Unfortunate Encounter?

{Two days before Seth's fight with his seniors}

After a week of restless journey, someone from a different kingdom finally arrived at the Capital of Nicadia, Nidia. It was just noon and the sun shone valiantly in the sky above.

"I should probably start immediately. The longer I stay, the harder the mission becomes." The reaper said to himself after gaining permission to enter the city.

"First, a disguise." His hunt began.

It would be hard to get into MIN as a new student or transfer because he didn't have a letter of invitation nor did he have a transfer letter.

So, he would simply enter as an existing student. This was easier too since all he needed to do was replace said student.

"I guess it's hunting time." He said as he walked deeper into the city.

Students who lived off the Magic Institute weren't rare. In fact, one-third of the students lived away from the institute.

One such student would be falling victim to the ploys of The Reaper.

The reaper got closer to the Institute's area so he could get a better look at its details. This wasn't his first time in Nidia but this was his first time in MIN.

"Now, who shall it be?" Occasionally, he saw students moving up and down this area since it was close to the institute.

Soon, he found his target, a male student who just so happened to be in Year Two, one of the students Raela had beaten for Seth's sake. He had spiky pink hair and piercings on his ears and nose that made him look too much like a delinquent. His facial expression showed he was pissed and didn't give a damn about anything and most of all, the similarities between their body structures.

The student was walking alone so it made it even easier for the reaper to follow him.

Unaware that he was being followed because of the difference in power, the boy kept walking until he arrived at his destination. A somewhat abandoned shelter that looked weak enough to collapse any moment from now but still stood valiantly.

"Curse those bastards!" He spat out and walked into the building.

"He's perfect." The reaper said with a dangerous smile. Everything about this student just fitted his requirements, even the accommodation of the student.

He headed back to the institute. It was noon and although this place was less populated, he didn't want to seem suspicious. He would return when the sun had gone down.

Time passed by quickly and soon, the reaper was back.

Knock knock.

"Psst… excuse me. Pssst…"

He knocked on the door to the building and called out at the same time.

It didn't take long before he saw the shadow of someone moving inside the house.

The door opened and the student's head popped out. "What do you wa…"

His words were cut short. The reaper didn't kill him. No, he made him unconscious. This was a first as this beast in human form loved to kill.

This was his first time keeping someone alive. The first of a series of mistakes that would cause damages too costly to be repaired.

He pulled the student back into the apartment and closed the door.

Although the outside seemed old and weary, the inside was a different issue entirely. Neatly arranged, well designed, spacious, and above all, nice smelling. An aroma was coming from the kitchen at the far left of the parlor.

"Hmm…" The Reaper smiled and made his way to the kitchen. Seeing that the food was ready, he walked back to the parlor.

There were things that needed to be done even before he could eat in peace.

First, he had to restrict the activities of this student and his bag contained more than enough equipment that could do that.

Ropes with a specific function were brought out as he made sure to completely wrap the rope around this student. These ropes restricted one from using mana anywhere the rope touched.

As he wrapped the rope around the unconscious student, he found a card hanging on his neck. The boy's student ID card. "Karl Marzilt huh?"

He plucked the card from Karl's neck and wore it. The wrapping continued until only Karl's head was left. Now, there was no way for him to use mana.

"Step two." The reaper voiced out.

His first step was to get a target and the next… was to take on the identity of the target. This was what he was about to do.

With the aid of a shape-shifting spell, the reaper took the identity of Karl.

Thus, his work to eliminate Seth and Raela officially began.


"Are you saying you took the matter to the principal and then got punished? Bahaha…" Raela laughed hard as she heard her brother explain what had occurred for him to be sent here.

"Then again, it's not a serious punishment and you said it yourself, the duration is over. I'm sure Taro and Liz would be happy to see you in class tomorrow." Raela smiled.

Seth nodded. "Yeah. We're done with our food so let's head out."

"Mekhel, come with me for a moment. Raela, you can head out. We'll be with you shortly." Seth stood up with his tray and Raela's while Mekhel held his. They both walked toward the counter while Raela walked out of the cafeteria.

"Excuse but could you add his bills to mine from now on? Each time he comes to eat, whatever he takes should be placed in my tab. I'll take care of it when I come." Seth said, taking both Mekhel and the lady by surprise.

"Sure." She nodded and turned to Mekhel. "What's your name?"

"Mekhel Saphyr. That's my name." Mekhel replied.

'Saphyr huh?' Seth thought. It was a family name he hadn't heard before.

"Seth, I don't think I can accept this." Mekhel turned to Seth.

"It's just food. Don't think about it and let's go." Seth pulled him away, and both of them headed to the entrance to meet with Raela.

A certain pink spiky-haired kid was also coming from the entrance. Karl, or the one who disguised himself as Karl smiled when he saw Seth.


Even though Seth had made a way for him to pass, he still crashed into Seth.

"Are you blind or something?" Karl asked.

"Sorry about that." Seth replied and walked away. This was the first time he backed away from a fight and he had a good reason.

"Seth, what the hell was with that guy?" Raela asked, her face showing anger.

"He tried talking to me and when I ignored him, he attacked you." Raela spoke out.

"Let's just leave." Seth didn't waste any time in the cafeteria. 'Why the hell is The Reaper here? For Raela or Me?'

His eyes then widened as he came to a realization. 'He's here for the both of us.'