Encounter With Reina

Upon their arrival at the entrance of the forest, the group was greeted by the sight of four waiting carriages, poised to facilitate their return.

Following their initial mode of travel, Seth and his five companions settled into the same carriage that had brought them to this point. The guardian responsible for their care also joined them, his weariness evident as he promptly succumbed to sleep. Having endured rotating guard duty with only a few hours of rest each day, his slumber was well-earned.

With understanding and consideration, Seth and his comrades allowed the guardian to rest. The journey ahead spanned nearly a day, and they were confident he would awaken midway through their travels.

Furthermore, the opportunity for privacy beckoned. The impending narrative, wherein Seth would recount his recent experiences, promised to be absorbing. As the carriage commenced its journey, Seth embarked on the tale, his voice carrying the weight of his adventure.