Let The Competition Begin!

Taro let out a sigh, a tinge of nostalgia in his gaze as he surveyed his surroundings. It felt like he was taking in the beauty of this place one last time, well aware that his future visits would be dependent on various factors.

Standing beside Taro, Chethan's eyes were fixed on the horizon, his contemplative gaze hinting at a similar sentiment. He had returned here primarily to train Taro, and now that his role was fulfilled, it was time for him to continue his adventurous journey across the empire and perhaps beyond. Their time here was coming to a close.

Chethan addressed the figure standing beside him, and Taro turned to look at his father. Taro had grown into a striking young man, shedding his old appearance and adopting a more mature and handsome look. His once long white hair was now cropped short, and he had traded his usual black attire for a crisp white robe.