His Weakness Is You

When No. 12 heard her words, he tapped his earpiece with his fingers and said with a serious expression, "Please go ahead."

"First request, Maya's ashes belong to me. Second, I want to leave Building No. 1."

"If you can't fulfill my request, I'll immediately commit suicide with the secret." Yue Xin was still expressionless when she said these words, but No. 12 knew very well that Yue Xin had gone crazy.

The whiter the canvas, the more different colors it could be dyed. However, no matter how gorgeous the color was, when the canvas was poured, the paint that was not dry would slowly flow. In the end, what gathered was still black.

Yue Xin no longer had anything in her eyes, including herself. She could be placed on the negotiation table at will and become a bargaining chip.