I walked down the streets crying my eyes out I hate it when Luther shouts at me I always feel so vulnerable, here I was getting my hopes up that he likes me after all the teasing and kisses couldn't he just like me I already liked him so much was he made of steel or perhaps am not his type of woman. I really missed dad I wish he was still alive am sure he wouldn't stand to see me insulted, with the thought of dad I broke down crying he was my weak spot and Luther used it against me, I sat on the streets sobbing ignoring the comments from the pedestrians

I guess it's another Lady suffering from another heart break we see much of these this days

I wonder what jerk abandoned such a pretty lady making her look so dejected

well maybe she's a mistress caught in the middle of the act by the man's woman

no she's not, she looks heart broken am sure this must come from a guy

of course who else after all they are the cause of all our problems