
Letting her do the things, Nathaniel stared blankly towards the sky as if he had nothing to do with what that girl was doing with him, all his senses felt numb to feel anything. 

The voices from the past started to echo in his mind when his young self was hearing them from behind the closed door of his mother's chamber. 

"Noel, why are you doing this to me?" his mother's crying voice stung his heart, "We have a son already, why do you want me to suffer this way? This is not right. I won't do it. I beg you, don't…please…"

"You have done it once, you can do it again," Noel's cold voice was heard as well, "I want another child and you have to do it."

"No please, I beg you. I can't…."

"Stop crying and do as I say, or don't blame me for being cruel. Nathaniel…"

"No, don't harm him. I will do as you say."