Fully detailed

(Matured scene continues)

we walked into his expensive suite and it was wonderful, he didn't even give me time to look around as he pinned me to the wall held my hands above my head then his lips devoured mine, he poured kisses all over my face, my cheeks, eyes, nose and ears, I let out a moan freely not holding back

when last did I touch he asked

Six months ago I replied in heavy breathes

and that's half a year so how many days do we have in half a year

one hundred and eighty three since we are in a leap year I answered wondering why I was being questioned

how many weeks do we have in half a year he asked again staring deeply into my eyes

twenty four I said not sure of my self, but why all this questions Luther

don't worry honey am getting to the point, so how many times do we make love in a week

three times I said

and how many rounds

all night I said almost yelling at him while he chuckled