I wore a black body hugging short sleeve gown that reached my ankle with a silver heel and silver clutch as I parked my hair in a neat pony tail and a light makeup on my face.

I sat at the dining room waiting for Maria after about one hour she walked inside the building wearing a black pencil skirt white off shoulders chiffon top tugged inside her skirt, and a black heel she looked more like a business woman

sorry am one hour late I was in a meeting

it's fine, do you work

yes am the project manager of the Cohen's corps

wow that's wonderful

my father in-law wanted me to work and I don't like being a housewife it's like being a liability instead of an asset

I gave a small laugh, you sure know how to talk business I admire you so much

thanks let's go shall we

yes sure

we entered her black Aston Martin Valkyrie and drove off

wow I love your car

it's a birthday gift from my husband

that's romantic, you're twenty five I guess

nope twenty seven