
Wunian was still lying on the surface of the water. She turned her head and looked around. The shore was not far from her.

"Since I didn't die, I'll go onto the shore first!"

Wunian slowly moved her hands so that she glided towards the shore. Sigh! She grabbed a strand of reed and with just a little strength, climbed onto the shore easily. Looking up from the ground, the spectacular scene in front of her could not be described with words. It was not just one mountain! There were five similar towering mountains reaching into the sky.

In the middle of the five mountains was a wide lake of azure blue. It was breathtaking! The body of water that Wunian had fallen into yesterday was about the size of 17 to 18 wells combined. There were five such pools scattered around the lake. The five towering mountains surrounded the azure lake in the middle. Wunian gasped in amazement!

After calming down, Wunian was surprised to discover that there were no wounds at all on her body. Even her previous illness had completely disappeared.

On the contrary, her body felt refreshed and comfortable. Thinking back, she did not drown in the water earlier on. Instead, she could breathe! Why was that? Although Wunian was young, she was not stupid. Was it because of the water of the pool?

"I could actually breathe in the water. How strange! There's no one here. What do I do now that I'm alone? I'm so hungry now! I didn't eat a morsel the entire day yesterday!" Wunian muttered to herself as she walked towards the lake.

Now, there were no more crazy and poisonous demons like all the people in Madam Wang's family. Wunian had hopes of going on with life again. She came to the lake and squatted down to look at the clear water.

Suddenly, she realized that a fish was swimming around near the shore. Wunian happily reached out for it with her hands. Just as she was about to do so, the fish swam forward a little more.

Wunian stood up and looked around to see that there was no one around. Then, she took off her tattered clothes and walked into the water naked. She thought to herself, "I must catch you. I have to stay alive!"

At the same time that the fish swam forward, Wunian walked towards it. As the water covered the top of her head, she realized that she could really breathe in the water.

Wunian didn't know how to swim, but she was able to continue walking down the slope and sink.

She lost track of how long she had been sinking and how far she was from the shore. Wunian thought that it was fine if she couldn't catch the fish after all, but now a faint light ahead of her caught her attention. She moved towards it to have a look! The nearer to it she went, the brighter it became, until it was blinding!

"It's so beautiful! What is this? Is it edible? Is it a fruit?"

Wunian did not notice that the light emitted by the bead was surging towards her body. After a while, the bead became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

Strange. Why did this fruit-like thing disappear?! Then, a very beautiful fairy appeared before her. The fairy was sitting cross-legged, with her hands placed on either side of her knees.

Wunian asked, "Sister, who are you?"

The fairy opened her beautiful eyes and replied, "I'm your master."

"You're my master? What's a master?"

"A master imparts supernatural power to you."

"What's the use of supernatural power?"

"Once you have supernatural power, no one can hurt you. No one can bully you anymore!"

"With supernatural power, can I protect my elder sister?"

"Yes! Not only can you protect your elder sister, you can protect anyone you want to."

"Well then! Master, what should I do now?"

"Kneel down and kowtow three times to acknowledge me as your master."

Wunian knelt down as her master had instructed and kowtowed three times.

"Wunian greets Master!"

"Alright! Disciple, now sit cross-legged and I will transmit my Space of Consciousness to you. You can take anything you want to know from the Space of Consciousness.

"This Space is rooted in the depths of your soul. Even if your body dies, the Space will follow your soul. Even if your soul dissipates, the Space will gather your soul. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Master."

"Next, I'll teach you the Qi Drawing Technique. After you draw Qi into your body, you will be able to access the Space of Consciousness that I have given to you."

"Yes! Master."

Wunian closed her eyes and placed her hands on either side of her knees, like her master.

Following the guidance of spiritual energy, a mysterious object entered the divine sense and slowly fused with the consciousness. It was as if it existed in the depths of the soul. Only by combining with it would one be made perfect.

Then, a Qi Attracting Technique entered her consciousness. Wunian took a deep breath and quickly felt an unprecedented sense of pleasure! Was this the Qi Attracting Technique entering her body?