unfinished business

Ann and lu cheng sat quietly together inside the car . Lu Cheng was very angry with himself and with Ann , not because Ann thought the useless fiancee of her ex husband a lesson but the reason is what he was angry about . " could it be that she still loved her ex husband ? was it out of jealousy she fought with her ex husband fiancee ? does she want him back ? could all this be the reason she was so mad that she fought ? ..... he was so frustrated that he took the frustration out on the car sit . he hit the sit so hard that Ann flinched .

Ann has been sitting down quiet too afraid to talk . " why won't he talk to me ? is he angry ? of course he is, I totally embarrassed him today , I wonder what he will think of me . she was still deep in thought when lu cheng hit the car sit , she flinched ...

" lu ?"....silence

lu....?...silence .