcoal and 10% sulphur but it's easier said than done.

Alex thought of inventing guns and rifles but he didn't even have a slight hint of their mechanism or structure.

Although both he and Ava were engineers in their previous lives, it doesn't mean they were omnipotent.

He was a civil engineer while Ava was a chemical engineer. If Catherine was indeed Ava and could remember her past life, that would be a great help to him as the world is quite backward in terms of science.

Still, inventing gunpowder was enough to contend with. He doesn't want all kinds of modern machinery to make their appearance here nor does he want engines or other things that shoot fumes of smoke.

Human greed knew no bounds and like his previous world, this world might be destroyed by pollution if too many mechanical things appear.

But he didn't need to think that far because he couldn't even make those things even in his dreams.

Alex assessed the thing carefully. He needs to find a trusty alchemist.

It would be okay even if the alchemist was a bit dishonest as slaves were always welcome.

Alex exited the place and decided to inspect the place and spend some time with the workers but he suddenly froze in his place.

"Angus," Alex murmured.

Alex could feel Angus's vitals. He had been in very bad shape recently and was on the verge of dying due to the nightmare and exhaustion but Alex suddenly felt he had recovered a bit.

Alex couldn't see all things but he could get a faint signal of the surroundings.

"Something bad is going to happen. I need to reach Zenith."Alex frowned and dashed out without wasting a single moment.

He decided to write a letter to Yvonne before leaving and asked David to deliver it.


In a dark prison cell.

The door was open and a man with a fiery look walked inside.

He stared at the man who had been reduced into a sack of bones.

He had lost an arm, his face was haggard and he looked as if he had aged a lot.

" How pathetic!"The man muttered as he stared at Angus.

"I gave you power and resources but this is where you end up with."


Angus opened his eyes and stared at the big burly man.

He raised his chin and spoke with disdain"No need to bark and spout bullshit. Tell me why you came here and what you want?"

"You are still sharp as ever."

"Since you are already dying, why don't you finish a certain job for me."

"You can also get your revenge in the process."

The lifeless eyes of Angus suddenly glowed and his heartbeat accelerated.

"If you want me to kill that Alex then dream on."

"Let me tell you that tiny guy is a monster. Only those who had a face-off with him knew the horror."

The horrible scene and the nightmare of that terrifying attack were deeply etched in his heart and he would often dream about that horrible scene.

"I don't want to kill him but his wife."The man muttered

"I want that stupid lass dead no matter what?"

Angus pondered for a moment and asked"I don't even have the strength to walk and may stumble on my feet, so how can I fight?"

"Why don't you hire an assassin?"

"Assassination is a bit risky. If something goes wrong and the assassin is found out, I would be in peril."The man muttered.

" Moreover, I can send a powerhouse as it may catch unwanted attention. I don't want to risk everything I have built till now to be lost for such a useless girl."

"Ohh! Since I am dying, you want to use me as a scapegoat."

"Hahaha! What a cruel bastard you are?" Angus muttered.

The man didn't speak anymore and took out the pill and gave it to him.

"Take this pill, it will convert all your life force into strength and give you a strong boost but the effect will last for one and half days."

"I will ask my people to stay alert and inform you of the situation." The man muttered and walked out of the prison.

A group of guards saluted him and let him pass.

The man stared at them and asked, "Did you take care of the guards?"

"Yes, sir, we have knocked them down. But we cannot keep this up.We. need to get out of here quickly lest we are caught under suspicion."

"Hmm! Let's leave. Bring that fool out."

"Keep a close eye on him, if tries something funny or dares to escape just kill him and get rid of him. Try not to leave any trace behind." The man ordered and walked.

He stared at the prison guards lying down unconscious and nodded at the warden who watched the scene silently with an aloof expression.

As the man walked out, his eyes glowed dangerously"With your death, I can finally control that sword."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!