I tossed around the bed waiting for Luther to come back home, he had informed me about his meeting in another city today. For some reason ever since the rape incident I haven't been able to sleep in my room at night i could only go into my room during the day and I've been worried all day because of Maria's strange behavior towards me today, unable to hold on any longer I fell asleep after for some time I felt someone heavy gaze on me I eventually opened my eyes but I was scared out of wits to find Luther staring heavily at me

you're awake


did I wake you up

no, why are you staring at me like that or is there something on my face

no I just find you very beautiful

thanks I blushed as I lowered my head in embarrassment

how was your day with Maria

great it was wonderful especially her cute little baby

you met Ethan

yes my little bunny

funny you nicknamed him

yes isn't it cute

he chuckled of course it is, so when will I get my own nickname

oh you already have one