The drums were pounding out a battle beast as the Silence swept forward, her ram cutting through the choppy green waters. The smaller ship ahead was turning, oars slapping at the sea. Roses streamed upon her banners; fore and aft a white rose upon a red escutcheon, atop her mast a golden one on a field as green as grass. The Silence raked her side so hard that half the boarding party lost their feet. Oars snapped and splintered, sweet music to the King's ears.
He vaulted over the gunwale, landing on the deck below with his golden cloak billowing behind him. The white roses drew back, as men always did at the sight of Euron Greyjoy armed and armoured, though his face was bared for all to see. They were clutching swords, and spears and axes but nine of every ten wore no armour, and the tenth had only a shirt of sewn scales.
"Got him!" one man shouted. "He's alone!"
"COME!" he roared back. "Come kill me, if you can."
From all sides the rosy warriors converged, with grey steel in their hands and terror behind their eyes. Their fear was so ripe Euron could taste it. Left and right he laid about, hewing off the first man's arm at the elbow, cleaving through the shoulder of the second. The third buried his own sword in the soft pine of Euron's shield. He slammed it into the fool's face, knocked him off his feet, and slew him when he tried to rise again. As he was struggling to free his sword from the dead man's rib cage, a spear jabbed him between the shoulder blades. It felt as though someone had slapped him on the back. He spun and slammed his sword down onto the spearman's head, feeling the impact in his arm as the steel went crunching through helm and hair and skull. The man swayed for half a heartbeat, till the iron king wrenched the steel free and sent his corpse staggering loose-limbed across the deck, looking more drunk than dead.
By then his men had followed him down onto the deck of the broken longship. His mutes from the Silence hack and slash away at the men of the Reach that stood in their path. They struck a fearsome sight, all from the lands in the East, and all bred for war, for fighting. Euron slew one man after the other as the fools kept running at him, almost as if they thought they could best him- he the King of the Iron Isles, soon to be king of Westeros- He turned to find the next victim for his sword, he spied the other captain across the deck. His white surcoat was spotted with blood and gore, but Euron could make out the arms upon his breast, the white rose within the red escutcheon. The man bore the same device upon his shield, on a white field with a red embattled border. "You!" the iron king called across the carnage. "You of the rose! Be you the lord of Southshield?"
The other raised his visor to show a beardless face. "His son and heir. Ser Talbert Serry. And who are you Kraken?"
"Your death!" Euron bulled toward him, a sly smile on his face.
Serry leapt to meet him. His longsword was good castle forged steel, and the young knight made it sing. His first cut was low and Euron deflected it off his own sword. His second caught the Iron king on the shoulder before he got his shield up. Euron answered with a sidearm blow of his sword. Serry's shield got in the way. Wooden splinters flew and the white rose split lengthwise with a sweet sharp crack. The young knight's longsword hammered at his thigh, once, twice, thrice, screaming against the steel. This boy is quick, the iron king realized. He smashed his shield in Serry's face and sent him staggering back against the gunwale. Euron raised his sword and put all his weight behind his cut, to open the boy from neck to groin, but Serry spun away. The sword crashed through the rail, sending splinters flying, and lodged there when he tried to pull it free. The deck moved under his feet, and he stumbled to one knee.
Ser Talbert cast away his broken shield and slashed down with his longsword. Euron's own shield had twisted half around when he stumbled. He caught Serry's blade in an iron fist. Lobstered steel crunched, and a stab of pain made him grunt, yet Euron held on. "I am quick as well boy," he said slyly as he ripped the sword from the knight's hand and flung it into the sea.
Ser Talbert's eyes went wide. "My sword..."
Euron caught the lad about the throat with a bloody fist. "Go and get it," he said forcing him backwards over the side into the bloodstained waters.
That won him respite to pull his sword loose. The white roses were falling back before the iron tide. Some tried to flee below decks, as others cried for quarter. Euron could feel warm blood trickling down his fingers beneath the mail and leather and Lobstered plated, but that was nothing. Around the mast a thick knot of foemen fought on, standing shoulder to shoulder in a ring. Euron looked at them and then raised his sword and let loose a battle cry and charged toward them.
They hacked at him but it was as if they could not touch him. He swung his sword once, twice, thrice, and the men fell about him, bleeding or dead. He swung and hacked at any other man who tried to come near him with their weapon raised. He kept hacking and slashing till his sword was covered in red and the ship was littered with dead bodies. When no more men seemed like to attack him, he signalled for one of his muted crew men to blow the dragon horn, as it sounded the men on the surrounding ships- Ironborn all of them- cheered loudly and yelled for their king.
Once their ships had been docked in Lord Hewett's town, and the castle surrendered Euron and his men stood in the great hall and drank and feasted, celebrating a successful battle. On his lap sat Lord Hewett's bastard daughter- or was it his lady wife? Or actual daughter?- it made no matter, for Lord Hewett was a prisoner in his own castle now and Euron would sample his daughter bastard or no, and would take with him the loot his men gathered from the castle and the surrounding holdings when they moved on.
First though he had a speech to give. "My lords, I promised you Westeros when I was made King. This is just the beginning; soon the whole continent will know our might! Soon all shall bow before the Kraken as they did in the days of old."
Shouts of Euron King still echoed in his mind much later once he had finished in the great hall and had finished with Lord Hewett's bastard daughter. He stood in front of the mirror in Lord Hewett's own chamber and stared at himself. The face that looked back at him was scarred and lined, showing his years, and the many battles and pillages he had been on since he was no more than just a lad, now though he was a king, just as that red man in Asshai had foretold, before Euron had carved his guts out on the sword he had taken from the Lannister man, Brightroar the sword was called, lost to the Lannisters centuries ago when one of their kings sailed to Valryia and did not return. He had killed the Lannister man and taken his sword, and then he had sailed the smoking sea and claimed all the wealth that still remained there, including the dragon horn, which rumour spoke was the horn of winter, the horn to bring the wall down and allow the true masters of the night through.
Euron Greyjoy stood in front of the mirror and removed his eye patch for the first time in years, and found that his eye had gotten the colour of blue, the colour of the wights, the colour of death. It had begun.
The days seemed to merge into one another, in the cave of the Children. Bran spent many an hour- or was it the whole day- simply sat on his weirwood throne, seeing visions through the trees, visions of days gone past, and days yet to come. Often after these visions he would open his eyes and note that Lord Brynden, would be looking intently at him, with his one red eye, and oftentimes Bran knew that he would shudder, from the intensity of the man's gaze if he had been able to move on his throne. Lord Brynden would often ask him what he had seen in the trees and what he thought the visions represented and when they had occurred. More often than not, Bran would speak of the older visions, from the times when he believed the First Men had lived in Winterfell and the North, for those were the visions that he found the most fascinating.
Then of course there were the visions of his family that he occasionally saw. Visions of his father kneeling before the weirwood tree in the godswood at Winterfell, praying for peace, praying for his family to know no suffering. Visions of a boy and a girl, both of whom seemed like a version of himself and Arya, playing at swords and the girl often besting the boy, much like Arya was wont to do. Then visions of the same girl, a few years older coming to the godswood and praying for a sign, for guidance of what to do, of how she was supposed to marry a man she did not love, a man who would more than likely stray from their marriage bed and sire many bastards. Then later visions of the same girl praying for wisdom, to make her choice, whether to run away with a silver haired prince or to stay and do her duty and marry her brother's friend. Then Bran saw visions of the girl coming to godswood and marrying her silver prince, in front of the weirwood tree, and he watched as the girl- not yet a woman- got on the silver prince's horse and rode away. Bran tried to call out to the girl, to warn her- of what he was not sure, but he knew no good could come of the girl disappearing- but all his words were wasted for they only came out as groaning and rustling.
He never learnt what happened to the girl who was so much like Arya, but he did see more visions. Visions of a young lady kissing a knight who was as big as a giant, kissing him and then the two of them walking back to the castle hand in hand. Visions of a lady – several moons with child- kneeling beside the weirwood tree and praying that her unborn child would give her revenge, would avenge the wrongs done to her and her family. Visions of a young man sharpening his sword and spear, and plotting how to bring the dragons to their doom, but then how that same young man was brought away from the godswood and had sense talked into him by whom Bran assumed was his older brother, and how the older man told the younger man of how the dragons would never truly conquer the north, not unless they married into it, which would never happen.
Then there were the visions from ages past, that were not from the godswood in Winterfell but from a place further north. At first Bran did not know the place, but when he spoke of it to Lord Brynden the man- or was it tree? - told him that the scene was from where the Wall now stood. Bran saw a fierce battle and many men and animals being killed, and the burning of wights and the marching of White Walkers, and he saw eternal darkness and how the world seemed to be a living hell. He watched as the First Men and the Children created their legendary pact and worked to remove the darkness and bring the light. He watched as they fought the darkness and as many of them died and were burned or came back as wights. He watched as brothers had to kill their undead brothers, as fathers had to kill their undead sons. All the while the white walkers grew stronger and grew more and more unbeatable, he watched as they advanced further and further south, until they were almost near Winterfell itself, and then came the dragons. Three of the biggest dragons the world had ever seen came, ridden by three people, one man and two women it seemed. He watched as they burned the wights and white walkers alike and as the children and the first men took strength from the new comers and drove the white walkers back north. Then he watched as the man on the biggest of the three dragons, fought the king of the White Walkers with a glowing sword, a sword that had glowed and had been passed down the generations of the man's family as the sword of kings till it was given to a bastard and a rebellion was started, he watched as the man fought the king of the White Walkers and he watched as the king of death was felled causing the other white walkers to flee back to where they came.
Bran watched as darkness left the world and the light came back. He watched as the king of the children and the leader of the first men and the man with the flaming sword signed a pact- a long forgotten pact- and he watched as the Wall was raised to keep the darkness at bay. He watched as the Night's Watch was created to defend the realm from the darkness- which was still an ever present threat then- He watched as the leader of the first men and the king of the children married, and he watched as his house was founded and he watched as the heir to the Winter Kingdom was born. Throughout all of this he never once saw what the man with the flaming sword, nor his companions looked like, but then when the man kneeled beside the weirwood tree many years later at Winterfell to say his farewells, Bran saw him, he saw in him the man who looked like his father, who looked like Jon, and then he knew.
News from the front was scarce that much had become apparent. Since they had received news about the Battle of Rushing Falls and Ser Loras Tyrell's death, no more news had reached them. At least not from her lord father. Varys had told them about the Ironborn raiding the Reach, at that morning's council session. Cersei had instructed that the information be kept hidden from Lord Mace until the boy Jon Targaryen was done with. They could not afford to have Mace Tyrell and his army distracted or wanting to divide their forces. Mathis Rowan's death and the defeat of his forces at the battle of the Blue Fork had seriously dented the Iron Throne's chances in the war, and considering that so far Littlefinger had been unable to convince Lysa Arryn to either call Bronze Yohn Royce and his men back from Harrenhal or to get her to get the rest of her men to march and fight for the crown, it did seem as if as much as she was loath to admit it they would need to rely on Mace Tyrell and his Reachmen to help them stand a chance against the Targaryen boy.
Though all was not as grim, Varys had reported that in the fighting between the Tarly and Rowan forces, Randyll Tarly had been killed. That was a serious blow to the Targaryen boy, for Tarly was widely acknowledged as a fierce warrior and one of the finest battle commanders in Westeros, his son Dickon had been knighted by the Targaryen boy after they had taken the Rock, but was untested in command and there were apparently rumblings of discontent amongst some of the Tarly soldiers and the lesser lordlings who were considering rejoining their true liege and fighting against the Targaryen boy.
Furthermore it seemed as if the Tyrell girl had been ensnared by Joffrey and his charms. Not once had she thought to question any of the decisions Cersei had made, though that was likely because her brother had been killed during the battle of Rushing Falls. Yes Lady Margaery did not seem as potent a threat as she had first done, now that her father and brothers were not in the city, in fact her grandmother was likely to be leaving the city soon as well. Cersei could only hope that her father was able to deal effectively with the Targaryen boy and then return home so that they could have the wedding and then be rid of these tiresome Tyrells. Though first of all Cersei wanted to have some fun, she wanted to remove the image of maidenly perfection that seemed to be flittering around Lady Margaery once and for all.
She had other worries as well though. Ser Gregor Clegane and his men had taken the Stark girl- Sansa that was her name- from Riverrun more than three moons ago, and yet she was still not in King's Landing, in fact no one knew where she was or where she had disappeared off to. Gregor Clegane himself had told her father that he had delivered her off to Mathis Rowan at the Trident and then had ridden off to battle. Of course because Lord Rowan was dead, they could not very well ask him what had become of the Stark girl, who would think to call herself queen. Even Varys' little birds had not been able to find out where she was, though as of late she had noticed that Varys' little birds had not been as effective at gathering key information as they had been in the past, and whether this was because the Stark girl was well and truly hidden or because Varys had another motive at hand she knew not, all she knew was that it had been Varys who had urged King Aerys not to open the gates of Kings Landing to her father during the dying days of Robert's Rebellion.
She knew she would have to keep a close eye on Varys as well as her despicable Imp of a brother, since their father had left to fight the Targaryen boy, Tyrion had been named acting hand and of course had been trying to curb her influence and power, but of course since he had been stripped of office after the Battle of the Blackwater and it had been under his watch that the Stark girl had fled King's Landing in the first place, her little imp of a brother found himself lacking any real credibility or support much to her relief.
Of course there were problems with Littlefinger still in the Vale. The Iron Bank of Bravos had been relentless in its pursuit of getting the debts that Robert had incurred to it during his reign paid off. And yet Cersei found that for all Littlefinger was an annoying scheming climber, his ability to make coins appear out of thin air and talk his way out of any situation would have been very, very useful now. What with the Iron Bank stepping up the pressure and the constant nagging worry in the back of her head that if they kept delaying payment the Iron Bank would eventually throw its lot in with the Targaryen boy, which would surely be the end of them. But still she found that she had yet another meeting with the representative of the Iron Bank of Bravos.
Tycho Neris he said his name was, he had a curly black goatee and black beady eyes to go with his olive skin. He had been in Kings Landing for approximately three weeks now, and each time he had requested an audience with Joffrey, Cersei had had Lord Gyles Rosby- the coughing old man- see to him and give him whatever excuses he could to put of the Iron Throne's immediate debt repayment. But alas today, Lord Gyles would more than likely cough his last and so it had fallen to Cersei to see to the Bravosi whilst Joffrey courted Lady Margaery.
"Your Grace, I thank you for seeing me at this late hour," she heard Tycho Neris begin, and Cersei steeled herself for what would more than likely become a long and tedious discussion. Tyrion was sat to her left. "As you know, I have been sent here by the Iron Bank of Bravos to discuss the payment of the debts that the Iron Throne owes us."
Cersei nodded and she heard Tyrion make a sound that might have been a harrumph. Neris went on, "I have been waiting for three weeks to have a discussion with yourself, or with you my Lord Hand about when we can expect these payments, and so far I have been greeted by Lord Rosby who coughs and splutters and promises the gold and payment, but never says when. I have had enough of being so insulted Your Grace my Lord Hand, and I would ask when can we expect the payments, That have been outstanding for some time."
Before Cersei could have the man reprimanded for speaking so rudely to her, Tyrion said. "Once this war is over and we have taken all we can from the Rebels. That is when the Iron Bank can expect its repayment. Until then we will not be able to pay you."
Cersei saw Neris's face contort and he sounded angry when he spoke next. "When the war is over? That could take another five years! I have been patient and have endured Lord Rosby's coughing and spluttering, and for what? For you to tell me that when the war is over, the Iron Bank shall see its money restored to it. My Lord Hand, Your Grace, I must say that I find that to be most unacceptable!"
Cersei was angry now how dare this man- this foreigner- tell her what was and was not unacceptable. "I am sorry you think so my Lord of Neris. But as my brother has just so kindly said, we are fighting a war that requires a great deal of money to be spent. Once the rebels have been crushed, then we shall talk about paying you back."
She saw Neris swallow, and then heard him say. "Very well, I beg your leave."
Later that night in her chambers, as she was getting ready for bed, she saw the candles flutter off and heard the wind whistling through her curtains, the next thing she knew a knife was being pressed to her throat and she heard a voice whisper in her ear, "You have played the Iron Bank false, Your Grace. You won't have the money when the war is over, for you shall not be in power when it is. We expect the payment soon, or else you shall suffer untold casualties. I believe you are aware of what I speak of?"
Cersei shuddered and asked, "Is that a threat? I can scream and the knights outside my door will come and kill you in an instant."
She heard the stranger chuckle and heard the laughter in his voice when he said. "Oh no, not a threat. A promise. And your guards are useless to you; if I wanted you dead you would be dead. But it does not serve now atleast. You have a moon to cough up the money or the prophecy shall come true."
They were marching from Riverrun. Finally after months of being inactive, they were marching. Not to King's Landing, not yet at least for they still had one last battle to fight before the capital could be theirs for the taking. Their scouts had reported that the Lannister-Tyrell host was camped on the banks of the Trident; much like Lord Rowan's host had been some moons ago. Word was that Lord Tywin and Lord Mace were divided over what sort of strategy to go for, Lord Tywin it seemed was all for the cautious approach, he wanted to send parties out to do some raiding and pillaging to draw them out and then attack them from both the left and right side. Mace Tyrell it seemed simply wished to go for a full on assault, he did not care how they did it, according to the reports Robb had heard, he simply wished to be done with the fighting in the Riverlands so that he could concentrate on dealing with the Ironborn who were raiding the Reach.
All this news had come from their scouts and spies within the Lannister army. Of course after Sansa's kidnapping and subsequent presence in the Vale, Jon had taken the extra precaution to lay a false sense of plans so that any spies within their army who reported back to the Lannisters would give back false information. The real plan was only know to a few of Jon's most trusted advisors, which included Robb, Ser Barristan, Lord Umber, Lord Karstark, Lord Tarly- Dickon Tarly, for his father had died fighting Lord Rowan-, Lord Royce, Danaerys Targaryen and Lords Blackwood and Bracken. Robb's uncle Edmure had arrived back in Riverrun some days ago, not riding a horse but in a carriage. His wounds had been very severe and he was lucky to be alive and breathing. When they had left Riverrun, his uncle had been beginning sit up again, though he still would not be ready to fight in the battle for King's Landing.
Due to the battle of Rushing Falls, many of the Riverlords had either died or had been severly injured, their forces deeply depleted, and as such it was now a case that whatever forces had been brought with Lord Royce back to Riverrun were left to guard it should the battle not go as planned. The rest of the men, this included the northmen, the Valemen, the Reachmen under Lord Dickon and the Dornishmen under Lord Yronwood were to march for the Trident. After much discussion, it had been decided that Robb would lead the Vanguard which would comprise of the whole of the northern host, and some of the reachmen. Lord Royce would lead the left that would comprise of the Valemen and the rest of the reachmen, and then Lord Yronwood would lead the right which would be comprised entirely of Dornishmen. They would all attack in a pincer sort of formation aiming to cut off any attempts at escape that the Lannister- Tyrell forces might try and make. The reserve would be made up of Jon, Danaerys and their three dragons, one of which was still rider less though Danaerys assured them that she would be able to control both of her dragons.
Since that day at Maidenpool when she had kissed him, Robb had tried to avoid spending too much time in Danaerys company, and had been largely successful though he caught her sometimes looking at him like he was a piece of meat, and it unnerved him deeply, for he was married and Roslin was expecting their first child. It did not help that Jeyne Westerling constantly seemed to be following him around constantly trying to speak with him, Theon's teasing that she was in love with him did seem to hold more and more merit by the day. Though of course nothing could or would come of it, for though Robb might like her, he could not do anything with her, for he was married and her brother had had a part in Sansa's kidnapping.
He shook his head and brought his mind back to the coming battle, as he heard the Greatjon blow his war horn, which was answered by a howl from Greywind. He drew Ice from its sheath, and held aloft, high in the air, and before giving the command to charge he lifted the visor of his helm and shouted for his men to hear. "Men of the north, men of the Reach. Today we fight one last battle. One last time to rid the world of the Lannisters and their traitorous nature. Today we fight and today is the day singers will sing of. Today is the day, we shall show them that though they may be rich, though they may pay their debts. The North Remembers, Westeros Remembers. Men, today we fight and today we shall win." There was an answering bellow from the men that set the hairs on the back of his arm to stand on end, before he pulled his visor down, Robb shouted "Men of Westeros, CHARGE!"
And he spurred his horse on and heard Greywind let loose a terrifying howl, Robb raised his sword and brought it swinging down on the first man that he saw bearing the enemy colours. His sword cleaved the man into from the neck down. Next he swung, hacked and sliced and men bearing the Lion of Casterly Rock and as the first man lost his arm, the second lost his hand and the third lost his life. He saw through Greywind's eyes as his wolf tore through the throat of one, two, three, four, five men. Then he brought himself back and continued hacking and slashing his way through the mass of the enemy.
Ice was stained red with the blood of many foes, when he came across a big brute of a man. Bearing the dog of House Clegane, the man could only be the Mountain that Rides, Ser Gregor Clegane. Robb felt anger boil inside of him as he took sight of the man, who was riding hard towards him. This was the man who had taken Sansa from Riverrun, from him, form Jon from their family and Robb would make him pay. He spurred his horse on and met Se Gregor in a clash of steel. Sparks flew off their swords, and as they both pulled away, he heard Clegane's horse whicker nervously. Greywind growled low beside him. He moved his sword and swung hard and fast, Clegane brought his sword up in time and blocked his stroke, Robb heard the screeching of steel on steel. Sparks flew once more.
They broke apart, and then Clegane swung wildly at Robb, just missing knocking his helm off, as Robb managed to duck at the last moment. Robb kept his head ducked as Clegane brought his sword back round, and then as the man made to swing again Robb thrust Ice out in quick successive jabs and managed to pierce the man's armour, causing the brute to grunt and for blood to begin pouring out of the wound. Clegane retaliated by shoving his shield into Robb's face denting his helm and momentarily making him blind to what his foe was doing. Clegane took advantage of this by swinging his sword down in an arc so that it connected with Robb's armour and dented it from the shoulder down to the very end near his leg. Blood began pouring out of the wound and Robb groaned with the pain of it.
He managed to use his shield to shove Clegane's own shield off. Then he raised Ice in time to block yet another of Clegane's swings, as they broke apart, Robb saw a gap between Clegane's shoulder and neck. He thrust his shield into Clegane face hoping to blind the man for a moment, and as Clegane brought his hands up try and force the shield away Robb hacked the head of Clegane's horse of, causing the horse to fall and just before it hit the ground Robb pulled his shield back. Clegane got up off of his dead horse and moved toward Robb, swinging his sword wildly he killed Robb's horse with three big swings, Robb jumped off of his horse before it fell and was instantly besieged by Clegane swinging at him like a madman. He just managed to block a few of the man's swings, a few connected and further dented his armour, though he too managed to get a few hits onto the man's body, causing the man to wound further.
Then just as Clegane and Robb's swords were locked in yet another fierce fight, Greywind jumped from nowhere and wrapped his jaws around the man's left leg, causing Clegane to lean over to left, as he tried to get Greywind off of him. Robb saw the opening and took his sword off of Clegane's and then threw his shield at Clegane and as the man tried to move away from it, Greywind tightened his hold of the man's leg, causing the brute to scream with pain and to lean even further to the left exposing the gap in his armour. Robb rushed forward and with three quick thrusts had buried Ice inside of Gregor Clegane's neck. The man looked at Robb for a moment, before he began falling, blood pouring out of all the wounds in his body, Greywind let go of the man's leg and moved back beside Robb, as the man hit the ground Robb could have sworn the ground shook.
Battle still raged on beside him, but Robb found that he could not move, was unable to. He just kept standing there in front of Gregor Clegane's body, feeling numb. Eventually he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see his squire- which was strange considering he was older than him- Olyvar there covered in blood and holding a horse. Robb looked at Olyvar questioningly, and hear him say, "You're bleeding quite badly my lord." Robb looked down at the wound the Mountain had given him, it was true, blood was flowing quite quickly out of the wound and he was beginning to feel weak in the head and knees. Olyvar helped him up on the horse and then mounted his own.
A they rode Robb lifted his visor and asked, "What news of the rest of the battle how does it go?"
Though he could not see Olyvar's face, he could hear the grimace in his tone as he said. "Badly my lord. Mace Tyrell broke the right, Lord Yronwood is dead, slain by Ser Garlan. Lord Royce was pushing hard at their left flank but just as he was about to break it, men from the Vale came and attacked his host from the rear."
Robb was shocked. "His own men turned against him?"
Olyvar shook his head. "No my lord. These were new Valemen led by Lyn Corbray. It appears Lady Arryn has finally chosen a side. Lord Royce lost the left once he had to engage in fighting at the rear."
Robb felt dread beginning to pull at him, they were losing this battle, this could go very badly. "What of us, what of the centre how are we doing?"
"Good, in comparison," Olyvar said. "Clegane was leading their Vanguard my lord. With him dead we managed to overpower them. That just leaves Lord Tywin and the reserve."
Robb could have groaned, but at that moment, he heard a deep rumbling coming from up ahead. He stopped his horse and Olyvar stopped his own as well. Robb turned to look at him. "What was that?" Olyvar asked. Robb had a sneaking suspicion that perhaps their plan B was coming to fruition now, rather than later.
Olyvar got his answer as soon the deep rumbling noise they had heard earlier was answered by three terrifying and primal roars, and up in the sky appeared three big dark shapes. The dragons. Robb could see Jon riding Serrax, the biggest of the three, Danaerys riding Rhaegal, and Viserion the as of yet riderless dragon. "We had best get a move on." Robb said and Olyvar nodded and they spurred their horses on back to the edges of the battle, but not before they saw the dragons roar and see the enemy bathed in fire. The screams and yells of the dying enemy men could be heard for miles. Banners were burnt, the sight would imprint itself into Robb's memory and would haunt him for many years to come.
Death had come for the Lannisters on dragon's wings. A Field of Fire had been created, and all who were foes would burn, and were burning. The Targaryens had come to claim what was theirs with fire and blood.