I can't seat here and watch dad die maybe I should call Mandy she's the only person I can talk to right now all of my friends ran away when they found out that i am broke perhaps Mandy would be able to help she's one of those rich girls (she picks up her phone and sent a text to Mandy)

A while later

a pretty girl with brown hair blue eyes and small curves walks in. In terms of looks she's pretty but Tessa is a goddess compared to Mandy.

hello sweetie wassup , you look pale when last did you go for beauty treatments Mandy said

Mandy have a seat what can I offer you?

oh Hun don't worry why not let the servants do that anyway the house looks too quiet where is everybody

Mandy they all quit dad wasn't able to pay their salaries anymore he's company was bankrupt

am sorry I didn't know how have you been managing

Mandy is has been really tough ( she sobs )dad is sick and he is in the hospital the doctor said he needs five million to treat his heart valve and I don't know anyone or where to get that sum of money from since am out of money Mandy I need your help please can you lend me money I promise that once dad recovers I will find a way to pay you back

(Mandy thinks for some Time) oh look at the almighty Tessa Cole pleading for just five million where's the rich brat with her millions, cars, designer wears. She use to think of herself as a goddess with killer looks I use to be a puppet to her but know the table has turn she's thinks that when she sneaze everybody should grab a tissue and wipe of her nose haha is time to show her who's boss (comes out of her thoughts) am so sorry Tessa I can't help you my brother got into trouble with gangsters after gambling with them he lost I had to use my savings to bail him out and keep it from our parents until his able to pay me back am sorry Tess that I can't help you

so you really can't help me to in anyway Mandy

sorry I can't I think is time I take my leave see you later Tessa and am so sorry please ensure to take care of yourself and keep me updated with your dad health condition I will try my best to see what I can do

ok thanks Mandy

Mandy leaves

later that same day

what am I going to do my only hope has been crushed ( a thought flashed to her) dad gave me some of his friends contact to reach them for help I think I should give them a call

After a while

All this shameless stupid old fat men all they want from me is my body for the money I can't do that with them I can't lose my virginity that I've kept for the past twenty four years of my life to them I agree that I've been a little wild I do smoke, party with guys, drink and let them play with my body but I've never crossed limits I will definitely find a way out but I won't sleep with any of these stupid old ugly fat men

At the hospital

Tessa your dad health is getting worse am afraid if you don't bring the money soon he won't last

yes doctor I will try ( she sobs heavily) can I see him

he's unconscious you can't

ok I will take my leave I will try and bring the money


A while later

what am I going to do I can't afford to lose dad he's the only family I have I wish Mom was here I wish she was still alive I miss you Mom why did you die it was years ago but it feels like yesterday ( just then a call comes in)

hello Tessa I hope you thought about my proposal in case you haven't changed your mind meet at eclipse hotel room 305 am expecting you soon( he hangs up)

stupid old fool who said I was going to sleep with you

After a while another call comes in

hello Tessa there Is an emergency if you don't bring the money soon your dad won't make it

okay doc am on my way

she rushes out and stopped a cab

on her way to the hospital she thinks

actually if I go to the hospital they won't treat because I don't have any money with me , driver please take me too eclipse hotel

yes miss.

please dear readers please support me by commenting I actually take my time to write this stories just for you all I want is your support this is my first book and I was expecting encouragement and views of the book but am not seeing any am so hurt write now ????? please support me please ????? next chapter coming out soon please enjoy your reading