Going to School

After repeating this life for a week, Yue Xin opened her confused eyes on a beautiful morning. Just as she was about to sigh that her brother had finally stopped torturing her today, she heard the whisper of a demon beside her. "Your biological clock has been adjusted. I'll send you to school today and you'll continue to go to school next year."

School? It should have been a painful word, but now, Yue Xin felt that it was wonderful. This was great. She could finally not look at her brother's face every day. Moreover, she could sleep in class!

There's an interesting phenomenon. If you want to hate a song that you originally liked, set this song as an alarm clock. Yue Lingchen had been an alarm clock for a week and was hated by someone.

Just like a few days ago, Yue Xin put on her clothes, washed up, and went to the dining room to have breakfast with Yue Lingchen. After eating, she would go to school.