Scary Older Sister

Seth and the others walked into the building, leaving Shiro and the others behind.

Only after they entered did people start appearing. These people were classmates that had just taken the class with them. They had heard Shiro saying they would teach the newbie a lesson so they came to watch.

What they met however was Shiro kneeling on the floor as he steadied his breathing. The others were lying down either upward or on their fronts with one similarity. They were unconscious.

They had lost consciousness just before Seth canceled the spell.

These classmates approached Shiro. "What happened?" One of them asked.

"Scram!" He yelled at the students and angrily got up to his feet, heading to a certain place.

If he couldn't beat Seth into submission, he just had to get the right person for the job.


Seth walked into a room with chairs and desks arranged orderly. Ten minutes from now the meeting would be taking place here but they were the first to arrive.

"How long will it take?" Seth asked Liz.

"Anywhere between twenty minutes and one hour." She answered.

Depending on the contents of the meeting, it could either be long or short.

"I see. Then don't say a thing about me to anyone, not even my sister. I'll surprise her." Seth said and walked to the far end of the room.

He planned to sleep till the meeting was over and this seat next to the window was the perfect spot.

One by one, students entered the room. Soon, the seats were filled but Seth's head was placed on his desk.

More students entered and made their way to the front. They would be standing for the duration of the meeting since they arrived late.

A minute to the given time, the door opened again and this time, a lady that earned the respect of everyone in the room walked in. Her black hair fell all the way to her waist and her red crimson eyes moved around the room.

She was followed by three people. Two females and a male.

As she sat down on a seat provided for her, the other three stood behind her facing the classroom.

"The meeting will now commence," Raela said. The people standing at the front stopped her from seeing Seth who was at the back.

"The first issue on the agenda concerns all of us. The school's annual festival would be held soon and we're yet to decide on what we'll be doing during the festival. Does anyone have a suggestion about this?"

A girl raised her hand.

"Go on." Raela gave her permission to speak.

"We could host a competition and hand out rewards to the winners…" The girl began to speak.

The meeting went on for over an hour and Seth was growing tired of it. If he had known, he would've gone to the cafeteria with Taro instead.

She rose to her feet and continued speaking. "And lastly, this is the most important. It concerns my younger brother whom I received a report about. It is said that he resumed yesterday. He's a trouble magnet so if you happen to meet with him, you either bring him to me or bring me to him. As for his appearance, it's quite similar to mine. Black smooth hair that fell on the middle of his face and to the sides, most of it to his right, and red eyes just like me."

"Does anyone have a question?" Raela asked, planning to close the meeting but someone raised their hand at the back. "Yes?"

"When the hell does the meeting end?" The person asked.

A voice she felt very familiar with. One she hadn't heard in a while. Only after speaking did he stand up. Behold, a face she would never forget.

The face of her lovely brother, Seth.

One of the ladies behind her was infuriated that a member would dare speak that way to the leader. "How dare you!?" She raged.

The male behind her quickly stopped her before she could do anything. "Black hair and red eyes just like our lady. You should know who that is since our lady just described him."

"You've been here the whole time and you didn't even think to notify me?" Raela was filled with different emotions. Surprise, happiness, anger, peace.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you." Seth said with a smile on his face.

The others in the room looked stupidly at the event taking place.

He walked out of the crowd towards their lady and in front of them, he gave her a tight hug.

Only now did people seem to start understanding what was happening.

"It's nice to see you again, Seth." Raela had a tear dropping from her eye.

Murmurs started getting louder in the room.

"So he's the one she just described."

"That's her brother?"

"I saw someone similar enter the Principal's building yesterday."

"He arrived yesterday so maybe it was him."

Next, words that sealed their relationship escaped his mouth. "It's been a long time, sister Raela." Seth smiled. He was happy. Truly happy. His life in the school would be easy for the next two years with her around.

"Oh my, he's handsome."

This particular sentence made the male behind Raela shout out. "Silence!"

"But it's true that he's handsome." The other lady behind Raela whispered.

Raela opened her mouth and announced. "The meeting will end here."

"I'm hungry and so are my friends." Seth pointed to Taro and Liz who blushed at this.

"Then let's head to the cafeteria together," Raela said with a smile.

They exited the room too and had only just left the building when they were blocked by a group of people.

"Sigh. Sister Raela, these people tried to harass me and I taught them a lesson. Now they've returned with a bigger bully." Seth acted like a baby in front of this big sister.

Everyone knew Raela's temperament in the institute. Hearing Seth's words, her smile froze and anger rose.

She chased at the ones surrounding them the next second.




She slammed someone into the ground with terrifying speed.

The others began running.

"We didn't know you would be here."

"So, if I wasn't here, would you beat my little brother?" Raela caught the one who said that.

"No, I didn't mean it like that."

His reply was being slammed into the ground too.

"Shit! I didn't sign up for this." Someone shouted and dashed away.

"I'll deal with those useless bastards when I get back." Another one ran away.

Soon, the people surrounding them had either run away or were unable to move on the floor.

Raela's smile returned. "Shall we continue?"

"Yes, we can." Seth smiled back.

The others were dumbfounded.

Just because they wanted to bully her brother, she had unleashed chaos on others. Her mood swing was terrifying.

She was a scary older sister to anyone who aimed at her little brother.

News of this event began spreading around the institute as fast as possible. Raela had beaten others because of her brother who resumed just a day before.

Meanwhile, Seth, Raela, Taro, Liz, and Raela's three assistants were in the cafeteria eating.

The table was filled with food of all sorts and Seth's mouth was busy working to chew everything that came close to him.

"Eat this."

"And this."

"You should taste this too."

Raela kept dropping plate after plate in front of Seth who did his best to clear them all.