The Best Way Was Usually the Most Simple

Yue Xin took out her phone and decisively called the police. Just as she was talking eloquently and logically explaining how many dangerous situations Fourth Brother might encounter in the room, the butler happened to pass by. When he heard the contents of the call, he hurriedly went over to stop her. After apologizing for a long time, he hung up.

The butler wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and instructed Yue Xin seriously, "Miss, you can't call the police casually. The police resources have to be left to those who really need them. It's illegal to prank call the police."

Yue Xin nodded and took her phone back from the butler. She pointed at Yue Lingyu's door and said, "But Big Brother told me that Fourth Brother is injured. If we don't pay attention to this, he will be in danger."