Inside the Ray's corporation

I told you Mr Cole that you would come begging Luther said sarcastically

my hand are tied CEO Luther please spare my company we know you can help us with an amount of money that could save us from this doom I promise my company one year profit to you if you will help us Mr Cole said

and why will I want to help you Mr Cole , I gave you a business deal which you rejected Luther said

please Luther why are you always trampling on small business entities like mine I have struggled for years to get to this point I can't just sit and watch you. snatch everything from me you just happen to be very powerful with your business tricks by buying smaller companies off leaving their owners useless are you Cole said annoyingly

are you done with your sermon Mr Cole that's business for you either you use it or you lose it life doesn't favor everybody life favors the cruel and haughty and not the innocent and naive besides your not an angel Mr Cole I heard you have been involved in some shaddy underground business deal such as drugs. CEO Luther said mockingly

I have no idea about what your saying Mr Cole said trembling

seriously Mr Cole you still want to play innocent, here are some evidence ( he hands over a file to him)

(after going through the file) how did you get these Mr Cole said in a shaking pitch

don't worry Mr Cole your secret is safe with me as long as your willing to corporate I need you to sign this documents then you can have the evidence ( he smirks)

common CEO Luther your not also innocent you know this are business strategies we use to survive all business tycoon use this sort of tricks Mr cole said

yes I know we do but since you don't have a prove I do and I can blackmail you with it Luther said cunningly

please Luther let my company go Mr Cole pleaded

Mr Cole you're waisting my time and am running out of patience you know as they time is money just sign this documents and leave peacefully

ok I'll sign them so how much are we talking about

naah!! I changed my mind am not giving you a cent for turning me down in the first place CEO Luther said wickedly

please Luther you can't do this to me

but I just did he smirked evily

(signs them in tears) you won't get away with this CEO Luther

please bob send our guest out

yes sir the escort said

nothing is sweeter than power I grinned