Saving The Boy

Because of his earlier display of skill, those tribesmen watched Arlan with warier gazes.

The one in the lead spoke once more, and to her surprise, Oriana heard Arlan's suave voice responding in kind, not a single word familiar to her. 

"Ihan artkh iok ehmut esmah." (We mean no harm.)

Oriana was taken aback.

'What? Can he speak tribal language as well?' 

Oriana peeked at them from behind the tree and watched the strange scene before her—a warrior and a prince sharing a conversation as equals, despite the visibly stark differences between their status, culture and appearance. 

"... eyil ke iah idab tohob ek itlag tamik naj anel?"

(...don't you think death is too heavy a price to pay for ignorance?)

"An erak hsihsok elawrahab enpoth epmah. Iah mayin enpa elgnu."

(The jungle has its own rules. Outsider, do not try to impose your beliefs on us.)