He's All Yours

The whole class became eerily silent for a moment after the principal's words and in the next second, hell broke loose.

Students began screaming. Some closer to the door, trying to make it out before something bad happened, forgetting that with the principal here, nothing bad could happen without his permission.

Many of them had heard tales about this killer hanging in the air before them. How he silently killed the best of geniuses. How his victims can do nothing but wait to die. How he never failed to eliminate a target and most of course, how he loved to watch these geniuses die painfully. He was an extreme sadist who derived utmost joy from torturing geniuses to death.

Who would want to remain close to such a being? No one!

Even though most of them had heard who his target was this time, at the moment, it didn't register in their brains. Danger alarms were all that their brain could process at this time.

"Remain calm!" Their teacher's female voice went out, louder than ever this time.

It contained a soothing feeling that calmed the panicking students as she went ahead to continue speaking.

"The principal is here so I ask that you remain calm. With him here, I assure you that nothing, not even a single hair on your head will be touched."

The Principal's voice came out almost immediately after the teacher finished speaking. "I won't be here for long. Since I have apprehended this murderer, I need to turn him in. He's responsible for a lot of crimes and I'm sure his punishment will be strictly dealt to him."

"Seth, see me in my office in ten minutes." The principal instructed before turning to leave, an unseen and unknown force pulling the reaper along with him.

He opened his mouth to respond but the principal had already vanished. "Yes, principal." Seth nodded as he wasted no time, giving chase to the principal who had just left.

"Where are you going?" Liz asked, tugging on his shirt with a troubled gaze, her eyes filled with worry and fear.

"You heard the principal. He asked me to meet him in ten minutes and I'm going to do just that." Seth responded plainly.

"I… is that so? Don't you think you should wait a bit more? After all, he was here for you." She said, letting go of his shirt since it wasn't polite to keep holding it.

"That's the more reason to go quick. I want to know why he was after me and who sent him."

Seth stared at her one more time. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." He gave a warm smile that made Liz's heart skip a beat.

'Yo… you need to stop doing that!' She scolded him in her mind.

Her head dropped down awkwardly, her cheeks a bit cheery in color. She could only nod her head in agreement as she couldn't look him in the eye at the moment.

"Then, I'll be back soon." Seth turned to the only one he could currently rely on. "Taro, do take care of her." He pleaded to this friend of his.

'So he's just as gifted as his sister Rachel.' Taro was busy making an assessment of Seth as he was so engrossed that he could only nod to show he accepted Seth's request.


Seth arrived at the doorstep of the principal and without hesitation this time, he opened the door. He had been here a couple of times and was already getting accustomed to the whole place.

"You're early. I thought I made it clear to only come here in ten minutes. Now tell me, why are you here after only five minutes?" Principal Salmit asked the instant Seth's first foot stepped into the Principal's office.

"I couldn't wait to find out who sent the bastard after me," Seth said, his face as wrathful as a titan's, his hands folded up to become a fist so tight that his knuckles started to whiten.

This was the angriest Seth had been and he had every right to be. He had yet to even reveal his talent to most people as only a few knew about how high his talent was and how he should be comparable to his eldest sister.

Not many knew but yet, someone had managed to send someone after him just because of this talent. They didn't want him to grow to become a 'threat' to them.

They wanted him dead before he grew up and had his revenge on an even more powerful foe than anything they had encountered previously.

If the mission had only been after his life, then it would be fine since he could deal with the reaper anytime but they had gone after his sister. The one he cherished more than any other in the family.

This made them a threat to him, his sister, his future, and his goal. Every threat of his had to be totally wiped out and so, Seth needed to know who sent the reaper.

'I'll get you soon.' Seth thought. His expression returned to normal or so it seemed.

He looked completely normal as he made his way toward one of the chairs in front of the principal.

"So, where is he?" Seth asked.

With a word, a part of the wall in Principal Salmit's office split open, revealing a figure that stood rod straight without a single movement, his eyes being the only thing allowed to work.

Seth observed the reaper as he noticed that something was restricting his movements.

"Oh, I sealed every movement except his eyes by sealing his points. He cannot even harness a fraction of his mana reserves right now." Before Seth could ask, the principal seemed to know what he was going to ask and so, he answered.

The points meant by the principal were the acupuncture points and after tampering with them, he ended up restricting the actions of the reaper.

"Am I allowed to question him?" Seth inquired from the principal who seemed to still be thinking of something.

"Sure. He's all yours. As long as he answers your question, you're free to do whatever you want with him. He deserves it and more." The principal simply nodded.

"I'll be taking him for a walk then." Seth walked toward the figure of the reaper that stood still like a log and just watched Seth continue to get closer.

"I don't think that's a good idea. If you mistakenly open the points I've sealed…"

"I just have to avoid opening them right? Seems easy." Seth shrugged.


A blow connected smoothly with the jaws of the reaper as his eyes bulged in pain. Right now, he was nothing more than an ordinary man.

"See? Nothing bad will happen," Seth said to the principal.

"Fine." The principal sighed. It was just as Seth said. If he avoided touching the sealed points, everything should be fine. Besides, he wanted Seth out of the office as quickly as possible.

"Thank you. I'll be out of your hair for now." Seth held the reaper by the hair and began pulling him out of the office.

"I'll be back with answers." Seth insisted before walking out of the office.

"That shouldn't have happened but I keep feeling like everything would end up fine." Principal Salmit said, tubing in his beard.

Originally, a boy who could barely go up to Class Two shouldn't give the principal such an assurance but Seth gave him more assurance than any teacher in the school.

"Let's see what he comes back with."