Hard-Lived Toad

After the toad's funeral was over and it was buried, Yue Xin brought Yue Lingyu back to the house to sleep. Unexpectedly, no matter how careful they were, they were still discovered by the grieving Yue Lingchen.

Yue Lingchen's eyes were filled with a storm, and his entire body emitted unprecedented pressure. He said calmly, "Come here."

Yue Xin paused and was about to pull her fourth brother to comfort her brother when she heard her brother continue, "Yue Lingyi."

After calling Yue Lingyi, Yue Lingchen said to Yue Xin and Yue Lingyu, "Children can't watch this. Go back to your room and sleep."

Fourth Brother Yue Lingyu was dumbfounded.

Fifth Brother Yue Lingyi was also speechless.

Yue Xin naturally couldn't ask for more. She grabbed Yue Lingyu, who was about to speak, and ran. "Fourth Brother is leaving. I'm tired."