Maya (Memories)

This was the information about the identity of the dogs in Building No. 2, as well as the protectors and assassins. These two identities were relatively simple and crude. Everything in this prison was related to the prisoners in Building No. 1. As the name suggested, the assassin was in charge of assassinating the prisoners in Building No. 1. The protector was responsible for the protection mission. After every successful assassination and protection mission, one would be rewarded with money. Logically speaking, in such a sealed prison, the importance of money should be weakened. However, due to the uneven distribution of resources, the use of money was strengthened.

Without money, you would live worse than pigs and dogs in this prison. No one would care where you died. This place was isolated from the world. It did not matter if an unimportant prisoner died. However, if you had money, you could live a life of stepping on other prisoners.