Was He Worthy?

Yue Xin was right. The time medium had to be regretted before it could be activated, but Yue Xin would not regret it now. For Yue Qing, she would not regret it. Therefore, the last thing he had to do was to make Yue Xin regret his sake. But could he make Yue Xin regret? He was just a person who deliberately used and schemed against her. He had never even communicated with her. Was he worthy?

Yi Chengxuan himself wasn't confident. This was a huge gamble. The stake was his own life. He wanted to bet on the possibility that Yue Xin would regret it. What if Yue Xin didn't regret it? Then he could only hope to have a moment of happiness under the company of those people.

[I can't be a hero.]

[I can't protect the land that raised me.]

[I can't find a way to break through.]

[Sorry, Father.]

[Sorry, Yue Xin.]

[I love the sun. I can burn myself for the sun, but I can't hug her.]

Yi Chengxuan was dead.