Are you single Andrea asked

yes I am

can we exchange contacts

you have to ask my boss about that

why will i

( Luther removed a dagger from one of the security guards near him and aimed it at Andreas head but due to his fast reflexes he caught it on time)

boss I screamed in fear

Luther that was too harsh I just requested her number and nothing else

I said keep off Luther said in a cold voice

I never knew she was your woman you only said she's your assistant

you know now so the next time you try flirting with her I wouldn't be so nice

you call throwing a dagger at me Nice

next time I will use a gun let's see how fast your reflexes are or are you faster than a bullet

okay fine I'll keep off you would have just said she's yours and I won't bother her because bothering Luther's woman is like playing with death

am not his woman am his assistant and boss please don't be so possessive you don't own me

( he shot me an angry look)