Tormenting Arrogant Sales Girls

"Young lady, please follow us inside," a salesgirl said to Rina, who still had her gaze fixed on Erin.

Rina wondered if one day she could be like this woman. She was beautiful, confident and scary at the same time.

"Thank you so much..." Rina recalled how the salesgirl had addressed her, "...Lady Erin."

"Go get everything you want, but only if you like it," Erin said. "Though this shop is exuberant, not everything here is that good. You can always go to another shop."

Rina nodded. "Lady Erin, would you help me? I've never bought such clothes before, and I'm sure my brother has no idea what to buy for me either. But only if you have the time?"

"Time is what I'm trying to pass, so I ended up coming to this shop," Erin sighed. "Alright, let's see what suits a sweet little girl like you."

Rina finally smiled, all the sadness she felt from the salesgirl's hurtful words long gone.