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Each week on Saturday, there would be Physical classes where the students could practice their spells and can also challenge one another.

Learning and Practising were of great importance otherwise all the things learnt in life would become useless if they cannot be put to any use.

All of the students in Alex's class were brought to the training ground which was enough for 1000 students to fit.

It was decided into two sections.

On one side, Martial Arts warriors were practising while on the other side it was Magician.

The current class leaned more towards duel rather than self-practice.

Both classes could also challenge one another so that they get used to fighting various opponents but it was allowed only once a month.


"All of you have been making steady progress. Many of you have also stepped into the intermediate stage and a few of you can even cast Tier 5 spells at such an age."Professor Nina, who was the instructor of the practical class, spoke.

"You all have been learning for one and half years and progressed by leaps and bounds."

"Focus more on understanding and rectifying the mistakes you have committed in the battles and try to look out for your flaws."

"Before starting the matches, I want you to know one thing. Spells aren't the main things that decide the winning factors. Your approach, your application and your versatility in using the spells are also important factors."

"There have been cases where basic spells were able to overwhelm intermediate spells while some Mages who don't have any natural attributes were able to use enhancement spells in such a way that they were able to outlast the other."

"Now, let's begin."She clapped her hand and stared at everyone.

" Do any of you want to start first?"She asked casually.

"Miss, I want to issue a challenge."

" Joey, you can come forward," Nina nodded and called him.

All of them stared at Joey and could already imagine what was going to happen next.

Joey had reached early Master rank and was 20 years old. He was one of those who could cast Intermediate spells in between Tier 4 and Tier 5."

Joey, taking heavy steps, walked up the stage and started down and said"I want to challenge Alex."

"What! Me" Alex exclaimed with a flustered expression and shrink back.

His acting was enough to draw sympathy from everyone but everyone knew just how confident he presented himself so all of them thought that he was trying to put down Joey by indicating that Joey was bullying a newcomer.

"I am just a newcomer and I don't even know some basic spells so why are you challenging me? Isn't it wrong?" Alex spoke in a panicked tone.

"Don't you have shame, you coward!" Joey sneered.

After receiving everyone's gaze, Alex unwillingly walks up to the stage.

Nina walked to the side to supervise the match and in the meantime, the typical villain started the act and threw his dialogues.

"You are destroying a precious flower. Leave her and I will forgive you for your impudence. A flower like her doesn't look good with cow dung like you." Joey muttered.

Alex raised his eyes and stared at Joey who boasted confidently.

He was confident in his looks so how dare this bastard compared his impressive look to that of cow dung.

Either the heavens must be blind or this guy must be blind unable to discern what true beauty is.

"Begin the match!'" Nina shouted.

Joey, who prepared himself to cast a spell, suddenly let out a muffled groan as he felt a sudden change around him and his expression instantly changed.

It was as if, the gravity of the place increased by many folds or a huge mountain had been put on his shoulder that was trying to bring him down to his knees.

"Kurghh!"Joey gritted his teeth trying to stop his body from kneeling.

Joey felt a suffocating pressure out of nowhere but as he mustered his strength and was about to look forward, it vanished instantly as if he had been hallucinating.

"Huh…what was that??" Joey muttered under strained breaths and looked around.

He could freely swing his arms unlike before and felt as light as a feather

"Maybe I messed up the spell or I hallucinated. Yes, that must be it." Joey tried to calm himself.

Joey chanted his spell and the ground trembled and large chunks of spiky rocks sprouted from the ground which charged toward Alex with a flick.

"Rock Spikes!" Joey shouted.

Alex stared calmly at incoming rocks and pointed his index finger down and spoke with a relaxed expression.

"Gravity Enhancer!"



The rocks hurling toward him were suddenly halted and plunged into the ground and crushed into pieces.

Alex increased the pressure and made the air denser by increasing the density of the space around him on several margins concerning a large volume of air.

The space around him was similar to 3 times the gravity of this world.

Alex's eyes narrowed as he stared at Joey's bewildered expression.

"What kind of spell was that?" Joey asked with a surprised expression.

Alex wanted to laugh and mock this guy. This is where most people fail.

The most important thing for a magician is imagination and vision. A simple low-level spell can be moulded and twisted into various forms.

But many just follow the traditional route and learn the spell that had been taught to them or written in the book.

"Huh…What happened? Weren't you previously spouting all kinds of bullshit calling me a coward and spineless?"

Alex's rude and straight remarks shocked everyone and the person to whom the words were aimed was utterly embarrassed.

Joey gritted his teeth and he raised his hand.

Three fireballs flew straight at Alex forming a line.

While the fireballs were flying, three firewalls appeared beside Alex, surrounding him.

The raging fire almost surrounded Alex, and most of the students serving as spectators couldn't see his figure within it.

Nina saw the scene and couldn't help but worry about Alex as she saw three huge exploding fireballs hurling toward Alex.

She thought Alex might panic as he was new so she thought of stopping the match.

Fireballs were basic spells but exploding fireballs were intermediate spells and the current spell was enhanced by overcharging on top of that, the effective damage radius of these three fireballs was sufficient to cover every target within 50 metres.

So, if Alex couldn't neutralise the attack, he might be killed or injured badly for real.

Nina also didn't know whether Alex knew intermediate spells or not and since the earlier spell was new, she wasn't able to ascertain its type.

"Ohh! So, we are playing with fire.Huh." Alex stared at the raging firewalls around him and the fireballs that came for him.

Alex opened his palm and a bluish flame appeared on his palm and the firewalls around him seemed to back off and flickered as if they had met their king.

The bluish colour of the flame was due to higher explosive strength and under Alex's fine control it was burning purely of mana condensed inside it.

It was a mini packet that could create a big explosion if required.

"Little fireball, please don't embarrass me in front of everyone. Your Lady Lord is peeking from the side so don't disappoint her." Alex muttered and the ball of flame flickered gleefully.

Alex clenched his fist and the big flame condensed into a small egg that started to rotate on his finger while pointing in front of him, he tossed it out.

The bluish fireball went through the wall firewall in front of Alex like a sharp sword cutting through a city wall like butter.

A metre-wide passage was smashed open in the raging firewall which didn't close even after the ball went out


The egg-shaped mini fireball collided with three giant fireballs in the mid-air and exploded into dazzling fireworks.

The little cute seemingly harmless fireball had released such terrifying power that even the big exploding fireball power was overpowered by it and the firepower pushed forward.

A strong burst of flame cloud occurred which spread towards Joey trying to engulf him.

Joey quickly chanted a wind spell and blew strong high fast winds to extinguish the cloud of flames.

As soon as the cloud of flames dispersed, Joey was startled to see Alex disappear from the stage and a confused expression appeared on his face.

"Did I knock him out? Maybe the rebound was too much for him to handle." Joey muttered inwardly while looking around.

At that time, he felt arms pressing on his shoulder and a small current passed through his body.

"Kayak!" He squealed like a pig and jumped back in fright but stammered and fall back.

"I thought that the small spark was enough to keep you down but I guess, I underestimated you," Alex spoke and walked towards him with a smile.

Joey's whole body stiffened and he tried to cast a spell straight at Alex without thinking about the consequence but he was horrified to see his whole body paralysed and he wasn't able to make a sound.

Alex bent down and raised his forefinger and thumb and placed it beside Joey's ears and snapped.

The small waves that emerged were distorted by Alex's spell that started to get amplified beside Joey's ears, which was loud enough to burst his ear drums.


Strong sound waves spread like shockwaves blowing away the air.

"Aaaaaaahhhh!" Joey screamed with a pained expression as if he was burnt alive and sent out a loud reverberating noise.

Everyone felt pain on hearing the loud sound waves and closed their ears.

The screeching sound was quite painful to the ear and the frequency of the transmitted waves was way above what the human ear could endure but Alex had no problem as he could change the frequency of voice reaching his ears by changing his surroundings as sound depends on various factors.


With a loud thud, Joey fell to the ground.

Everyone could see Joey had fallen unconscious due to the unorthodox spells and in a way, he was thrashed around brutally and led by the nose.

All Alex did was lift his fingers and even his chant was over as soon as it started which made him look in a different light to many.

'You are lucky that you are in the academy and I have been mercifully otherwise if this was outside the campus I wouldn't have left you until I beat you to my heart's content.'Alex snorted and walked down the stage gracefully.

Professor Nina checked Joey's condition and breathed in relief seeing him fine and there wasn't even a trace of any injury.

He was simply knocked out by Alex without any harm.

On getting her signal, a stretcher was brought and he was moved into the infirmary meanwhile the classes resumed as usual.

After this many challenged one another and fortunately, Alex didn't receive many challenges as others have picked their opponents whom they have grudges with and no one wanted to waste time on him.

This was good for him as he could observe everyone and gleefully take the job to mark the good apples.

Dave, who was the peak disciple ranked, got on the stage and challenged Hurt.

A hush silence prevailed as soon as the challenge was issued.

Even Professor Nina was flustered by Dave and spoke softly"Dave, I think you should speak to another challenger."

"Now, I want to challenge him only," Dave shouted stubbornly.

Alex noticed everyone's weird gaze on Dave.

There was a mix of mocking, worrying, and pity.

'What is the matter with that Hurt Kid.'Alex muttered and looked around to see everyone standing aside and a man with brown hair and blue eyes walked forward.

Alex could feel a sense of intimidation emanating from the guy and this guy was at mid Master rank.

At glance, he could see that this guy was special.

Hurt stood on the stage with a cold look as if he just came out after being frozen into statute for a thousand years.

"Only those who strive for the best can soar high up in the sky and my goal is to defeat the absolute best and get on the top by defeating you," Dave spoke with a solemn expression.

Alex heard his speech and sincerely clapped for that guy who was showing praiseworthy courage before being martyred.

A huge sphere of wind was summoned by Dave which swept away high-speed winds in the radius of 100 metres like an oncoming cyclone

Alex's hair fluttered and he felt his hair getting dishevelled by such strong winds which seemed to be blowing over 100km per hour.


Dave launched the huge sphere of compressed wind at Hurt and to Alex's surprise, he found Hurt doing nothing and standing there like a statue.


The sphere erupted sending frightening wind blades which were enough to slaughter low-level monsters and beasts into pieces.

Alex's eyes narrowed as he saw Hurt remain standing there on the spot motionless without a single scratch as none of the sharp wind blades passed through him.

Alex inferred that the sphere must come in contact with something that could burst that thing but surprisingly Alex couldn't find any encapsulation or barrier around Hurt.

Alex was a little distant from the stage so he was unable to notice anything substantial.

He felt the space before Hurt fluctuates a little but he wasn't sure whether this was due to a spell or due to Dave's attack.

A playful smile appeared on his face after seeing Hurt casting a spell without movements.

Wands or staff not only amplify the destruction of your spell but also help them to shoot towards a particular direction and guide their path.

Without these, low-level mages' generally use hand gestures to direct the spell. Alex has to act to point fingers or flick his fingers to direct the spells to avoid being too high profile.

Let alone him, even that monster Quinn who can just silently cast spells acted to move his hands in throwing spells but Hurt was able to silently cast a spell at such a young age which was an incredible thing and he wasn't even hiding it.

He was not the same as Hurt, as Alex had spent years whereas Hurt was 20 years old for real but Alex felt that this kid in a way was showing off.

He was trying to establish his dominance. His eyes were indicating that you are unworthy to even take a look at me.

As Alex is immersed in thought seeing another genius, the boy in observation is already prepared for his next step.

"Don't challenge me again and waste my time." He muttered.

"Lightning Burst!"

Suddenly flickers of lightning danced around him generating violent sparks. They concentrated around him and cackled ominously.

Hurt raised his hand and condensed it on his fingers while pointing it at Dave as a bolt of lightning shot towards Dave.


'He still needs to do gestures while doing bigger spells.'Alex inferred.

Dave didn't know how to craft barriers and formed an earthen wall before him as a protective measure.

Everyone who waited and wondered what was going to happen next was suddenly surprised.

No, it was a surprise only for Alex as others were already used to it.

The bolts transversed the distance that existed between both Dave and Hurt in a flash and before Alex could scream in surprise.

The bolt passed through the earthen walls as if it was nothing and there was no wall present.


Dave's painful scream filled the air.

The lightning hit him like a whip and threw him off the stage with a loud impact.

The bolts of lightning roasted his body and whiffs of smoke started to emanate from his body.

Flashes of lightning lingered, stinging his body as he writhed and squealed in pain.


Dave's body dropped like a doll on the ground with a loud thud

Dave's body wriggled and twitched like a worm and a small flash still lingered which fired him crisply.

His entire figure was covered with black soot and his well-combed face had become fuzzy and dishevelled.

Many questions flashed in Alex's mind and they started to haunt him.

The lightning passing through the wall could only be caused by some kind of space magic which is the hardest of all.

It doesn't matter whether one has an affinity or not for space magic, rather it depends on one's understanding of space laws along with the world laws.

The storage ring needed one to have a certain understanding of space magic to craft such a ring and Alex couldn't find such a ring cause there were less than 1000 such rings in Kinley and the number of Space Magic casters in this world were quite few so wearing such a ring comes at greater risk.

Teleportation was also space magic and there were countless types of space magic but more than that space magic caster had an overwhelming advantage.

People spend hundreds of years learning it and if Hurt knew space magic that means he is either a genius who could defy the heavens similar to the protagonists or he might be a reincarnated individual who stood at the apex of power in his previous lives.

Alex himself didn't know what kind of conclusion he was coming to but the more he thought, the more weird and outrageous thoughts rang in his mind giving an ominous feeling.

Alex even used eyes of truth to find any anomaly but except for superior potential, there wasn't anything odd.

Hurt hadn't hidden his level nor there was any mention of talent of space magic in his profile.

Alex had also concealed rank and only people having similar power to Albert, Athena and senior members of the wolf tribe could see his level and his Eyes of Truth can see almost everything.

The feeling of someone with overwhelming talent, on whom you don't have information standing before you gives terrible vibes.

Some unsavoury memories started to come to his mind but he pushed them back to see Hurt walking downwards.

Alex followed Hurt's motion who walked towards the crowd which dispersed on both sides.

Alex found that he was coming through his stand so as not to make things complicated, he stood aside, clearing the path for Hurt.

Alex's eyes unconsciously darted at Hurt as he was about to pass him but he stopped in his tracks and caught Alex's glimpse.

His face showed shock, but Alex was just as surprised as him.

Hurt smiled seeing Alex's face and said"I will be waiting for you on the stage."

Hurt spoke faintly but everyone close to them heard his words and grasped in shock on hearing his words.

Hurt didn't linger there and left as the class time was about to be over.

'System, tell me did he perceive something?'

[Host, I am not sure but he is someone who cannot be trifled with.]

'What do you mean, The Eyes of Truth didn't show anything?'

[Host, your Eyes of Truth had three stages and needed to evolve with you. I think the first stage isn't enough for you to uncover everything.]

[Host, no matter what when it comes to you. I don't think he stands a chance before you if you go all out. You are just too cautious about everything so you always overestimate every opponent.]

'Overestimating others is way better than underestimating others. Moreover, who knows I may not be the only reincarnator and there may be many out there.'

No matter whether Hurt is a heaven-defying genius or reincarnator, Alex had to keep an eye on this guy.

In the infirmary.

The wounded ones after getting treated were placed on the bed.

Joey, who had been knocked out by a sound attack, opened his eyes and stared at the white ceiling above his head.

A splitting headache assaulted him and he pressed his forehead trying to massage it to lessen the pain.

"Argh!" A small groan escaped from his lips and he felt his ears hurt.

His ears were still ringing with a noise similar to a hammer hitting the walls which made his vision flurry.

He felt a bit restless and lay on the bed while trying to relax a bit.

"Alex!!That bastard.." Joey muttered while gritting his teeth.

"Did you call me?"

Joey heard an unfamiliar voice and tilted his head to see an elegant figure sitting while skidding the pages of a book.

"You…what are you doing here?" He spoke with a surprised expression.

His body trembled subconsciously and he closed his ears out of instinct.

Alex closed the book and glanced at Joey with a cynical smile.

"As a classmate, I thought of visiting you and apologise for sending you here."

Joey felt his anger reaching all over his head and said"Are you trying to humiliate me by coming here?"

"I am sure you have another motive for visiting me so speak what do you want to say?"

"Quite clever!" Alex nodded and kept the book aside and folded his legs.

"I heard you were running after my wife and trying to prove yourself better as compared to me," Alex asked.

"So, what? Since when did it become a crime to court a lady?"


"That means, in the future when you are married, I can also try to court your wife," Alex spoke with a sinister expression in a threatening tone.

All of Joey's hair stood up on hearing Alex's words and he felt an invisible pressure over his shoulder.

Beads of sweat formed over his head.

After a moment of realization, he felt that he spoke rashly.

"Your worth isn't even enough for my wife to grace you with her presence. Moreover, I guess that you are just a scapegoat that has been thrown aside." Alex asked, raising his brows.

Alex had observed the group of students.

If his analysis was correct, Joey might also belong to a group.

Though Joey had guts, Alex can see that this boy had been fooled around and someone had just added fuel to the fire by whispering some sweet dreams and this boy thought of himself as a hero saving a damsel in distress.

"What do you mean by scapegoat?"

"Just tell me, who is the ringleader of that group?"

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Joey refuted and averted his gaze.

Alex sighed and spoke, "Joey, you have excellent prospects but you are just ruining yourself by obeying some stupids who want to play childish pranks on you."

"Instead of doing all that bullshit, if you have focused on improving yourself, you might not have fallen into the infirmary and mark my words, your life is going to be rough from now,"

"You are going to be a laughing matter throughout the classroom and would be alienated from others,"

Alex spoke and stood up.

"Don't just ruin your life by mixing with those who don't even treat you as a friend."

"I can see potential in you. If you ever realize your mistake, you can look for me."

Joey stared at Alex with a dazed expression. Looking at the fading back of Alex, numerous thoughts ran into his mind and he clenched his mind.

He knew that soon he was going to be a laughing stock in the whole class.

Alex's words had some sense. Although he wanted to show his dominance, it wasn't to such an extent that he would just leap forward like a fool.

"I have been blinded by flattery and praise." He spoke, gritting his teeth.


Alex walked out of the infirmary and soon found a shadowy figure at the corner.

"Classmate Riya, was there anything you needed for me?"

"Classmate Alex, I have some doubts about my studies so I came here to seek some guidance from you," Riya spoke.

Alex smiled seeing Riya calling his name, Riya can't address him as Lord on campus so she was forced to call him by his name.

And it sounded so sweet that Alex felt his heart would melt at the next moment.

"I thought you were going to the infirmary to beat him up to your heart's content."

"What did you take me for? A tyrant." Alex rolled his eyes.

Riya giggled a bit and Alex held her hand, and both of them strode towards the garden.

"Is it okay to hold hands?" Riya asked in a nervous tone as both of them were in public.

"We have already gone beyond holding hands and we are proper husband and wife. In front of all the deeds, we have done, holding hands is nothing. If you want we can even kiss here."

"Stay away, bad wolf!" Riya grumbled with a flustered expression.

Both of them sat on the bench in the garden filled with several flowers emanating a pleasant smell due to the soft cool breeze.

Riya rested her head on Alex's shoulder and stared at the beautiful sunset.

Alex spoke about his daily life here while Riya shared her own experiences.

Both of them enjoyed the peaceful moment, but they heard a small shriek which interrupted their fun time.

"Damn!" Alex cursed and looked around.

Riya hurriedly stood straight after all she cannot ruin her image of a proper lady.

Previously, she used the veil to hide her face which made her a little indifferent but now since she had her face exposed, she can't do as she pleases.

"Did you hear someone crying and groaning in pain?" Riya asked.

Alex nodded with a solemn expression and said"It seems that someone is being bullied?"

"Bullying often happens here. It's worse when it comes to people's lower status." Riya muttered.

"Let's take a look," Alex spoke and both of them got up and moved towards the source of the sound.

Alex and Riya hurried toward the place filled with dense trees.

Alex and Riya moved nimbly in between the trees and jumped over one of the trees and observed the scene standing on the branch.

The three big fatties surround a boy of similar age with a sinister expression.

They threw some punches and used the boy as a sandbag.

The trio weren't able to detect them and carried on their usual tasks.

The boy who was beaten pitifully didn't give up and his eyes were burning with an emotion which showed his immense persistence.

It was filled with anger and hatred directed toward the bullies.


"You said you are going to be the sharpest sword of Kinley, my foot!" One of them spoke and spit on the ground.


The other two followed the boss and copied his movement.

As they went on teasing Jeremy, Alex glanced at Riya and whispered.

"This boy's talent isn't good but he had strong willpower."

"Hmm! Jeremy is an unlucky one," Riya added.

"Huh!" Alex has Riya's weird gaze.

"You don't know him," Riya questioned.

Seeing Alex's curious look, she spoke.

"He is in the Martial Arts Department and is also a second year but he is in another class. When he enrolled, at the opening speech, he boasted that he was going to be Sharpest Sword Kinley and became a swordsman who could even slay a dragon."

"And those words hurt this brain-dead egoistic bastard," Alex said, trying to hold his laughter from leaking out.

"But I can't blame them. Unless you have the talent to back you up, one should lay low but these idiots are too proud to do that." Alex shook his head helplessly.

Alex didn't know about the future but this guy's behaviour fit to be a protagonist who gets wildly beaten up and then sets the stage on fire later on.

But was this guy boasting without any strength to back him up or was this just an illusion cast by him?

Alex felt that something was quite fishy about this.

'This is interesting.'

"Boss, let's just give him our daily dose and leave. It's going to be dark soon."

The Boss snapped his knuckles and showed his white teeth pouncing on Jeremy.

Jeremy dodged to the side and evaded the attack but he was met with a kick by the henchman and before he could do anything, the trio ganged upon him.

At that time, they heard a voice from the back.

"Hello, gentlemen!"

The trio stopped in their tracks when they heard a sound from behind and turned their heads to see Alex standing with a foolish smile.

"Alex, turn a blind eye and leave. This had nothing to do with you." The Boss of the gang stood up and spoke.

"Kan, I know this had nothing to do with me but the sight of you ganging up on him disgusts men."

"Can't you just take it somewhere else?"

"It's our choice and our territory. What right do you have to butt in here?" Kan shouted but his words choked as he found Alex vanishing from his spot and the next moment, he was standing in front of him.

"Were you saying something?" Alex's eyes glowed dangerously and a faint fear tingled in Kan's heart.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

A henchman was unable to take it in and ran towards Alex raising his fist.

Alex tilted his head and looked at the very cute being darting towards him.

Just as the henchman's fist appeared over his face, Alex backed his head and stepped back quickly.

The movement was too quick for the henchman to follow and his fist missed Alex's face by an inch.

Alex slanted his feet and the henchman tripped over the remaining momentum causing him to fall to the ground causing him to eat dust and dirt.

"Ohhh My, you should run carefully lest you fall and injure yourself." Alex chuckled.

The other one's face became red with anger but unlike the previous one, he didn't run immediately to attack and asked his boss's permission.

Kan slightly nodded his head to give the permission.

"What are you doing?"Alex's grin grew wider and their lips curled upward.

The second henchman, Rony, clenched his fist coating it in aura and threw a fist.

A small crystalline first appeared in the air and shot towards Alex.

" Childish!"Alex snorted and flicked his finger.

The fist was hit by an invisible mass of pressure and shattered much to Rony's surprise who wasn't even able to guess whether Alex used a spell or aura.

"You.." He shouted and drew closer to Alex and threw some fists.

Alex stepped backwards while dodging the blows narrowly by tilting his head.

He observed Kan's face whose expression had already been distorted.

Kan was in the early disciple rank and these guys were at peak squire rank while Jeremy seemed to be mid squire rank.

Alex's palm gilded through Rony's fist and he held his wrist with one hand and put his finger with another over the chest.

"Wind Blast," Alex murmured.

A small ball of wind condensed on his chest and a strong force seemed to permeate inside Rony who suddenly flew back in the air as if he was struck with a heavy kick.

Kan who was unable to understand what was going on was too late to realise that Rony was coming in his direction.



Rony slammed against Kan and both of them clashed on the tree trunk and were knocked out.

"Get the hell out of here, before I change my mind." Alex spoke, dusting his hands.

The trio quickly got up and ran away tugging their tails.

Alex walked towards Jeremy who seemed unconscious.

Riya landed beside him and stared at Jeremy whose face had been hit badly.

Blood trickled from his nose and lips.

"Should we carry him to the infirmary," Riya asked.

Alex just smiled, shaking his head and said "Brother Jeremy, you can get up.No need to act anymore. I know you are awake."

Riya's eyes widened and he looked down to notice a slight fluctuation in Jeremy's expression and drops of sweat forming on his face.

Jeremy opened his eyes and stared at Alex and Riya and asked"How did you know?"

Alex smiled and spoke puffing up his chest arrogantly "Your acting skills are too amateurish. You need to brush up your skills and seek guidance from a master."

"You can only fool those idiots, but not me. Your strength doesn't lie in rank."

The words startled Jeremy and he was alarmed by Alex's words.

"I am just weak, a pitiful warrior who wants to be the strongest swordsman in the world. Just see how bad I was beaten and thrown around like trash."Jeremy sobbed sorrowfully.

"But that doesn't mean, I will give up on my dreams easily. I will one day prove to everyone that even trash like me achieve the goal I have set for myself after persevering through the road filled with hardship."


Alex clapped with an exciting look while thinking that the guy seriously needed some training, his overacting was giving away everything.

Alex extended his hand and said"Okay, enough talk now. Get up, you should be treated quickly."

Jeremy pondered for a moment and held Alex's hand as Alex pulled him up.

Alex grabbed his hand tightly and as he pulled him, he threw away the hand and spun his body throwing a kick.


A small shockwave spread.

A gust of wind swept everywhere while a strong pressure emanated from the collision.

Riya who stood at the side was already surprised witnessing the scene that happened.

Alex, who was speaking in a friendly tone, suddenly sneak attacked Jeremy and the kick contained at least one-third of his whole strength but to her absolute horror, Jeremy was able to defend the blow without moving an inch.

"Why did you attack?" Jeremy asked with a threatening expression.

If he didn't react, he might be badly injured or die for real so he dropped all his pretence.

Alex smiled and backed down while staring at him.

"I think my assumption just proved current, isn't it Jeremy?" Alex spoke while rubbing his chin.

"Your actual rank is squire but your physical strength is that of Master rank. You have the heavenly exoskeleton."

Both Riya and Jeremy jumped back in shock.

"How did you know?" Jeremy screamed.

"He had one of the legendary physiques for real," Riya spoke with a trembling voice.

There were two types of Heavenly skeletons.

The first one was the Heavenly endoskeleton, in which one can store mana in the bones along with vessels.

The amount of mana they could store was insane and it was many times more than his mana heart.

One could imagine their prowess in ancient times when everyone awakened used mana heart and a guy who was born with this physique was destined for greatness.

The second one was the Heavenly exoskeleton. Unlike the previous ones it possesses hindrance in accumulating and channelizing mana but in place of that, it provides one with a very strong physique.

Greater strength along with the body as hard as steel or even other metals. These kinds of people were simply bulldozers who could crush and squeeze their opponents into dry meat.

But they have to undergo very harsh training and cruelty. It can be compared to body cultivation where one had to suffer immense pain and discomfort.

The more your body is trained, the stronger you become.

Getting pummelling and beaten till blue-black can also serve as training.

"You are trying to pull aggro and get beaten. I have never seen someone eager to get bullied like you."

Jeremy's face became red due to embarrassment, if words got out that he was itching for a beating, everyone might think of him as a masochist.

'No, what the hell am I thinking? I should think of getting rid of this guy first so that my secret isn't exposed.'

"Since you have known my secret, I can't take the risk of leaking, so I have to deal with you and her now," Jeremy said with a serious expression and released a strong pressure.

He first decided to threaten them and if it gets worse, he will beat them and make them swear an oath to keep this secret but little did he know that his words had provoked the sleeping tigress.

He just positioned his body and was about to step ahead, when he felt a frightening pressure and the temperatures of the surroundings went down by a margin.

His whole body shivered in fright while his body froze and his perceptions screamed of danger.


He felt a suffocating aura overwhelming him and hallucinated that the surroundings became red from immense killing intent.

He turned his head to the source and saw the lady who was cute and shy was now covered in a reddish black aura from head to toe.

Her hair fluttered wildly and a gruel smiling face covered in blood appeared in his sight which made her look like a demoness sent from hell to bring her down.

"Jus….. Just how many did you kill? Are you a murderer?" Jeremy squeezed out the words before his throat went dry.

Her aura was enough to suppress him entirely and if she made a move, he was going to meet his maker for sure.

"Riya, that's enough. Pull your aura back."

The pressure and hallucinations disappeared and Jeremy slumped back to the ground breathing heavily.

His entire body was drenched in sweat and his heart was beating fast. He was horrified at the moment.

"Riya, he was just joking previously. There was no murderous intent in his words."

"If you pressurized him more, even for a second, he might have wet his pants." Alex laughed.

"But My Lord, this guy was threatening you and who knows if he had some kind of malicious intent to get rid of you. He may leave today but who knows what kind of crooked thoughts might be going in his mind."Riya spoke.

"You are too kind-hearted Lord, this type of person shouldn't be underestimated. I think we should dispose of him."

Jeremy's body trembled as soon as he heard Riya's opinion.

'Demoness, this girl is surely demoness. With such a face and body, she might have bewitched many and then killed them.'

'No, with such a charming body and face, she might be a succubus. Ohh God, please protect me. I am done for.'Jeremy started to pray to God.

"Hey, you! The way you are acting, it seems you don't know us." Alex asked.

"Am I supposed to know you? Are you some kind of famous murderer duo or psychopath and is she a succubus?"

Riya and Alex's jaws dropped wide open on hearing this guy's description of them.

Alex who was described as a murderer tried to hold back his laughter after hearing Riya's image in Jeremy's heart.


He hadn't thought that someone would have the same thought as him but was even brave enough to say that on Riya's face directly.

Riya may look like a harmless, sweet and cute kitty but this kitty's claws were quite sharp.

Alex stopped his laugh as Riya was already glaring at him and might run after him to bite him.

"Hey, Riya, this guy is more out of the world than me?"

Alex looked at Jeremy and said, "Have you not heard about the famous tales of the imbecile Fifth Prince of Kinley?"

Jeremy stared at Alex with eyes filled with disbelief. His body twitched as if someone just gave him a lightning shock.

"You mean to say that you are the Fifth Prince of Kinley but why have I not heard that you have enrolled in the Academy." Jeremy scratched his cheek with an embarrassed look.

"It hadn't been a week since we enrolled and you are an oddball loner who had been cast aside so who is going to tell you all this?"

Jeremy felt that he had been hurt by the sharp comments.

"Do you still want to silence me?" Alex smirked.

"No, no. I was just kidding but please don't leak this secret of mine."

"We are on the same boat, you also cannot sell us out," Alex spoke, raising his hand.

"From now on, you are my lackey."

"Huh! When did I agree to that?"Jeremy asked.

" Listen, everyone, Jeremy had a…"Before Alex could shout.

Jeremy shakes Alex's hand and says"Boss, please take care of me."

"Under my shadow, there would be no one who can hurt you."Alex smiled.

Jeremy resigned to his bitter faith.

Professor Neon took the class and after finishing the lecture, he spoke" I have an important announcement for you all."

Alex snapped his eyes open and rubbed his eyes.

Small dark circles were already forming under his eyes. The last few days were quite hard for him as he had little time to rest.

Alex focused his attention on Neon's speech after witnessing the atmosphere of the entire classroom.

Each of them seemed to be dead serious as if this was a matter of life and death.

"Ten days from now, The Monster Hunt Test is going to commence."

All the students sucked in deep breaths on hearing the announcement.

Some students were excited about it while others shrink in fear as if this was a terrible Nightmare.

Neon observed everyone's emotions and sighed.

Each year there would be Monster Hunt where all the students had to participate.

There were points for killing monsters according to rank and the winner who scored the most points would be rewarded with a gift.

The prospect may be good but each year many lose their lives due to the test. It was a trial of courage and perseverance.

Professor Neon explained the ins and outs and said"You can form a team or hunt solo."

"If you form a team, it shouldn't be more than five members."

"The raid would continue for three days and this time you are assigned to the Gwaffin region in the Western Territory of Kinley."

"So, everyone please start preparing for the hunt and remember one thing."

"Your lives are more important than glory. If you find an opponent, you can't take head-on then there is no shame in retreating." Professor Neon started to give advice and warnings to everyone.

Alex came to know that last year, seven lost their lives even though they were in the beginning zone of the forest where only squire-ranked monsters were found so Professor Neon was worried about everyone's safety.

Alex didn't know whether training by hunting monsters in such a way was a good or bad thing.

Before graduating all of them need to temper their minds and get used to killing, otherwise, everyone would be like Jeremy who is knocked out easily with murderous intent even though he was fairly strong.

Alex, who got up from his seat, rolled his eyes at the corner of the class to see Joey sitting alone.

He was already thrown out of the group by his classmates.

All those who used to surround him and fawn over him licking his boots were now trying to keep their distance from him.

He had become a topic of joke after losing in such a manner.

Alex used tricky spells that cannot be classified in tiers and mostly depend on the user's strength so everyone assumed that Joey was knocked down by low basic tier spells which damaged his reputation further.

And the commencement of Monster Hunt now was like rubbing salt over his wound.

Joey had high potential and was quite a good magician and has a bright future ahead if he could fix his attitude and outlook.

He seriously needs Attitudinal Adjustment and Alex had tried to do that by saying all those things in Infirmary.

Alex found him as a potential candidate to befriend and that's also one of the reasons Alex had gone easy on him.

"Joey, let's see what you are going to do now."

"Are you going to be broken down and take the wrong path or pull yourself from despair and shine gloriously?"

"Everything is in your hands."

"What are you thinking?"

Alex heard Riya's alluring voice and turned his head.

"You are growing more beautiful day by day, Riya. I may have a heart attack if this goes on." Alex spoke, clutching his chest.

"Stop it. We are in the classroom." Riya spoke with a shy expression. Her cheek reddened a bit on hearing Alex's flattery.

"Answer my question," Riya spoke after recomposing herself.

"I think we may have another ally before or after the Monster Hunt if everything goes alright."

Alex spoke and stared at Joey who seemed to be worried and quite out of place which gave one expression that he had lost something precious.

At the Academy, each student was given a couple of options.

Each class had different times and many classes were going on even during the break period.

Even though a student hadn't taken up a particular course, if he had free time, he could just attend a class he hadn't enrolled in and sit at the back to learn something.

But it's on the premise that they don't create disturbances in other classes.

Alex in his free time roamed around and sneaked into these classes to find anything that could be useful to him.

To become unparalleled and unrivalled truly, he needed more experience, knowledge and insight.

He needs to train himself both physically and mentally. On this path, to conquest, he also needs some reliable comrades.

Each week, Alex compiled all the knowledge and things that had been taught into his diary.

He would keep a copy for himself and send the other to Leonhart along with some reference materials.

Ian was studying at Leonhart and was making steady progress.

Alex also wrote some scientific knowledge and passed it down to him. All these things would become the building for the children who were going to study in the institute founded by him.

If he was given the option and asked to choose between living as King and living as a student, he would surely choose the life of a student.

His current life was quite peaceful.

In Nevan, he would either go through paperwork or had to run his mind to come up with a policy. The little bit of free time he gets in between would take up guiding his soldiers.

But currently, he seems to be studying and moulding the very fundamental law of the universe by magic which was quite fun. The only bitterness he had was that he missed his wives a bit.


Alex after finishing his Magic Class, Alex decided to go to the library to see some books but as he was passing through the corridor, his gaze halted at the influx of students entering the classroom.

Alex saw Riya and thought 'Why don't I take a look at Martial Arts Class.'

The honour and general teaching staff were different.

Although Alex found that the Professors were quite proficient, he found the Professor of his general Martial Art Class quite clumsy.

His teaching was quite flawed and wasn't liked by many.

Those who attended his class were the mages who wanted to hone their close combat skills so that they could become battlemages.

Alex entered the classroom and much to Riya's surprise gave her a wink and sent a flying kiss sneakily.

It made him remember his previous college life where couples flirted with each other openly in between classes causing many to become red-green in jealousy.

Since he was already a couple there was no need to hold back.

It was time for payback.

With a gentle smile, Alex climbed the small steps and took his place at the far corner of the tenth row.

He wanted to sit beside Riya but according to the rules, he sat at the back and even if he shamelessly sat beside her ignoring the rule, The Professor may throw him out after seeing him paying more attention to Riya than the class itself.

The class started and after listening to the lecture, Alex was drawn into it. He couldn't even feel the passage of time.

Instructor Edwin was at Mythic rank and he seemed to be fairly well versed in combats

It was a hundred times better than Goddess Of War class where he was thrown around here and there like a sandbag.

Alex could see the fire burning in the eyes of students who were taught as a result of passionate words.

Warriors were considered inferior to Magicians but Edwin's words roused their spirits.

He explained the basic requirement to become a Warrior.

A strong mental strength, daily practice, resilience to suffer the pain and undying will to get up after getting defeated.

"Kicking, striking at weak points, parries, elbows, knees, punches and various evasion tactics along with well-coordinated stances and footwork can facilitate either defence, attack or both."

"Your mind is the centre of everything while the body is just a puppet. Remember, you can lose half of the battle if you falter even before the match begins."

"No matter how much you are afraid of, no matter how much, a voice rings in your head to give up, you need to overcome the fear and fight to give it your all."

"Realm and strength don't decide everything. Sometimes with techniques, you can take a giant leap in the battle." Edwin explained with a serious expression.

Edwin saw a boy raising his hand and permitted him to ask his doubt.

"Professor, according to you which is the best weapon to fight?" The boy asked curiously.

"Hmmm!" Edwin nodded and asked him to sit down.

"This is a good question. Most weapon users are conceited about their weapons but believe me, there are no absolute best or worse weapons."

"Weapons are just a way to manifest oneself. A tanker with a shield shows bravery, a swordsman shows eloquence, and an Archer shows his meticulousness."

"Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Only those who could be skillful enough to use the weapon overcome the disadvantages, in the weapon could become true masters in life." Edwin muttered.

The questioning section went on as he gave a fundamental lecture and pointed out some flaws.

As he answered everyone's queries, his gaze fell on Alex at the corner who was listening to him attentively which surprised him.

He was present at the meeting and watched Alex's live performance.

Quinn and he could be considered rivals and he knew Quinn like the back of his hand.

Quinn praised Alex which meant he was an exceptional mage but he always had an inkling feeling that this kid was equally strong in Martial Arts.

It can be said to be a sixth sense or a premonition of a warrior.

Under that lean and thin body lies an absolute beast well versed in all kinds of combats

Alex walked out of the classroom and stretched his back.

"Haaa…I have some free time today."

Alex took a deep breath filled with the sweet scent of flowers carried by a gentle breeze while looking at the sun over the top.

The climate of the capital was quite soothing, it was neither too hot nor too cold.

"Riya must be practising in an embroidery class now. I don't know why she was so fixated on this course. I shouldn't disturb her."

"I should finish the second volume of physics and the first volume of chemistry. Before that, I should copy the library book on Articulation Of Magic Wonder." Alex muttered, rubbing his chin.

As Alex walked toward the library, he was greeted by one of the guards who looked for him hurriedly.

Alex saw a guard drenched in sweat as if he had just gone through a series of combat training.

Alex knew the man, who generally acts as a messenger.

"Hello, Mr Reed."

"Hello, Alex. Someone is looking for you."

"Would you go outside or ask them to come in?" He asked.

"Who is looking for me?" Alex asked.

He didn't remember anyone who knew him well enough to visit him. He needs to know the identity of the person to decide whether he had to go outside or to ask him to come.

If it was someone whom he didn't know prior, it was best to meet him on campus so the person cannot act against him if he had malicious intent.

Reed started to sweat profusely and looked reluctant to disclose the name.

"Just who is the person that even you are afraid of?"

Reed turned his head left to right, to see if someone was nearby them and whispered"It's Princess Yvonne."

"Ohhh!" Alex's mouth let agape and before Reed could react, he pulled Reed and ran towards the gates.

The Prideful Goddess Of Wealth, had herself come to visit, this was quite a shock for him and it would be rude for him to make the Princess wait.

Alex's eyes were almost blinded seeing the huge carriage outside the gates which was pulling too much attention.

The carriage was as big as a two-storey building and was pulled by twenty horses.

'Did she need to show off and flaunt her wealth like this? Everyone knows about your wealth.'

'Lockheart and Money are the opposite sides of the same coin.'

A man came and informed him that there is a big place in the carriage and Miss Yvonne is waiting for him in it.

Alex nodded and entered the carriage.

Alex entered the room which looked like a cafeteria and saw the red-haired beauty sitting at the table gracefully.

"Yvonne, what a surprise!"

"I know you cannot wait to see this handsome, dashing husband of yours but what's the rush." Alex chuckled.

Yvonne rolled her eyes and said, "I am too tired to argue with you."

"I see, you are working too hard. In this case, let this husband of yours massage your shoulder. All your stiffness will go away like a fluke." Alex muttered and had already rolled his sleeves.

"Stop! I am not tired. I have been brimming with energy. So stop in your tracks and sit down quietly." Yvonne screamed in panic.

'Massage, who knows just how much advantage you will take of me in the name of a simple massage .'

'Hmphhh!' Yvonne snorted.

Alex sat down with an amusing expression and spoke"Since you have come here that means you the matter is something important."

"I came to deliver the potions and equipment."

Alex blinked multiple times while looking for falsehood in her expression.

Alex had sent a letter to Yvonne asking for top-grade potions and some equipment. He wanted to prepare for the Monster Hunt well.

Since Jeremy was going to join them. He had to buy armour for him as the poor guy doesn't have any but who knew that the Princess would come herself for the delivery?

The situation was a bit too much for him to digest.

'Wait! Maybe she is really worried about my well-being and came here to visit me.'

'Holy Moly! Sis Athena, it seems your guidance is working.'

Seeing Alex lost in thoughts, Yvonne felt that the man was thinking something bad and tapped on the table to wake him up.

"I don't know what you are thinking but I didn't care to deliver the things. Don't think of me as your delivery man."

Alex's hopes were shattered like glass and gritting his teeth, he spoke"It's a delivery woman, not a man unless you consider yourself…."

A thick vein bulged on her forehead and she started to run the Calming sutra by taking breathing in and breathing out.

She had already learnt the lesson, that you cannot win with words against this mad guy who was brave enough to blow the Castle gates.

"Listen, I have got some news about Gawaffin."

Alex's joking and playful expression vanished as if the previous expression was an illusion and his eyes became sharp with dead seriousness which even scared her.

'This man changes expressions so fast that it can scare anyone. One moment, he would be laughing and in another, he would emit bone-chilling coldness.'

"There is some trouble going on in Gawaffin. According to the intel I have received, the undead have been spotted near there."

"How did you know?"

"We provide supplies to the stronghold and there are also merchant routes in it., Yvonne explained.

"Undead, if there is such a serious situation why is the academy choosing that spot filled with trouble?"Alex asked.

" That hunting spot is only for the Second year and while other years have been allocated another hunting ground."

"Now your admission into the academy and such a troublesome spot being selected are too much of a coincidence isn't it," Yvonne spoke curiously.

"Doesn't the Professor know about it? Even if someone deliberately targets me, wasn't the risk too huge? If there is a high-ranking undead, the casualties are gonna be too large and even the Professors may die." Alex spoke while tapping on the armpit.

"Either they knew it and ignored the risk factor or someone is suppressing the information from reaching them."Alex inferred.

"Be careful Alex and if you get the chance, you should back out if possible. There is no need to take so much risk."Yvonne spoke with a worried expression.

Alex's heart warmed seeing the anxiety in Yvonne's tone.

"I can't back out but I promise I will stay safe," Alex said.

"My heart warmed up a little seeing you caring for me."

"Blah! Who is worried about you? I am worried about Riya?"

"I don't want anything bad happening to her in your company," Yvonne spoke and denied with a flustered expression.

Alex shook his head and stood up.

His image was blurred instantly.

Yvonne was startled and before she could react, a pair of warm hands wrapped over her.

"I know Yvonne, you don't like me and hate me to the gut but I promise that I will try to become a good husband whom you can be proud of and realise that marrying me was one of the best decisions that you have taken in your life, "

Yvonne wanted to speak but her body froze as Alex caressed her hair.

Her face flushed and her face started to heat up and she was unable to push him away.

At that time, Athena's words rang in her ears which she used to tease me.

"You may pretend all you want but once you find yourself in his embrace, you are unable to let go of that warmth, that feeling of being cared for and protected by someone. You will one day become addicted to it."

Yvonne shook his head and thought that Athena's shameless words were messing up with her perception.

"In the future, we will have ample time to be lovey-dovey," Alex said and planted a peck on her cheek.

Alex ran away as soon as he took advantage of her otherwise who knew he may be hit by a flying shoe?

Alex's words baffled Yvonne but more than that, the soft gesture blew her mind.

Her face looked like a shy maiden and one even saw smoke rising from her head.

"Scoundrel, you only know to take advantage of me" Yvonne shouted and stomped her legs but even after that, unknowingly a small smile crept on her face much to her annoyance.

'It's not that I hate you..' Yvonne muttered but her voice was as soft as a mosquito.

Ten days passed by quickly.

Alex was fully prepared for the Hunt.

He had received a sword as a gift from his beloved wife.

The name of the sword was Outclasser. It was an artifact that can enhance the damage and effectiveness of the attack.

For a magical swordsman, this sword was quite good.

Alex had formed a three-man team with Riya and Jeremy. The prideful conceited Joey had decided to raid alone and prove wrong to others.

If a guy wanted to commit suicide what could Alex do?

Warrior and Mage were a good combination and before departing, Alex had put a tracking spell on Jeremy and Riya.

Before the day of departure, Alex got a letter from Yvonne wishing him good luck.

There was a merchant route nearby Gawaffin which supplied resources to the militia and in case of any trouble, Yvonne had advised him to seek out their help.

"She is a tsundere, trying to maintain indifference and playing hard to get but cares for others from the bottom of their heart."

The dense canopy forest was guarded by Gawffin Stronghold where 14,000 men were stationed guarding the place.

The place was quite dangerous and previously there have been many cases of Monster outbreaks.

All the security of the Gawaffin stronghold and the village area surrounding the place comes under the military garrisons and the place wasn't under any noble's control.

The raiding place was 100km from the stronghold nearby a small village named Bark Village where the students were stationed.

Before the beginning of each season, a team was sent to take down the monsters to keep them in check.

And Zenith Academy students had to do this job.

After a journey of three and half hours, they arrived at the entrance of Leaf Village which was not as crowded as Alex expected.

The village was quite deserted and very few people stayed there after a monster outbreak.

Professor Neon took over his class and said"Each one of you will be given a bracelet."

"The bracelet will record your kills and give points which would be recorded. This watch will only record monsters killed by you. By the end of three days. The one who scored the highest points will win."

"If you encounter trouble and want to withdraw, tap on that red button which will send a distress signal to us and we will try to reach you as soon as possible."

"Don't be greedy for some meagre points and lose your lives. This whole operation is done to let you have a real-life experience."

Alex, Riya and Jeremy with the other students gathered at the border of the green zone and waited for the signal.

A Professor appeared out of thin air and said to them"The Monster Hunt Course will officially begin now! Good Luck and stay safe"

"Oh Yeah!"

"Let's go!"

"I will crush everyone."

The students cheered loudly before scattering toward the vast wilderness of the forest in groups.

Alex let others take the lead. He wasn't in a hurry.

He planned to let Jeremy temper himself and gain some practical experience which he lacks mostly. The only thing Jeremy was good at presently was being a meat shield who can take some blows.

He wanted to be the sharpest sword but his posture and stance on the sword were so poor that even Alex considered himself better when he started.

Alex even tried to persuade him to give up on using the sword and use his hands and feet to fight but the dimwit was dead set on wielding a sword even though he lacked basics.

After getting beaten around all day, Jeremy was too lazy to focus in class and mostly dozed off in class.

Alex stared at Riya who gave a brief nod and disappeared from the spot.

Jeremy has already seen it a couple of times but he still cannot get used to Riya popping out and vanishing here and there out of nowhere.

"Jeremy, have you hunted any monsters before? How did you perform in Monster Hunt previously?" Alex asked him as they travelled through the wilderness.

"It was hard for me to get into a group and after some bad experiences, we were finally able to survive the three days. I wasn't able to kill a monster myself but I had fought with many." Jeremy spoke proudly.

"Why don't you tell the truth that you were abandoned and beaten by a monster until your group sneaked in and killed the prey?"

"Huh! How did you know? Are you also a fortune teller?"Jeremy asked with a curious expression.

"I can even predict the death of people. Do you want to know?"Alex spoke with a smirk.

Jeremy swallowed his saliva seeing Alex's frightening gaze and shook his head.

"There is a monster ahead!" Alex muttered and shot a spell.

Even before Jeremy could react, he heard the sound of an explosion along with pieces of meat scattering in the air.

Alex looked at his watch and his points that were at zero had increased to 10.

"A squire rank gives just 10 points," Alex spoke with a sigh.

"I don't know about others but Disciple rank gives a hundred and Master rank gives a thousand," Jeremy informed.

Alex rubbed his chin"Will the watch count points if I kill a human?"

Jeremy's whole body shivered and he took a step back.

"I am not talking about killing but I will change my mind if you think about weird things," Alex said nonchalantly, signalling that he can kill people with the back of his hand.

"Now, stop gawking at me and get to work," Alex shouted and pushed Jeremy forward.

Jeremy saw a huge horned boar staring at him fiercely.

"You will be my prey." Jeremy roared and ran toward him while swinging the sword in his hands.

Alex, who observed closely at the encounter, flinched back a little as he heard a painful scream.


A figure covering a semi-circle crashed with a tree.

At the end of round 1

Horned Boar:1 Point
