Mature contents ahead

After we were both fully naked, he stroked me with the magic of his fingers until I couldn't bare the torment anymore

l.l.l.luther please I cried

please what..

please.. the words were stucked in my throat

I want to hear it

please make love to me I managed to say while he smirked mischievously kissing my neck and every part of my face

I want you I begged

as you please my lady

he immediately gave a hard thrust , I gasped out of breath

did I hurt you he asked in concern while going easy and slow in me

no, no ,no. it's fine am okay I comforted

he kept maintaining his gentle and slow pace in me afraid to hurt me or make me uncomfortable subduing the beastly pleasure his body was yearning for

Luther don't go easy on me am not as fragile as you think, I want it fast, rough and hard