Luke's Identity

As the sky darkened and the sun slipped behind the horizon, Arlan prepared to leave Wildridge Manor with his knights. Alex and Nathanial arrived to join them.

"Where are you going that you called Sir Perryl back?" Oriana asked, resting comfortably in bed.

"There's been a mysterious group roaming the capital for a while. We've caught a few of them, and we expect to meet their leader tonight," Arlan replied, standing in front of the mirror.

Oriana set aside the blanket and stepped out of bed to go to him. "Are they a threat?" She reached out to help him with his dark coat.

"We're not sure yet, but we know they're after Marquis Mortimer. We need to find out why and their exact purpose," he answered, allowing her to help him.

"Will you be gone for a long time?"

"It might take until midnight or so."

"What am I going to do here alone? Should I come with you?"