Get Away from Bed Disease

"Thank you!" Yue Xin suddenly thanked Yan Ye. From the bottom of her heart, she thanked everyone who had worked hard for her sleep.

Originally, Yan Ye was prepared to sincerely try again if Yue Xin accepted his apology. Wasn't he apologizing? Why did he receive thank you?

It was known that his conjecture had caused Yue Xin to go home for a checkup and delay two precious days of happy school time. In order to express the apology in his heart, he apologized to Yue Xin. Generally speaking, there were several bases for such situations. Forgiveness, unforgivingness, and silence. Or a verbal response, a physical response, and no response. There could also be coldness, discomfort, shock, anger, and other emotions. Finally, there was a very small probability of doubt, indifference, fear, and so on. Generally speaking, these negative emotions would appear in extremely unconfident people.