I Want to Kill Someone, Come With Me

When No. 12 brought the food to Yue Xin's room, he realized that Yue Xin, who had been lying on the bed like a paralyzed person, was actually in Maya's room today. No. 12 didn't have much contact with Maya, but he had heard of Maya's name. Maya was known as an unkillable woman by everyone. Some prisoners even called her Big Sister behind her back. The two on the 35th and 36th floors were too cautious and didn't have much of a presence. Many prisoners in the prison treated Maya as the biggest walking bounty. Over the years, Maya had dealt with many assassinations, including those from top assassins.

Sensing Maya's gaze, No. 12 lowered his head and placed the food he brought on the table. "I'll clean up in an hour."

Yue Xin nodded and No. 12 left.

Maya saw this and sighed. "You're the only one in the prison who dares to treat a prison guard as a servant."

Yue Xin didn't answer. Instead, she pointed at the salad in front of Maya. "I want to try that."