A Fleeting Reunion

In a beautifully designed room located on the second floor of Dorm #13, a dorm belonging to the females, three beds could be found all belonging to three important students of the institute.

The beds were positioned in such a way that the distance between each was equal.

All three were colored the same light blue and the only difference was the design pattern on each of them.

One was designed with tiny sets of three triangles that met at their tips.

Another was the shape of roses but instead of them being red, they were white.

The third was plain as no design could be seen on it.

Raela lay down on the plain bed, flipping the pages of the book she held parallel to her face, reading.

The other beds belonged to the ladies that always went around with her. Currently, only one was in the room with Raela, occupying the bed with a flower design.

The room was cool, made possible by the air coming in through the two open windows along with the large ice crystal sitting at one corner of the room looking like a huge piece of jewel.

"Seth's left. You know that right?" The girl in the room with Raela spoke. She had brown long hair and eyes, a pretty face that looked too innocent but held something sinister behind it. Wearing a blue gown that matched her bed and lay on her bed lazily.

Raela paused her reading, dropping her book that covered her face, so she could get a better view of the girl who had just finished speaking.

She didn't speak up immediately as she thought of the appropriate response before speaking. "Yeah, I do know he left a couple of hours ago."

Since the cafeteria incident the last time, Seth hadn't seen Raela and had only communicated with her through Liz who usually acted as an informant.

Seth would write letters sometimes, passing them to Liz who would then hand them over to Raela.

After getting a reply, he'd write another one, acting like they were worlds apart when they were just a few kilometers away from each other.

Using the same method, he had informed Raela of his training trip and so, she was well aware of it even when he'd return. Seth didn't plan on seeing Raela until his return as he was certain she would scold his soul out about the cafeteria spending.

"I just so happened to be around the principal's office when he left along with his quiet friend, Taro or whatever his name was, along with a really handsome man I suspected was their guardian." The girl explained.

Raela dropped the book on her chest that was already making waves every time she moved. "That's new information. I didn't know he'd be leaving with the other boy. And what's this about a handsome guardian, huh? Mahra?" Her eyebrows raised at the end of her sentence.

"Oh, it's nothing." The girl whose name was Mahra shrugged.

"Don't go starting those weird talks of yours!" Raela scolded her, pointing a finger at her and moving it up and down.

Like a person who was taking an oath, Mahra raised one hand. "I won't."

"Sure. Where's Annie by the way? It's past time for her to return…"

Their door swung open and another lady walked in. She had similar black hair but she seemed fiercer than the other. Her dark eyes spoke volumes of her temperament while her soft pink lips contradicted her nature. She was gifted with the necessities of any lady.

She was the one who had yelled at Seth during their first meeting.

"Oh, there's Annie," Mahra spoke as the girl entered.

"What took you so long?" Raela asked but was met without a response.

Annie just bent forward, resting her hands on her knees, her knee-long gown jumping up slightly.

"Hey, The Council's Judgement is asking you a question and you dare keep her quiet?" Mahra said in a joking manner, mimicking what Annie would've done to anyone else in this situation.

"Shut your hole!" Annie rebuked her before the words settled on her lips completely.

"My Lady, you've been summoned."

"Summoned? By the principal?" Raela asked eagerly. If the principal had called, it had to be important.

"Not really but the summoning came from the principal's office. Your parents are here." Annie explained.

"I see." Raela got up from her bed immediately.

The summoning wasn't the principal's but that didn't mean it wasn't urgent.

Her parents were here and she has to go see them immediately. It had been over a year since she last saw either of them and she wasn't planning on waiting any second extra.

Wearing a hat on her gown, she bolted to the principal's office, leaving her assistants behind.

"That was fast," Mahra said, staring at Annie.


"Oh~, nothing nothing." Mahra replied, turning face down on her bed.

Raela didn't waste time arriving at the principal's building, even going as far as using mana to amplify her speed.

When she arrived in front of the building, she stopped her abnormal race, greeting the guards as she walked past them.

The door swung open and Raela walked into the room, her eyes wet with emotion.

Her family. She finally got to see them after almost three years.

"Mom! Dad!" She ran into their embrace, absentminded about the third member due to his size.

"You didn't call my name!" Nuhel pouted.

She flinched at his voice and looked for the source of the voice.

Nuhel was behind their father, his head raised angrily.

"Oh, if it isn't my lovely little brother." She said, rushing him for a hug.

"Let go of me. You didn't even notice me until I spoke." Nuhel struggled to escape her grasp.

"Come on, don't be like that Little Seth. I didn't think they'd bring you along but that was wrong. There's no one they could've left you behind with. I'm sorry." Raela explained, rubbing her cheeks against Nuhel's.

"Hmmph." Nuhel harrumphed.

"I'll make it up to you. Tell me, what is it you want?" Raela asked the youngest child of the family.

"I want a…"

"I'm afraid that'll have to wait until our next meeting." Davyon interrupted.

"You're leaving already?" Raela asked unwilling to part just after meeting them. She hugged her father tightly, not wanting to let go.

"We only came to see your faces today unfortunately, we missed Seth. We still have to head to the royal castle as they're the reason for my visit to the capital. After I'm done with that, we'll return and stay with you both for a week." Davyon explained, rubbing the head of his daughter who was within his embrace.

"When would you be done?" She asked, understanding her father's words.

"In three weeks," Davyon replied. "Three weeks from now, I'll be back here."

"That's great then. We'll get to see Seth as well as Reina too. She's been out for almost a year now due to external training and should be back in two weeks or more." Raela smiled beautifully.

"That's great. Honey, we'll have to leave now." Davyon kissed her forehead.

"We'll have all time to catch up when we return." Leah hugged her daughter tightly before letting go.

"I'll tell you what I want when we get back," Nuhel said with a smile that showed sadness.

"I'll be waiting." Raela smiled back at her beloved little brother.

"See you soon." They waved at her before walking out of the office, leaving her behind with the principal who just sat in his seat, signing nonstop.