A Pair of Eyes in the Sky Above the Forbidden Area

"I'm hungry. There must be food on Tutian Yangdou. I'll bring you to snatch some. He was thrown here early this morning to participate in the Werewolf Kill. He didn't even eat breakfast. Usually, at this time, the No. 12 will place breakfast by my bed." Yue Xin suddenly felt a little aggrieved as she spoke, like a child who hadn't gotten her beloved toy and was wheedling to an adult.

Mi Aya, who had originally thought that Yue Xin was very dangerous, was speechless. This person was a little unpredictable. She didn't understand and looked again.

"Tutian Yangdou thinks of himself as a ninja, right? Does a ninja need to eat?"

"Tutian Yangdou has a fatal weakness. As long as he's hungry, he'll be afraid and want to escape. In a game like Werewolf Kill, it'll be fatal if he's hungry at an unreasonable time. Therefore, the special item he obtained must be related to food," Yue Xin analyzed calmly without even looking at Mi Aya.