Chapter 492: The little green cabbage I couldn't bear to give up has been taken by another man.

"I know, we met yesterday," Xia Pengpeng nodded gently.

At that point, Hancheng truly had no idea what to do.

He couldn't understand how Pengpeng could have fallen for Mu Xingye. They had been together for five years! He thought he would be the man to care for her for a lifetime, that it was undeniable!

If he had known, he wouldn't have let her come back alone!

He could have figured out a way to come back with her! That way, Mu Xingye wouldn't have had the chance to steal her away!

Hancheng stood up, looking at Mu Xingye.

"Mr. Han, won't you eat a bit more?"

Hancheng felt stifled, how could he have any appetite?

"Pengpeng, I have to go for now. Call me if you need anything, I can come over anytime."

"Mhm," Xia Pengpeng nodded.

Hancheng walked towards the exit.

The outside wind howled, slicing across the skin like knives as Hancheng left the Xia Residence and leaned against the hood of his car, pulling out a cigarette and taking a harsh drag.