Beautiful Female Prisoner

On the way, people kept looking over. There were no secrets in the Land of the Fallen. Now, many prisoners knew that the former strongest prison guard had become a prisoner. Especially when Bo Anyi walked to Yue Xin's side, it was as if he was announcing something. It was like how he announced Yue Xin he had once guarded in Building No. 1.

The two of them walked quietly. Suddenly, Yue Xin called out, "Bo Anyi."

Bo Anyi was silent

Seeing that Bo Anyi did not respond, Yue Xin stopped in her tracks and stared into his eyes. She called out again, "Bo Anyi."

This time, Bo Anyi had nowhere to hide. He could only meet Yue Xin's gaze and reply, "What's wrong?"

Yue Xin did not realize that she had put pressure on Bo Anyi. She humbly asked the man in front of her, "When you're called by the opposite sex, will you really be confused?"

Bo Anyi suddenly felt a little guilty, but he still answered honestly, "Yes."