Greed vs Silas [3]

Silas' snap echoed throughout the entire city as a green line shone throughout the central district, causing it to glow brightly.

Jessica, who was now panting as she looked at her handy work, could not help but drop to the ground and let out a relieved sigh.

She had heard the battle Greed and Silas were having, and she knew she wouldn't have much time left to finish up.

In her hand, a staff with a pointy bit at the end of it could be seen. At the same time, anyone who could see her would have immediately seen the caved ground around her. It wasn't too deep, to be extremely noticeable, but now that it was glowing with a green light, it could be seen clearly.

However, what would have most likely caught someone's attention before was not the carved ground, instead, it was an artifact that stood before Jessica, pulsing with mana as all the elements crackles around it.